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Energy Metabolism Chapter 7.

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1 Energy Metabolism Chapter 7

2 Introduction Energy Metabolism
Heat, mechanical, electrical, and chemical Metabolism How the body uses foods to meet its needs

3 Chemical Reactions in the Body
Energy metabolism How body obtains and uses energy from food Photosynthesis Cells Liver cells most metabolically active Anabolism: building body compounds Requires energy Catabolism: breaking down body compounds Releases energy

4 A Typical Cell Figure 7-1 A typical cell

5 Anabolic and Catabolic Reactions Compared
Figure 7-2 Anabolic and catabolic reactions compared

6 Transfer of Energy in Reactions
ATP Released during breakdown of glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids Form of phosphate groups Negative charge – vulnerable to hydrolysis Provides energy for all cell activities Coupled reactions Efficiency Heat loss

7 ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)
Figure 7-3 Adenosine triphosphate

8 Capture and Release of Energy by ATP
Figure 7-4 The capture and release of energy by ATP

9 Helpers in Metabolic Reactions
Enzymes Facilitators of metabolic reactions Coenzymes Organic Associate with enzymes Without coenzyme, an enzyme cannot function

10 Breaking Down Nutrients for Energy
Digestion Carbohydrates → glucose (and other monosaccharides) Fats (triglycerides) → glycerol and fatty acids Proteins → amino acids Molecules of glucose, glycerol, amino acids, and fatty acids Catabolism breaks bonds Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen

11 Two New Compounds Pyruvate Acetyl CoA
3-carbon structure Can be used to make glucose Acetyl CoA 2-carbon structure Cannot be used to make glucose TCA cycle and electron transport chain

12 Simplified Overview of Energy-Yielding Pathways
Figure 7-5 Simplified overview of energy-yielding pathways

13 Glucose-to-Pyruvate Glycolysis
2 pyruvate molecules Hydrogen atoms carried to electron transport chain Pyruvate can be converted back to glucose Liver cells and (to some extent) kidneys

14 Glycolysis: Glucose-to-Pyruvate
Figure 7-6 Glycolysis: glucose-to-pyruvate

15 Pyruvate’s Options Quick energy needs – anaerobic
Pyruvate to lactate Slower energy needs – aerobic Pyruvate to acetyl CoA

16 Pyruvate-to-Lactate Pyruvate accepts hydrogens
Converts pyruvate to lactate Occurs to a limited extent at rest Produces ATP quickly Mitochondrial ability Lactate accumulation in muscles Effects Cori cycle

17 Pyruvate-to-Lactate and the Cori Cycle
Figure 7-7 Pyruvate-to-lactate and lactate-to-glucose (the Cori Cycle)

18 Pyruvate-to-Acetyl CoA
Pyruvate enters mitochondria of cell Carbon removed Becomes carbon dioxide 2-carbon compound joins with CoA becoming acetyl CoA Irreversible Acetyl CoA pathways

19 Pyruvate-to-Acetyl CoA Illustrated
Figure 7-8 Pyruvate-to-acetyl CoA

20 The Paths of Pyruvate and Acetyl CoA
Figure 7-9 The paths of pyruvate and acetyl CoA

21 Glucose Enters the Energy Pathway
Figure 7-10 Glucose enters the energy pathway

22 Breaking Down Glycerol and Fatty Acids
Glycerol-to-pyruvate Glycerol can be converted Glucose Pyruvate Fatty acids-to-acetyl CoA Fatty acid oxidation 2-carbon units at a time join with CoA Hydrogens and electrons carried to electron transport chain

23 Fatty Acids-to-Acetyl CoA
Figure 7-11 Fatty acids-to-acetyl CoA

24 Fats Enter the Energy Pathway
Figure 7-12 Fats enter the energy pathway

25 Breaking Down Amino Acids
Deamination of amino acids Amino acids-to-energy Several entry points in energy pathway Converted to pyruvate Converted to acetyl CoA Enter TCA cycle directly Amino acids-to-glucose

26 Amino Acids Enter the Energy Pathway
Figure 7-13 Amino acids enter the energy pathway

27 Review of Energy-Yielding Nutrient Endpoints
Yields energy? Yields glucose? Yields amino acids and body proteins? Yields fat stores? Carbohydrates (glucose) Yes Yes—when nitrogen is available, can yield nonessential amino acids Lipids (fatty acids) No Lipids (glycerol) Yes—when carbohydrate is unavailable Proteins (amino acids) Table 7-2 Review of energy-yielding nutrient endpoints

28 Final Steps of Energy Metabolism
TCA Cycle Inner compartment of mitochondria Circular path Acetyl CoA Oxaloacetate – made primarily from pyruvate Carbon dioxide release Hydrogen atoms and their electrons Niacin and riboflavin

29 A Mitochondrion Figure 7-14 A mitochondrion

30 Electron Transport Chain
Captures energy in ATP Series of proteins Electron “carriers” Inner membrane of mitochondria Electrons passed to next carrier Join oxygen at end of chain Water released ATP synthesis

31 Electron Transport Chain and ATP Synthesis
Figure 7-16 Electron transport chain and ATP synthesis

32 The kCalorie-Per-Gram Secret Revealed
Fat provides most energy per gram Carbon-hydrogen bonds More ATP = more kcalories Figure 7-17 Chemical structures of a fatty acid and glucose compared

33 Feasting – Excess Energy
Metabolism favors fat formation Regardless of excess from protein, fat, or carbohydrates Excess protein Excess carbohydrate Excess fat – most direct and efficient conversion Fuel mix

34 Transition from Feasting to Fasting
Glucose, glycerol, and fatty acids are used then stored Fasting state draws on these stores Glycogen and fat are released Basal metabolism Fasting versus starving

35 Feasting and Fasting Illustrated
Figure 7-19 Feasting and fasting

36 Fasting – Inadequate Energy
Carbohydrate, fat, and protein All eventually used for energy Begins with release of glucose and fatty acids Acetyl CoA Low blood glucose levels signal: Fat breakdown Release of amino acids from muscles

37 Adaptations Making glucose Creating an alternate fuel
Nervous system and red blood cells Amino acids yielding pyruvate Breakdown of body proteins Creating an alternate fuel Use fat to fuel brain Ketone bodies Slows the rate of body protein breakdown Ketosis induces appetite loss

38 Energy Balance During Fasting
Conserving energy Hormones Reduced energy output Fasting supports weight loss Not best option for fat loss Symptoms of starvation Physical symptoms Psychological symptoms

39 Low-Carbohydrate Diets
Metabolism similar to fasting Uses glycogen stores first Gluconeogenesis when glycogen is depleted Body tissues used somewhat even when protein provided in diet Urine monitoring Ketosis

40 Adverse Side Effects of Low-Carbohydrate, Ketogenic Diets
Nausea Fatigue (especially if physically active) Constipation Low blood pressure Elevated uric acid (which may exacerbate kidney disease and cause inflammation of the joints in those predisposed to gout) Stale, foul taste in the mouth (bad breath) In pregnant women, fetal harm and stillbirth Table 7-3 Adverse side effects of low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diets

41 Alcohol in the Body Highlight 7

42 Alcohol in the Body, continued
Potential health benefits Alcohols Glycerol Ethanol Lipid solvents Moderation Definition of “drink” Proof Figure H7-1 Two alcohols: glycerol and ethanol

43 Alcohol’s Influence Alcohol’s special privileges Stomach
No digestion Quick absorption Slowing absorption Stomach Alcohol dehydrogenase Small intestine Priority over nutrients

44 Alcohol in the Liver Liver cells first to receive alcohol-laden blood
Alcohol dehydrogenase Disrupts liver activity Can permanently change liver cell structure Rate of alcohol metabolism Acetaldehyde Acetate

45 Alcohol Metabolism Figure H7-4 Alcohol metabolism

46 Effects on the Liver Niacin coenzyme co-opted and normal processes suffer Glycolysis TCA cycle Electron transport chain Fat accumulates in the liver Even after one night of heavy drinking Fatty liver → fibrosis → cirrhosis

47 Alcohol’s Influence in the Brain
Sedates inhibitory nerves Central nervous system depressant Blood alcohol levels and brain responses Death of liver and brain cells Depression of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) Loss of body water Loss of important minerals

48 Alcohol’s Effects on the Brain
Figure H7-6 Alcohol’s effects on the brain

49 Alcohol Blood Levels and Brain Responses
Blood Alcohol Concentration Effect on Brain 0.05 Impaired judgment, relaxed inhibitions, altered mood, increased heart rate 0.10 Impaired coordination, delayed reaction time, exaggerated emotions, impaired peripheral vision, impaired ability to operate a vehicle 0.15 Slurred speech, blurred vision, staggered walk, seriously impaired coordination and judgment 0.20 Double vision, inability to walk 0.30 Uninhibited behavior, stupor, confusion, inability to comprehend 0.40 to 0.60 Unconsciousness, shock, coma, death (cardiac or respiratory failure) Table H7-2 Alcohol blood levels and brain responses NOTE: Blood alcohol concentration depends on a number of factors, including alcohol in the beverage, the rate of consumption, the person's gender, and body weight. For example, a 100-pound female can become legally drunk (≥=0.10 concentration) by drinking three beers in an hour, whereas a 220-pound male consuming that amount at the same rate would have a 0.05 blood alcohol concentration.

50 Alcohol’s Effects on Weight
Contributes to body fat and weight gain One ounce of alcohol represents 0.5 ounce of fat Central obesity (“beer belly”) Substituted energy Seven kcalories per gram Nutrient displacement B vitamins Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

51 Signs of Alcoholism Tolerance: the person needs higher and higher intakes of alcohol to achieve intoxication. Withdrawal: the person who stops drinking experiences anxiety, agitation, increased blood pressure, or seizures, or seeks alcohol to relieve these symptoms. Impaired control: the person intends to have 1 or 2 drinks, but has 9 or 10 instead, or the person tries to control or quit drinking, but fails. Disinterest: the person neglects important social, family, job, or school activities because of drinking. Time: the person spends a great deal of time obtaining and drinking alcohol or recovering from excessive drinking. Impaired ability: the person’s intoxication or withdrawal symptoms interfere with work, school, or home. Problems: the person continues drinking despite physical hazards or medical, legal, psychological, family, employment, or school problems. The presence of three or more of these conditions is required to make a diagnosis. These conditions suggest that a person may have an alcohol problem and might benefit from an abstinence program or professional help. SOURCE: Adapted from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. (Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association, 1994). Table H7-4 Signs of alcoholism

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