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GAD Online Essay What to Expect Created by A. Tait 2008 Updated 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "GAD Online Essay What to Expect Created by A. Tait 2008 Updated 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 GAD Online Essay What to Expect Created by A. Tait 2008 Updated 2017

Mandatory login practice for online essay competition JANUARY 31 & FEBRUARY :30 PM State competition essay event online

3 Types Of Essays Expository Persuasive
Explains, defines, or interprets a given subject Also includes compare/contrast essays Persuasive Tries to convince the reader about an idea Must be a clearly-focused argument for one side of the issue

4 Essay Competition Online
50 minutes to pre-write, plan, organize, draft, and write a final draft Choice of three prompts might be on any subject area: art, music, literature, science, social science, etc.


6 Final Essay Score 80% of final essay score 20% of final essay score
Focus/Scope Organization Content/Development 20% of final essay score Language/Style Conventions

7 Step 1: Reading the Prompt
ANSWER THE ENTIRE PROMPT! Every prompt contains: Issue: the subject or topic Purpose: what the completed essay should do Persuade Explain Defend Task: how the essay should complete the purpose Analyze the different sides of an issue Compare and contrast two issues or topics Cite examples to support your position No more than 5 minutes

8 Step 2: Plan/Prewrite Decide on a position
Determine evidence to support your position Collect, list, and organize ideas to use in the essay 10 minutes You might use: brainstorming mapping jot list graphic organizer

9 Evaluate… Does the plan include ALL content required by the prompt?
Are the ideas appropriate and fully developed with specific details, examples, etc.? Are the introduction and conclusion approximately the same length and quality without repetition?

10 Step 3: Writing the Essay
Introduction Strong lead Clear, focused thesis statement Body Clear and focused Ideas are supported with evidence Conclusion Leaves the reader with the idea or impression you want to leave 30 minutes

11 Step 4: Revising, Editing, & Proofreading
Reread what you have written Make any necessary changes Reread after making changes one more time Look at: Effectiveness -- support and evidence Clarity and focus Completion of the entire prompt Conventions, language, etc. 5 minutes

12 Online Essay Specifics
Arrive at least minutes before competition (you cannot log on early) If you are late, you do NOT receive extra time. Use Internet Explorer or newest version of Chrome ONLY – no other screens or programs may be open during testing Entire team must write at the same time

13 Created by A. Tait 2014

14 Do not use CAPS lock. Type both exactly as shown.

15 Created by A. Tait 2008

16 Competition Instructions
Only one student per computer station Log on first, before planning Touch a key on the keyboard every 5-10 minutes so you will not be logged off (users logged off after 15 minutes of no activity) Press the “Save” button as often as possible during testing

17 You can use your username here.

18 Created by A. Tait 2014

19 Created by A. Tait 2008

20 More Instructions When the program is saving an essay, portions of the top bar will turn green. No green = no save. Do NOT use Back, Forward, Refresh, or Reload keys during competition (will erase the essay You may not leave area until all essay tests are complete and paper collected.

21 Time Remaining You have only 50 minutes. Prompt Options

22 Press “Save” as often as possible during testing.
Time remaining You have 50 minutes total. Chosen prompt Skip lines between paragraphs.

23 Reminders Skip lines between paragraphs
Do not put your name, school, or the prompt on your essay Make sure you’ve answered the complete prompt

24 IMPORTANT! Essays are anonymous to the judges, but not to the coordinators Things that are inappropriate: won't be judged AND will find their way back to coaches and school administrators. 

25 Improving Your Essay Add vivid details where possible
Repeat key words or images occasionally to sharpen the focus Add transition words to help the reader Make your introduction and/or conclusion stronger

26 Improving Your Essay Delete material that strays from the point or the impression you had in mind Add material if a point needs to be stronger Improve your vocabulary or spelling Correct errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and usage

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