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Socioeconomic Inequalities

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1 Socioeconomic Inequalities
Economic borders limiting health and education

2 The Source of this inequality?
Unequal distribution of resources, power, and authority The rich get richer and the poor get poorer The circulation of money in our economy is disproportionate to the number of people in our nation who need support. Monetary policy should be regulated

3 Defining Class & Social Class
Social class refers to a group of individuals who occupy a similar position in the economic system of a population. A higher social class reaps greater benefits like financial rewards, stability, and better health. Sociologist suggest there are five classes: Upper class– the elite Upper middle class– Well educated, high incomes Lower Middle Class– Provide support for professionals Working Class– Laborers Working poor– Earn wages below poverty line

4 The Middle Class “The backbone of society”
The government has made it difficult for the middle class to get ahead. A growing middle class is usually the fuel to economic prosperity Example: 1950s after World War II

5 Borders between Classes
Large variations in wealth, power, status, possessions Access to education and healthcare Different behaviors lead to different values Appearance, grammar, neighborhood Resources make distinctions between wealth: Income, land, assets, investment Status represents another form Esteem, respect, intelligence, prestige

6 Are Education and Health Interrelated?
Social class is a key determinant of population health and education. People’s heath is harmed or helped by their social standing of living. The more education, the better your health Workplace conditions depend on class and the interactions you have with others at home, work, or a public area. Lower class, middle class, and upper class children learn differently because of the environments they live in.

7 The Right to Good Health?
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has enumerated the international entitlement to an equal standard of health. Everyone has the human right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. However, socioeconomic discrimination limits good health in the United States. Economically lower classes are treated worse than upper classes.

8 How can we Cross these Borders?
The economy needs to generate more jobs. Rebuilding the middle class starting with education An education that prepares children and soon to be workers for the competition they will face. Take away the benefits that are unnecessary Take away extra privileges for the rich to get farther ahead and disadvantage the less fortunate Take away the “cushion” like loans, which will force institutions to lower costs and create more equality.

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