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Fourth Grade Curriculum Night 17-18
September 6, 2017
Fourth Grade Personnel
Brian Pendergast A Social Studies Holly Keefer B Student Achievement Dawn Goodman 4C Science Support Services: CJ Hudock-Speech/Language Lauren English-Learning Support Erica Zinsser-Guidance Heather Esswein-GOAL, ELAP Karen Sanguigni-Reading Support
Fourth Grade Specifics
Switch classes for Math, Science, Social Studies, and Student Achievement. Accordion folders and iPads taken home nightly. All handouts/papers should filed in proper section of accordion folder. iPads should be charged nightly!! New opportunities for Orchestra, Band, and Chorus.
What we will share with you today is information about our new mathematics textbook series, Go Math!
New math resource (textbook series) for the NASD Curriculum Inquiry-based approach to teaching mathematics Big Ideas is the adopted resource for students in 6th grade through Algebra II. For students grade accelerated in 5th, this is the course they will take for mathematics.
Mathematics Curriculum
GO MATH! is our textbook series. Instruction will focus on inquiry-based methodology. Problem solving will be emphasized in all units. All Pennsylvania Core Standards for Mathematics will be addressed. Each student receives a consumable book for each chapter. There are online resources that can be used at home for additional practice and reinforcement. (When presenting this slide, summarize the content in the bullets for your audience). 1st year of implementation New language to refer to math courses. In the past, math courses at the elementary level were called A1 and A2. In order to align with middle school, language has been changed to M4 and M3. Decisions for math placements in these courses is the same as it was – it is data driven and can change from year to year (A student in M3 this year can be a student in M4 next year) No student is at a disadvantage if in an M3 course. It’s the same curriculum, same resources, and the same content. Teachers are teaching to the curriculum with fidelity and following the same pacing guide throughout the district
GO MATH! Online Resources
For best results, use Chrome as your Internet browser. From the North Allegheny Homepage, click on “+Parents.” Then select “Online Textbook Resources.” Select “Elementary Level Resources.” To access online resources for your child, please visit the District’s website. Online textbook resources will take you directly to Think Central, the Go Math online resource. EMPHASIZE the use of Google Chrome when accessing Think Central.
Rocket Math Approximately 10 minutes daily Practice with partners
Individual pacing 3-4 new facts each level Can use oral practice sheet or flashcards for nightly review Students are motivated by tracking their individual progress
What will we be learning in 4th grade Science?
Life Science classifying plants and animals plants ecosystems systems of the human body Earth Science the water cycle weather rocks and minerals changes to Earth’s surface natural resources Physical Science matter heat electricity and magnetism sound and light motion simple machines Space and Technology Earth’s Cycle inner and outer planets effects of technology
Social Studies Key Concept: US Regions
Unit 1: Exploring the United States Unit 2: United States Economy Unit 3: Exploring the Northeast Region Unit 4: Exploring the Southeast Region Unit 5: Exploring the Midwest Region Unit 6: Exploring the Southwest Region Unit 7: Exploring the West Region
Social Studies Supplemental Materials
Teacher Designed Materials Maps Globes Instructional Games and Activities Curriculum Related Videos Social Studies Evaluation May include the following: Lesson quizzes Chapter Tests Homework
Student Achievement Student Achievement is data driven and differentiated Topics included during Student Achievement are based on grade level standards and expectations Instruction will align with FES targeted areas of growth as well as the PA Core ELA topics will include additional practice with core writing forms (narrative, opinion/argument, and informative/explanatory), text dependent analysis, making connections between texts, robust vocabulary, figurative language, and English applications Math will include techniques and strategies that both support and enrich topics covered within the curriculum No specific grade will be given in Student Achievement on the report card, but items will be graded and given to ELA or math teacher for inclusion with report card grades.
English Language Arts Harcourt Storytown reading series
Spiraled skills throughout levels Instructional strategies proven to enhance student learning Approximately one week for each story Weekly comprehension, vocabulary, English, and spelling tests. District advises at least 25 additional books per year to improve skills fluency and comprehension.
Homework Guidelines Handbook indicates guidelines for each grade level (approximately 40 minutes each night) Homework time each night may vary for each child due to: *Pull-out schedule *Ability to grasp new concepts *Practice time for a new skill *Classroom time management skills
Missed Assignments If your child has a missed homework assignment:
A “parent signature” stamp will be put on the assignment book page for the due date. The missed work must be turned in completed the next day. The student is responsible for obtaining the parent signature and providing the missed work.
Yellow Card System When a student breaks a rule, he or she will be issued a yellow card as a caution. If the student earns a second yellow card during the day, he or she will be required to write a letter home to the parent(s)/guardian(s) explaining the rule infractions. The student will be required to compose this letter during either recess that day or the following day. Once the letter is written and approved, the student will join recess. This letter will then come home to you. We encourage you to discuss the rule infraction(s) with your child in an effort to avoid future rule violations that necessitate letter writing, and ultimately correcting the inappropriate behavior. Students are required to obtain a parent/guardian signature on the letter they have written and are to return the signed letter the following day. This signed letter is the student’s “ticket” to recess. Therefore, the student will miss recess until the signed letter returns.
Yellow Card Rules Observe speaking etiquette by raising your hand and not speaking out Be prepared for class by having the proper book, pencil, worksheets, packets and assignment book Maintain focus by keeping your place in books, on worksheets, and on the speaker Follow directions by finishing classwork, recording homework assignments, and completing/turning in homework Be respectful by using manners and being kind
School Wires and Websites
Tyler grade book access. On-line textbook instructions are available on the FES homepage. Links are included on each teacher’s webpage. Homework page on websites.
Report Card Written Communication:
* No letter grade, only indicators for strengths and areas in need of improvement. *Indicators will be given the second and fourth report periods. Health Grade: * Included in Physical Education grade for second and fourth report period. Recommendation for Homework Completion: * “Needs to Complete Homework” notation will appear with three or more late homework assignments per subject/per
Educational Trip Absence
Obtain form from office or FES website Submit form 14 calendar days prior to trip—We ask for as much advanced notification as possible as it takes time to gather assignments together for future absences. Teachers will send 1 or 2 days before trip All assigned homework is due on Day of Return
Attendance Policy The state has adopted a new and stricter attendance policy. Avoid unexcused absences by always sending in a note with your child upon return to school from an absence.
Student Safety Drop-Off and Pick-Up procedures should be followed carefully for student safety. Please make sure you are within the red curbed loop before students exit the vehicle. Parents should remain in the vehicle.
Band, Orchestra, & Chorus
*Band/Orchestra students need to bring their instrument & music every week for lessons and ensemble. *Lesson schedules will be distributed by Mr. Leasure and Mrs. Donato *Band and Orchestra ensemble-Tuesday *Chorus rehearsal-Friday
Student Accountability
Students are responsible for work missed due to band and orchestra lessons, GOAL, speech, etc. Dry erase boards describing daily work in switch classes. Assignment books and classroom chart. General HW included on teachers’ webpages Increased Accountability to keep up with academics despite these activities.
Specific to 4A Mr. Pendergast’s Room
Homework / Daily Work
Book Club
Notes to School
Yellow Cards and Missed Assignments
QR Codes for tracking. Stamped assignment book to be signed. Returned signature is child’s responsibility.
Maintaining organization
Begin shifting responsibility. Gradually withdraw support. Avoid extra supplies and toys sent to school. Have a set location for homework and backpack. Establish a routine. Let your child maintain his/her accordion folder. Have your child communicate basic concerns. Oversee the process. Let your child take the lead.
Tonight Meet and greet. Sign-up for a November conference.
Write a note in your child’s Journal. Thank you for coming. I look forward to working with you to see that your child has a successful year in fourth grade.
Thanks for Attending Remember:
Parent – Teacher conferences will take place November 6th and 7th which coincides with the issuing of the first report card.
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