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CAO Parents Presentation

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1 CAO Parents Presentation

2 Outline of presentation
Some of the key issues this year for students & parents: CAO Applications/ New Points System/Offers Decisions, Dates and Deadlines Cost of studying and living at home and away from home Student Supports: Grants, Access Schemes, Scholarships, Disability Other routes: FETAC/QQI Progression Schemes Other non CAO options

3 So how does the CAO and points system in Ireland work?

4 CAO System Selection system used in Irish 3rd Level Colleges is
CAO system based on matching No. of qualified applicants with No. of course places Selection system used in Irish 3rd Level Colleges is CAO POINTS SYSTEM Students must gain required points AND minimum subject requirements How much will the points be based this year? Honestly no-one knows at this stage Depends on Supply & Demand The fewer the places , the greater demand = higher points More places, lower demand = less points So students need a “cushion”

5 Choice 1: Going to college in Ireland: Making a CAO Application
Since 2007 there are 3 types of courses students can apply for under the National Qualifications Framework. These are applied for on 2 separate lists on a single form: Level 6 & 7 Courses Level 8 Courses Ordinary Degrees (7) Higher Certificates (6) Honours Degrees (8) Up to 10 Course Choices Up to 10 Course Choices The courses and levels are clearly labelled in the CAO Handbook N.B. – Care must be taken with ‘Restricted’ courses These ‘restricted’ courses cannot be applied for after February 1st due to extra assessments required. Check out the CAO website at


7 How are points calculated?
Points are calculated from ONE sitting of the Leaving Certificate only. Points total is calculated from SIX best subjects Entry Requirements (e.g. Pass in Maths and English) can be satisfied over more than one sitting of the Leaving Certificate- with some exceptions – e.g. Medicine

8 How the points are calculated
All the subjects a student presents are given a CAO points score and the best 6 numbers are added up to get the overall total points. BEFORE THE POINTS WILL BE LOOKED AT A STUDENT MUST SATISFY THE : 1: COLLEGE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS (MATRICULATION) 2: COURSE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS (CAN BE SUBJECT OR GRADE SPECIFIC)

9 Trends Points in Science, Engineering , IT courses went up last year
Guidance Department Presentation Secondary School Trends Points in Science, Engineering , IT courses went up last year Healthcare courses are high Arts low Law from 420 Most popular university for ISK students is UCC

10 Guidance Department Presentation Secondary School
New Points System The mechanics of the CAO application and offer process will remain the same; applicants must meet the minimum entry requirements, and places will be awarded based on an applicant’s position on the order of merit list. The number of grade bands were reduced from 14 to 8 to fairly reward scholastic achievement and to ease the pressure on students to achieve marginal gains in examinations. The Common Points Scale has been altered to reflect the reduction in grade bands. All applicants (current year and pre-2017 Leaving Certificate candidates) will be competing using the same scale. Points will be awarded for a H7 grade to reflect the level of achievement represented by a H7 and to encourage the take- up of higher level subjects.

11 New Points System Maths
Guidance Department Presentation Secondary School New Points System Maths 25 bonus points will continue to be awarded for Higher Level Mathematics for H6 and above

12 New Points System (Clear)
Guidance Department Presentation Secondary School New Points System (Clear)

13 Guidance Department Presentation Secondary School
New LCVP Points

14 Old System Vs New System
Guidance Department Presentation Secondary School Old System Vs New System

15 CAO Timetable –crucial dates
5th Nov – online CAO application facility opens Early Bird Special Offer –Jan 20th 2017 (€25) 1st February, 2017Closing date for receipt of normal applications -€40 Before/By 1st February, 2017 Receive Statement of Course Choices 1st March 2017 Closing date for final completion of online HEAR and DARE applications Most tests & interviews for Restricted courses are held in March & April 1st April 2017 Closing date for all final HEAR/DARE documentation 1st May, 2017 Closing date for receipt of late CAO applications Before/By 31st May, 2017 Receive Statement of Application Record From 5 May, 2017 Change of mind opens -FREE 1st July, 2017 Latest date for receipt of change of mind form in CAO. August, 2017 Mid August LC Results First round of offers will commence on Aug ( expected date) Round 1, Aug Acceptances closing date 29th August 2016 (expected date) Cost of CAO Application: Early Bird –25 Euro [on or before Jan 20th] Normal – 40 Euro [by Feb 1st] Students are encouraged to apply soon and avail of the FREE change of mind facility until the end of January [to avoid the last minute panic and computer problems]

16 CAO Offers – how it works
In August 2016 the CAO will make offers to students from both lists(level 6/7 and 8) Students can only accept one offer at a time Students are still eligible for ALL higher preference offers in later rounds Students can accept online If deferring, students must contact the HEI directly in writing From May to July 1st students can adjust their course choice lists using the FREE change of mind facility.

17 Choice 2: Going to College Abroad UK
UCAS BREXIT?? Deadlines (Oct 15th or Jan 15th) Students set up their accounts online and work through the sections Up to 5 choices maximum [sometimes only 4] Predicted Grades Personal Statement Reference Interview Conditional Offer Offer

18 Going to college in Europe
Many colleges offer EU students the opportunity to study at very reasonable prices through the medium of English across many excellent universities Look at

19 Making A College Application Important Key Dates for Ireland/UK
UCAS January 20th 2017 UCAS CAO PLC applications March 2017 [some accept later applications] HEAR and DARE applications Feb/March/April2017 Pre exams March 2017 Practical/Oral LC exams March/April 2017 LC written exams June 2017 Grant applications SUSI June/July 2017

20 How will you finance it?

21 Cost of Living at Home – 2014 Registration Fees : €3,000
Cost of living for Students living at home Monthly (€) Annual (€) Contribution to Utilities 33 297 Food 65 585 Travel 119 1071 Books & Class Materials 55 495 Clothes/Medical 45 405 Mobile 32 288 Social Life 132 1188 Student Contribution charge 306 2750 Total’s 787 7083

22 The Cost of Living Away From Home
Registration Fees : €3,000 Students in receipt of a grant will get their registration fees paid and may also receive additional support Cost of Living for Student’s Living away from Home Monthly (€) Annual (€) Rent (National – for Dublin see below) 307** 2763 Utilities 33 297 Food 172 1548 Travel 119 1071 Books  & Class materials 74**** 666 Clothes/Medical 45 405 Mobile 32 288 Social life/Misc 132 1188 Student Contribution Charge 306 2750 Total’s 1220 10980

23 Is there any financial support. Yes, there is
Is there any financial support? Yes, there is! Let’s see what support there is out there for you

24 What Supports are Available?
1. GRANTS/SUSI Financial 2. H.E.A.R. Scheme Access/financial 3. Other Scholarships 4. D.A.R.E. Scheme Access/disability Information Evening18 January, The Rose Hotel, Tralee, 7-9pm

25 1. Grants So how much do students get? Max
Applications are completed online at SUSI –Student Universal Support Ireland Check out website for more information So how much do students get? Max Min 5,915 305 Most students 3, or 1,215 Living away (45km+) Living at home


27 2. HEAR Higher Education Access Route
This is an access scheme which the following 16 Institutions are involved in: DCU, DIT, NUI Maynooth, NUI Galway, TCD, UL, UCC, UCD, Marino, Mary I, Mater Dei, St. Angela’s, St. Pats, COI College of Education, NCI, PUM Targets students who are motivated and have the ability to attend 3rd level but may lack some of the social or economic supports. Who is eligible to apply? Long term unemployed Low family income – must be within the Irish grants income limits Little family tradition of progression to 3rd level Under represented socio-economic groups Applications are due in by Feb 1st 2016 – through the CAO scheme and must be fully complete by March 1st 2017 ALL FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS must be in by APRIL 1st 2017 Student Supports: Financial (1,200 approx) Personal Guidance Orientation Programme Academic Social Supports Extra Tuition Students must get about 90% of the points needed to do the course of choice. A lot of students who are on the HEAR scheme achieved their place with no concession on points.

28 5. Other Scholarships SIPTU – for children of SIPTU members
Reid Scholarship for Kerry Students in Trinity Sports Scholarships – check with college Entrance scholarships – awarded to best students Irish Taxation Institute Scholarship – taxation Science Foundation Ireland/DELL Scholarship –young women in engineering – engineering degrees – €2000 NUI Equal Opportunities Scheme - €1625 All Ireland Scholarship Scheme – 120 top LC students, open to medical card holders Details of all schemes on

29 6. D.A.R.E – Disability Access Route to Education
This is part of the supplementary CAO application process. Forms are completed online with additional information forwarded to the CAO. The scheme is intended to support students with diagnosed disabilities such as: Asberger’s Syndrome, Autism, ADD, ADHD, blind, vision impaired, Dyspraxia, mental health condition, neurological conditions, significant ongoing illness, physical disability, specific learning difficulty and others…. The following 12 colleges are part of this scheme: Athlone IT, DCU, DIT, MATER DEI, NCI, NUIG, NUIM, TCD, UCC, UCD, UL, PUM Applications due in: FEB 1 st to be fully completed by March 1st 2017 Additional information due in by: APRIL 1st For further information check out:

30 Financial Documentation needed
Parents are encouraged to collect in a file all the financial documentation that will be needed. The following are often requested: P60 for year ended 2015/6 P21 for year ended 2015/6 Self-employed: copy of accounts ending 2014 and 2015 Social Welfare recipient: statement from local office showing total amounts received for the year ending 2015/6 An original birth cert may also be requested Grant applications require information from 2016 while HEAR applications require 2015 If you are doing a HEAR and grant application you will need both sets of documents.

31 Supports In Summary Students are encouraged to look at all these schemes and put the time and effort into applying if they feel they are eligible. HEAR /DARE forms are completed as part of the online CAO process (students NOT the school send them off) Scholarship applications are usually returned to the college/Institute Grant forms are completed in the summer online and supporting documents are returned to the SUSI office [note: they are not returned to school]

32 If direct entry to college is not for you or you need a back up plan: FETAC Progression Routes – Further Education (PLC) FETAC level 5 or 6 In 2014 there are 38 HEI’s offering places to FETAC applicants Currently 20% of all CAO applicants have a level 5/6 FETAC AWARD (not applying on the basis of LC) Since every FETAC Award will be part of the CAS (Common Awards System) Based on a CREDITS system (max120=400points) Some courses are ‘linked’ to specific related courses For more information look up website


34 The FETAC(QQI) Progression Route
Leaving Cert FETAC(PLC) Level 5 course Level 6 course Level 7 Level 7 course Level 8 Level 8 course

35 Websites Websites: Thank you for your attention If you have any questions please ask Feel free to ring me at school on

36 ISK Leaving Cert Students 2016 Third Level Offers
Guidance Department Presentation Secondary School ISK Leaving Cert Students 2016 Third Level Offers ISK 3rd Level Offers 2016

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