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Subjunctive Mood (Regular Verbs) (Pages 339 – 340)

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Presentation on theme: "Subjunctive Mood (Regular Verbs) (Pages 339 – 340)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Subjunctive Mood (Regular Verbs) (Pages 339 – 340)
Perfect Tense Rule Translation All Verbs - Perfect Stem + eri + PE (may have) vocav monu rex cep audiv eri + PE eri + PE eri + PE eri + PE eri + PE (call) (warn) (rule) (take) (hear) vocaverim monuerim rexerim ceperim audiverim I may have ________ vocaveris monueris rexeris ceperis audiveris you may have ________ vocaverit monuerit rexerit ceperit audiverit he may have ________ vocaverimus monuerimus rexerimus ceperimus audiverimus we may have ________ vocaveritis monueritis rexeritis ceperitis audiveritis you may have ________ vocaverint monuerint rexerint ceperint audiverint they may have ________

2 Subjunctive Mood (Deponent Verbs) (Pages 339 – 340)
Perfect Tense Rule Translation Perfect Passive Participle + sim (may have) conor vereor sequor conatus veritus secutus + sim + sim + sim (try) (fear) (follow) conatus sim veritus sim secutus sim I may have ________ conatus sis veritus sis secutus sis you may have ________ conatus sit veritus sit secutus sit he may have ________ conati simus veriti simus secuti simus we may have ________ conati sitis veriti sitis secuti sitis you may have ________ conati sint veriti sint secuti sint they may have ________ Nota Bene: Deponent verbs are passive in form but active in meaning.

3 Subjunctive Mood (Irregular Verbs) (Pages 339 – 340)
Perfect Tense (Perfect Stem + eri + PE) Translation sum possum volo eo fero fio (may have) (be) (be able) (wish) (go) (bring) (become) fu potu volu iv (i) tul factus + eri + eri + eri + eri + eri + sim + PE + PE + PE + PE + PE fuerim potuerim voluerim iverim tulerim factus sim I may have ________ fueris potueris volueris iveris tuleris factus sis you may have ________ fuerit potuerit voluerit iverit tulerit factus sit he may have ________ fuerimus potuerimus voluerimus iverimus tulerimus facti simus we may have ________ fueritis potueritis volueritis iveritis tuleritis facti sitis you may have ________ fuerint potuerint voluerint iverint tulerint facti sint they may have ________

4 Sequence of Tense Rules for the Subjunctive Mood (Page 341)
SEQUENCE IF THE MAIN VERB IS: THE SUBORDINATE CLAUSE USES: Primary present 1.the present subjunctive future (to express same time as the main verb) future perfect 2.the perfect subjunctive (to express time before that of the main verb) Secondary imperfect 1.the imperfect subjunctive perfect (to express same time as the main verb) pluperfect 2. the pluperfect subjunctive

5 Indirect Questions (Page 341)
1. In English and in Latin there are two kinds of questions: Direct What are you doing? Quid facis? Indirect I am asking what you are doing. Rogo quid facias. A direct question becomes indirect when it is used as the direct object of verbs meaning ask, know, perceive, show, etc. It is always introduced by an interrogative word. In English the verb of an indirect question is in the indicative mood; in Latin it is in the subjunctive mood, although the English translation is like the indicative. 2. Indirect questions must not be confused with indirect statements. INDIRECT STATEMENT INDIRECT QUESTION Scio eum venisse. Scio cur venerit. I know that he came. I know why he came.

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