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Planet ECOM Solutions - Web Development Services & SEO Services

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Presentation on theme: "Planet ECOM Solutions - Web Development Services & SEO Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planet ECOM Solutions - Web Development Services & SEO Services

2 Objective of Planet ECOM Solutions
The key to success in Today’s market is not only providing quality services but also to market the quality with innovative techniques. One of emerging web development company & SEO services India. Our deep understanding of business and close collaboration with our clients helps us to identify the right idea for our clients.

3 We Work with lots of clients in world
Adostrategies Agilis International All India Council for Technical Education ATS Services AMWAY Bosenet, UK Many more trustable clients connect with us.

4 Services Provided By Planet ECOM Solutions are:
Website Development E-Commerce Solutions Flash/Multimedia Game Development Service Outsourcing Web Development Content Development Software Development Bespoke Development SEO Services Data Entry CCNA Courses Search Engine Ads Search Engine Optimization

5 Web Development Services
Planet ECOM Solutions Provides best & advance web solutions for various kind of business. We are using latest techniques WEB 2.0 for creating web sites. Our Web Projects involve web designing & development life cycle by following development ISO standards.

6 SEO Services SEO Technical Team Follows: Ethical Techniques
Result Oriented Approach We have a technical expert team of SEO and our company provides SEO services based on Organic SEO.

7 SEO Services & Activities Follow By Us:
Website Optimization & maintenance plan creation  Website analysis Specific keywords analysis and targeting, Meta tags creation Page Presentation, Design and HTML issues Page Speed and Download time checks Analysis through Google analytic and Webmaster tools Directory Submission Classified Postings Press Releases Blog Comment Postings Forum Postings Blog Creation, postings and submission Social Bookmarking, RSS feed, ppt & PDF creation  Guest Posting Article Writing and submission Social Media Optimization (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) Search Engine Submissions XML Sitemap Submission Video creation and promotion Info graphics creation

8 Work Enough About us Its Time to Show Off a bit


10 Thank You

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