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Burleson Independent School District

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1 Burleson Independent School District

2 Dyslexia is a disorder of constitutional origin manifested by a difficulty in learning to read, write or spell despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence and socio-cultural opportunity. (TEC )

3 Dyslexia is neurological in origin.
Characterized by difficulties with fluency, accuracy, spelling, and decoding These difficulties are the result of a deficit in the phonological component of language that is often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities and the implementation of effective classroom instruction Secondary consequences may include problems with reading comprehension There is often a family history of similar difficulties with dyslexia. Dyslexia is a lifelong disorder 3

4 Delay in learning to talk
difficulty with rhyming difficulty pronouncing words poor auditory memory for nursery rhymes and chants slow to add new vocabulary words May be unable to recall the right word(s) May have trouble learning numbers, days of the week, colors, shapes and how to spell/write his/her name

5 Fails to understand that words come apart (snowman=snow + man; or man=/m//a//n/)
Difficulty learning letter names and their corresponding sounds Has difficulty decoding single words-lacks a strategy for figuring out the word(s) Has difficulty spelling the words phonetically Has choppy and labored reading- a non-fluent reader Relies on context to recognize a word Difficulty connecting speech sounds with appropriate letter(s) and omits letters in words Difficulty with written expression

6 Has a history of reading and spelling difficulties
Avoids reading aloud or reading for pleasure Reads most material slowly; oral reading is labored with little fluency, if any May have an inadequate vocabulary due to reduced reading experiences Has difficulty spelling; may choose words that are easier to spell Relies on listening rather than reading for comprehension Frustration with volume of reading/written work or the energy/time required for work Difficulty learning foreign language

7 Difficulty with memory-affects word recall, accessing short and long term memory, and transferring knowledge Processing and sequencing information Following directions, especially multi-step Confusion with left/right directionality

8 Understanding verbal information superior to written information
Understanding concepts when taught orally Good oral language ability Good reasoning ability Strong 3-D learners Respond well to multisensory learning Highly creative Read much better in context Can compose meaning from context even though written work may not reflect this Can do satisfactory work if given extended time and assistance

9 Absenteeism Lack of reading opportunities Lack of facility (experience and efficiency) with English language Physical causes Lack of cognitive strengths (IQ)

10 The campus student support teams(ILT/SAT) determine the appropriate time for a dyslexia assessment based on the RtI processes for progression with students as outlined in the The Dyslexia Handbook published by the Texas Education Agency. The support teams make recommendations based on data, tiered interventions, and documentation of response to interventions. Should you need guidance regarding a referral for dyslexia, see your campus 504 coordinator or special education diagnostician

11 Elementary Level- Basic Language Skills Middle school and High School Level- Multisensory Reading and Spelling

12 Multisensory Individualized Intensive work on phonics Linguistic Meaning-based Explicit direct instruction(systematic, sequential, cumulative)

13 …Any learning activity that includes the use of two or more sensory modalities simultaneously to take in or express information. Hands on projects to develop processing skills Experiments that provide visual stimulation of the content area Using a tray of colored sand/salt for spelling Squeezing a clothespin several times a day for fine motor skills Wooden letters/letter tiles for building words Shaving cream for assistance with spelling Coarse sand paper and crayons for writing words and tracing with a finger to help support left to right sequence and directionality Finger paint for retention of knowledge and application of skills

14 Extra time due to slower reading
Audio texts and books A quiet space to work Untimed/oral tests Providing visuals (graphs, charts, illustrations, etc…) Emphasize concepts rather than isolated details Alternative testing formats (multiple choice, chunking, projects, posters, oral reports, skits, etc…)

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