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Classification and reporting of

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1 Classification and reporting of
ENERGY Classification and reporting of co-located coal and natural gas in energy basins The need for an universal system

2 Ethiopia - 99% of households, 70% of industries and 94% of service enterprises use biomass as energy source. 12% of the Ethiopian population has access to electricity As biomass accounts for more than half of Senegal's energy consumption Benin's energy sector is largely dominated by the use of biomass-based energy sources In Burkina Faso, more than 80 % of the energy supply derives from biomass  About 90% of the total primary energy consumption is generated through biomass, Rwanda‘s energy balance shows that about 85% of its overall primary energy consumption is based on biomass

3 Energy is the key to attaining all Sustainable Development Goals

4 Balanced development Rising population and increasing urbanization
Rising investments in the development of energy and minerals projects Sustainable energy needs USD1.25 trillion per year, 3x current levels Need to link the economy with social and economic imperatives


6 Desired outcomes Impact projects: Measurable Triple Bottom Line (TBL) returns, namely the generation of social returns, economic viability/ profitability and environmental sustainability within the context of safe, socially accepted good practices Performance: Enhanced project performance for energy projects anchored in internationally accepted standards and good practices Leadership: Team-led, transferable project management and operational skills


8 Energy Basins Dominant fuels – coal and oil & gas are to a large extent supplied from giant sedimentary basins Some examples: Oil & gas and coal and uranium in sedimentary basins in north China; Central Asian energy basins Coal and oil& gas in Gondwana basins of India and elsewhere - Karoo basin, Africa and Parana Basin, S. America, which is a source of coal and oil & gas Coal and and oil & gas in sedimentary basins of Texas, USA Coal Bed Methane - resources exist in all coal basins All the energy basins will have potential of various other renewables energy sources



11 Defining resources with UNFC

12 UNFC – How Does it Work?

13 Comprehensive extraction
Mining in general is seeing declines in capital and labour productivity – mostly due to decline in grades combined with upgradation of mining infrastructure Comprehensive extraction in 1990s looked into technical feasibility of extraction form lower grade and other uneconomical resources Now it is seen as a way to improve overall economics and address health, safety and environmental issues

14 Assessing quantities – a “step down” process
Unconventional resources are 6-7x more than the primary) resources - proper assessment, classification and management required UNFC includes currently commercial, potentially commercial and non-commercial quantities

15 Social & environmental considerations
EGRC has a Working Group to examine the social and environmental aspects of the classification. Two guidance notes are under preparation: Accommodating environmental and social considerations in UNFC Clarification of terminology and concepts related to UNFC UNFC-2009 is incorporated into UN System of Environmental – Economic Accounting (SEEA)


17 Coal and CMM guidelines
UNFC structure Principles Rules Guidelines Coal and CMM rules Coal and CMM guidelines

18 Why UNFC is best suited for classification of co-located resources?
Applicable to solids and fluids Uniquely structured in 3 tiered documentation Differentiates “in place” and “recoverable” quantities Project maturity based classification High levels of granularity Embeds project risks Helps investment decision making

19 Classification of CMM resources
Socio-economics Project feasibility Geological knowledge E F G Safety Utilisation Fractures Direct measurements Conservation Structures Experimental Environmental benefits Dewatering Gas trap Theoritical Local use Recoverability

20 Comprehensive extraction lifecycle
Conceptual Studies Scoping Studies Pre-feasibility Studies Feasibility Studies Project Implementation Decommissioning Order of Magnitude Studies Conceptual Studies Pre-feasibility Studies Feasibility Studies Project Implementation Mine closure, Remediation and Handover Extraction Project Development Unclarified Development Pending Justified for Development Approved For Development On Production Sales Production Non-Sales Production (Dissipated in wastes, products & environment) Development On Hold Development Not Viable Additional Quantities in Place Non-Commercial Project Potentially Commercial Project Commercial Project 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 2 1,2,3 2 2 1,2,3 1 1 1,2,3 Accurate and transparent management of energy & materials throughout the lifecycle

21 Co-located resources – commodity to service
Energy - No more a commodity! New Business Models Needed Commodity: A useful or valuable thing Product - Differentiated and value added Service - A system supplying a public need Innovate at all costs

22 The fourth industrial revolution
Transformative Win-win Equitable Productive Resilient Reliable Creative Resources Business Model Innovation Workforce Partners Value Chain “The Third Wave entrepreneurs will need to build partnerships across sectors …” Steve Case, Co-founder, AOL in The Third Wave (2016)


24 Thank you! ENERGY Harikrishnan Tulsidas Economic Affairs Officer UNECE
Date 09 I 03 I 2017, Ranchi

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