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Dental Alumni Museum Display Case – 12 Westmead Level 3 Special Needs Student Clinic

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Presentation on theme: "Dental Alumni Museum Display Case – 12 Westmead Level 3 Special Needs Student Clinic"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dental alumni Museum Faculty of Dentistry University of Sydney Museum case - 12

2 Dental Alumni Museum Display Case – 12 Westmead Level 3 Special Needs Student Clinic

3 74 - Two boxes made from cardboard with blue labels on lids "Ash's Brown Dental Rubber.... The Amalgamated Dental Company Limited". Contains sheets of dental rubber. - Early 20th Century

4 83 - Box made from cardboard with label on lid "The Tracy Inlay Impression Trays. Hu-Friedy, Inc.". Contains impression trays and 2 insturments Early 20th Century

5 85 - Box made from cardboard with label on lid "Impo Base Plates
85 - Box made from cardboard with label on lid "Impo Base Plates. Manufactured in Australia by SIL-ORA DENTAL PRODUCTS“ - Early 20th Century

6 105 - Leonard's local anaesthetic

7 114 - Hypodermic attachments

8 121 - Hypodermic needle & Strychnine Sulphate tablets 1-20gr

9 132 - Lenocaine, Leonard's anaesthetic, bottle only no contents.

10 137 - Eugenol, bottle only no contents

11 149 - Empty tin with hinged Lid
149 - Empty tin with hinged Lid. Painted on lid "Edwards Improved Excelsior Impression Composition"

12 182 - Hypodermic kit - silver box & 15 vials of hypodermic tabloids

13 225 - Mortar & Pestle

14 253 - Frasaco artificial teeth sizes & shape gauges
253 - Frasaco artificial teeth sizes & shape gauges. Teaching model of lower teeth

15 286 - Pin remover (x 3)

16 303 - Furnace for crown work

17 326 - Set of forceps in wooden case ( x 13 tools) - Early 20th century

18 337 - Articulator in original case with instruction booklets, parts and cloth - Precision Coordinator Model E About 1930

19 402 - Crown forms. New Century Steel Tooth Forms (Patented Sept 27, 1910) made by The Central Tool Company. Providence, R.I. United States of America. The S.S.White Dental Mfg Co. Sole sales agent

20 451 - Casting machine. Taggart Cast Inlay Co. N.Y & Chicago. 572

21 460 - Horn mallet. Inscribed D.J. Thomson

22 462 - Syringe for impression material in original cardboard box
462 - Syringe for impression material in original cardboard box. "Syringe for De Trey's Dentocoll. The Elastic Hydro-Colloidal Impression Material. Made by De Trey Brothers Ltd“ - Mid 20th Century

23 476 - Ladle and ladle furnace with lead impressions (x 6 impressions)

24 477 - Melting arrangement for melting gold or silver

25 481 - Extracting forceps (x 3), C. Ash & Sons, London

26 917 - Gold White Alloy

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