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GEOGRAPHY Maps, Charts, and Graphs.

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Presentation on theme: "GEOGRAPHY Maps, Charts, and Graphs."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEOGRAPHY Maps, Charts, and Graphs

2 Directions Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Use complete sentences to answer each question.

3 1. Why is studying GEOGRAPHY important to understanding World History??


5 MAPS 2. What is the map on the left showing us? 3. Why was the map on the right created? 4. What can maps tell us about historical events?

6 Deaths by Area of Attack
World Trade Center 2,606 Airlines 246 Pentagon Building 125 Hijackers 19 Total number of people who died in the 9/11 attacks 2,996 Casualties in the World Trade Center and Surrounding Area Residents of New York 1,762 Persons in North Tower (Tower 1) 1,402 Persons in South Tower (Tower 2) 614 Residents of New Jersey 674 Employees of Marsh Inc. 355 Firefighters 343 Employees of Aon Corporation 175 Port Authority police officers 37 Police officers 23 Paramedics 2 1 firefighter was killed by a man who jumped off the top floors

7 CHART 5. What are the 4 areas of attack that make up the total number of people who died in the 9/11 attacks? 6. What is the total number of policemen and firefighters that died on 9/11 helping rescue victims?


9 (Use words to write the number, DO NOT WRITE THE ANSWER AS A NUMBER)
INFOGRAPHIC 7. How much money did it take to clean up the aftermath of 9/11? (Use words to write the number, DO NOT WRITE THE ANSWER AS A NUMBER) 8. Based on the infographic, what is the one GOOD thing that happened after the 9/11 attacks?


11 9. Write one sentence that summarizes what you see in the slide before this one (Remembering what happened on September 11th).


13 Pie Chart 10. Based on the Pie Chart, which color has the largest section of the chart filled in? 11. Based on the Pie Chart, which color has the smallest section of the chart filled in?

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