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Robert Donovan I DOM360 I CEO I

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Presentation on theme: "Robert Donovan I DOM360 I CEO I"— Presentation transcript:

1 Robert Donovan I DOM360 I CEO I
Insights from Google and DOM360 4 Strategies to Solve Your Sales Efficiency Problems Robert Donovan I DOM I CEO I Tannis McKenna I Google I Agency Development Manager I

2 Drive VDP engagement to increase leads Raise overall sales efficiency
Agenda Drive VDP engagement to increase leads Raise overall sales efficiency Identify and fix model sales efficiency The meeting of all meetings Questions

3 See something you’d like to share?
Tweet it using #DD22!

4 VDP views up but leads are down
Problem #1 VDP views up but leads are down

5 Many different reasons why:
Problem #1 Many different reasons why: Not attracting quality traffic VDP has too many options Too much or too little information provided URL structure

6 Problem #1 Solutions Heat mapping and In Page Analytics
Learn where your customers are clicking Optimize areas of less traffic or delete

7 Problem #1 Solutions Page Layout

8 Problem #1 Solutions URL Structure
Work with your provider to adjust your VDP URL structure Year Make Model City State VIN number or stock number Correct folder structure

9 Problem #1 Solutions Analytics KPIs to watch:
Time on page: If a visitor is only spending seconds on the page, they didn't intend to land there and not interested. Bounce rate: Bounce rate indicates nothing what the customer was expecting and just left the site all together. Entrances: Indicates ad performance and/or SEO ranking. Page views: If a vehicle has high page views and not sold, consider remerchandising the VDP. It’s getting traffic, but why are customers turning away?

10 Problem #1 Solutions Conduct an ad review: AD Content

11 Problem #1 Solutions Conduct an ad review: AD Placements
Understanding your ad placements, especially on Display and Remarketing, will let you optimize your campaign for sites that outperform others. Find your placements in AdWords

12 Problem #1 Solutions Conduct an ad review: AD Performance
Analyze campaigns in Analytics and AdWords for a full understanding of performance.

13 Problem #1 Solutions Buyer Beware: Cost per VDP
Don’t forget to check all the KPIs: Just because a source (paid or organic) drives a lot of VDP views and shows lots of sessions and justifies cost by view, be sure to check your analytics. Has your bounce rate jumped up? Has time on site dropped?

14 Overall Dealership Sales Efficiency
Problem #2 Overall Dealership Sales Efficiency

15 What does the customer see?
Problem #2 Solutions What does the customer see?

16 Problem #2 Solutions

17 Website Comparison: Homepage
Problem #2 Solutions Website Comparison: Homepage What does the customer see on your website vs your competitor’s website? Do you have a monthly merchandising analysis to compare homepage offers? Are you showing a variety of offers to optimize for all customers?

18 Website Comparison: Inventory
Problem #2 Solutions Website Comparison: Inventory Complete an inventory matrix Dealership Top Seller Dealer 1 30 in stock 45 in stock 75 in stock Dealer 2 50 in stock 40 in stock 60 in stock Dealer 3 80 in stock 90 in stock What do your listings page look like compared to your competitors? Is a top seller listed first? Clean listings page without too much clutter? Conversion opportunities at the forefront?

19 Use Your Data Problem #2 Solutions
Compare Pump In and Pump Out to identify dealers outperforming Cross Sell Matrix to see a dealer by dealer comparison

20 Use Your Tools Problem #2 Solutions
Campaign Performance Auction Insights Report Search Terms Report will all help with identifying your performance vs your competition.

21 Problem #2 Solutions Use Your Tools Ad Preview Tool

22 Update Your Ads Problem #2 Solutions
Update your ad groups and ads to showcase strong messaging. Highlight your why buy messaging in the ad copy or site links Maximize the space with Expanded Text Ads with more characters

23 Most SEM companies write generic ads,
Problem #2 Solutions Update Your Ads Most SEM companies write generic ads, GET CREATIVE!

24 Sales Efficiency by Model
Problem #3 Sales Efficiency by Model

25 Problem #3

26 Model Efficiency Problem #3 Solutions
Competitive Model Model Efficiency Identify outpacing models Sales Efficiency by Segment to identify models to conquest

27 Conquest Content Problem #3 Solutions
Build content around conquest vehicles to boost SEO and organic ranking Build comparison videos- huge opportunity here and promote these videos! Write a blog and share on social media

28 Problem #3 Solutions

29 Conquest Campaigns Problem #3 Solutions Conquest Model Campaigns
New model top seller ad groups Landing pages to build quality and relevance Add why buys to drive value RLSA Campaigns Limit audience to remarketing Builds ads directly to those that have seen your offers Combat competitive brand search by driving them back to your site

30 The Meeting of All Meetings
Problem #4 The Meeting of All Meetings

31 Problem #4 Solution Team Members: Ad Agency, District Manager, Consultants and Dealership Management Google AdWords and Keyword Planner Analytics Data Urban Science Market Master Reports and Sales Reports

32 Solutions Understand the KPIs that drive leads and engagement
Know the ongoing sales efficiency for the store and opportunities to improve Identify competitors and off-brand vehicle sales performance Bring all partners to the table quarterly to drive overall dealership success

33 Questions?

34 Contact Info Contact Info Full Name: Robert Donovan Company: DOM360 Job Title: CEO Full Name: Tannis McKenna Company: Google Job Title: Agency Development Manager Share an important takeaway you received from this session using hashtag #DD22

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