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ATLAS 2200 - WEB Web Typography.

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Presentation on theme: "ATLAS 2200 - WEB Web Typography."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATLAS WEB Web Typography

2 How We Read Our eyes move across a line of text and move information to our brains Filter words into context Depending on where you read it, experience is different

3 How We Read Just because its legible doesn’t mean it’s readable TL;DR
Length isn’t the only detractor Sure, you can read it, but do you want to?

4 How We Read THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPED OVER THE LAZY DOG AND GRUMPY WIZARDS MAKE TOXIC BREW FOR THE EVIL QUEEN AND JACK. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog and grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil queen and jack.

5 Readability THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPED OVER THE LAZY DOG AND GRUMPY WIZARDS MAKE TOXIC BREW FOR THE EVIL QUEEN AND JACK. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog and grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil queen and jack.

6 Shape Recognition Simplicity SIMPLICITY

7 Typography in Our Lives
The are no rules for typography Type is everywhere: Our phones, New papers, books, magazines, billboards, ads, fliers, stickers, computers, games, television, etc. Good typography is still rare, why? Too many options?

8 The Unseen Good typography shouldn’t be noticed

9 Typeface vs. Font? Helvetica Helvetica.ttf

10 For the Web System Fonts (Web Safe Fonts) Sans-serif
Arial, Calibri, Helvetica, Verdana Serif Times New Roman, Georgia, Lucida, Cambria Monospace Courier New, Lucida Sans Typewriter Fantasy Impact, Copper Plate, Papyrus (Don’t use unless your building a website for a Yoga Studio) Cursive Brush Script Std, Comic Sans (Don’t use unless you want to fail the class)

11 Serif Times New Roman

12 Sans-Serif Arial Typeface

13 Monospace Courier New

14 Fantasy Impact Papyrus

15 Brush Script Comic Sans (Seriously… don’t use this font…)
Cursive Brush Script Comic Sans (Seriously… don’t use this font…)

16 Font-Family body{ font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif; } Pros:
No licensing Easy to use Cons: Limited choices Fonts must be installed on users computer User control over your design

17 Helvetica Bodoni Contrast
Higher contrast fonts tend to be better suited for short lengths of text because they can be burdensome to read in longer spans…

18 Weight

19 Weight body{ font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
font-weight:800; } Not all typefaces have every weight option available

20 Variant Styles Bodoni Condensed Bodoni Black

21 Variant Styles Bodoni Condensed Bodoni Black

22 Font Size Point 8 9 10 11 12 14 18 24 36 48 60 72

23 Font Size 1 point = 1/72in. Default Browser Font Size: 16px Pixel sizes? Slight differences vs. pt Pixel values don’t scale well

24 EMs .75em = 75% = figcaption 1em = Default browser font size = p, body 1.5em = 150% = h2 2em = 200% = h1

25 @Font-Face @font-face { font-family: myUniqueFont; src: url(fonts/myFontFile.ttf); } body{

26 @Font-Face Pros: Unique fonts in normal text state
Easy to set up at a base level No JavaScript needed Cons: Different browsers only support certain font types Potential copyright implications

27 @Font-Face Font-Squirrel:

28 Font Services & Subscriptions
Google Fonts Adobe Typekit

29 Font Services & Subscriptions
Pros: Unique fonts in normal text state Easy to set up No risk of copyright infringement Cons: If the service goes down, fonts will not work $$$

30 Font Pairing Text for a moment Text for awhile

31 Attendance Question: Week 4
Compare two real-world examples of products, services, brands, entertainment media, etc. that compete within the same market yet one uses typography successfully while the other does not. Does this stronger use of typography benefit the executor over their competition? How so? Provide URL examples if you can. Post your question to Edmodo under “Lecture Attendance Question Week 4” Your answer should be approximately one paragraph in length.

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