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Skill-related factors of fitness

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1 Skill-related factors of fitness
Objectives: Understand the way in which skill-related factors contribute to fitness and effective performance. Understand how these factors interrelate with each other and with components of health related fitness. Guess the factors

2 Balance The ability to maintain a given posture in static and dynamic situations. Sports most reliant on balance? Closely linked to agility as you must be stable before you can change direction/shape quickly. How do we test our balance? How can we improve our balance?

3 Agility A combination of speed and flexibility and is the ability to move quickly, changing direction and speed whenever possible. What sport is it useful in? How do we test it? Can we improve it?

4 Co-ordination Ability to link all the parts of a movement into one efficient smooth movement and is the ability to control the body during physical activity. Sports most important for? Useful terms: hand eye/foot eye co ordination. Ability to synchronise parts of our body. How do we test it? Can we improve it? Ambidextrous

5 Reaction time The time taken for the body, or part of the body, to respond to a stimulus. Simple reaction time = time taken between the stimulus and our movement. Sport this relies on? Can this be improved what is it reliant on? Test? Choice reaction time = the time taken between the stimulus and an action which involves making a choice. Sporting example? Can this be improved? Speed is also very important as it affects movement time.

6 Timing Ability to coincide movements in relation to external factors.
Explain using a sporting example how it combines decision making, reaction time, and co-ordination. Can we improve it?

7 Lets see what you know From the list of sports you must identify the most important health related components of fitness and then skill related components related to that sport. You must define the component then justify your answer. Football, netball, rock climbing, cricket, skiing

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