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Dickerson 6th Grade Social Studies

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1 Dickerson 6th Grade Social Studies
WELCOME Dickerson 6th Grade Social Studies ROUND ONE

2 MAPS Environmental Issues Economics Government History Pictures 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

3 Which letter points to the location of the St. Lawrence River?
Q: 100

4 B

5 Identify the political features marked 4, 5, and 6.
Q: 200 Identify the political features marked 4, 5, and 6.

6 4=Bolivia 5=Cuba 6=Haiti

7 Q: 300 8 9 Identify the numbers that BEST represents the following physical features: Rhine River Danube River Ural Mountains English Channel

8 A: 300 9= Danube River 8=Rhine River 7=Ural Mountains
5= English Channel

9 Q: 400 Identify 1,2, 3, and 4. 1 2 3 4

10 A:400 1. Ayers Rock 2. The Great Victoria Desert 3. Indian Ocean 4. Coral Sea

11 Q:500 ANSWER ALL FIVE Name the physical feature.
The two countries that make up the physical feature. The body of water on its southern and eastern coastline. The body of water on its western coastline. The mountain range on its northern border.

12 A:500 Iberian Peninsula Spain and Portugal. Mediterranean Sea.
Atlantic Ocean Pyrenees Mountains Atlantic Ocean Pyrenees Mts. Spain Portugal Mediterranean Sea

13 Q:100 In 1986, Chernobyl, Ukraine was abandoned. What caused the people to abandon the city? Acid rain caused by engine exhaust. “the great smog” from coal-burning. Unsafe radiation levels. The Cold War

14 A:100 In 1986, Chernobyl, Ukraine was abandoned. What caused the people to abandon the city? Acid rain caused by engine exhaust. “the great smog” from coal-burning. Unsafe radiation levels. The Cold War

15 Q:200 Read the information in the box and answer the following question. This South American country’s coast along the Caribbean Sea, has become polluted with oil. Oil spills and tanker leaks have damaged the environment in the region. They have also hurt the ability of fishermen to earn a living. The information in the box MOST LIKELY describes the environmental issue in the country of ________________

16                                                                                                        A: 200 VENEZUELA

17 Q: 300 Which of these is MOST LIKELY to be classified as a reason for Canadians' concern about pollution of the Great Lakes? A. The Great Lakes are a favorite Canadian tourist destination. B. The Great Lakes are a major source of Canada's drinking water. C. Canadians prefer the beaches along the Great Lakes to those along the coast. D. Diving on shipwrecks is a growing Great Lakes sport which attracts divers from around the world.

18 A: 300 Which of these is MOST LIKELY to be classified as a reason for Canadians' concern about pollution of the Great Lakes? A. The Great Lakes are a favorite Canadian tourist destination. B. The Great Lakes are a major source of Canada's drinking water. C. Canadians prefer the beaches along the Great Lakes to those along the coast. D. Diving on shipwrecks is a growing Great Lakes sport which attracts divers from around the world.

19 Q: 400 Identify the countries A, B, C, D and the major environmental issues associated with the countries. A B C D

20 A: 400 Air Pollution in Mexico City, Mexico.
Destruction of the Rain Forest in Brazil. Acid Rain in Germany Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster (Radiation leak) in Ukraine.

21 Q: 500 After reading the statements in each box, identify Country A and Country B. When it comes to the problem of acid rain, Country A is its own worst enemy. The country is one of the leading exporters of cars, steel, and chemical products. These industries have mostly coal-burning factories. As a member of the European Union, the country has promised to increase its use of cleaner, renewable energy, and to decrease the use of fossil fuels like coal and oil. Pollution related to mining in the mineral rich region of Country B has had an impact on the large metropolitan areas to the south. The government of this country has made new rules about mining. Some of the new rules reduce the amount of pollution allowed in waterways. The country’s government hopes to keep its fish alive and safe to eat without shutting down important mining industries.

22 A: 500 Germany Canada

23 Q: 100 Which term best describes an economic system in which the people—not the government—own land, factories, and businesses? A. communism B. market C. command D. traditional

24 A: 100 Which term best describes an economic system in which the people—not the government—own land, factories, and businesses? A. communism B. market C. command D. traditional

25 Describe the mixed economies of United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia.
Q: 200 Describe the mixed economies of United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia.

26 A: 200 (Answers may vary) All are examples of mixed economies that are mostly market economies with some elements of command economies

27 Q: 300 A government imposed restriction on the quantity of a specific good that can be imported . The above statement defines a term used as a barrier to trade. What is the term?

28 A: 300 QUOTA

29 Q: 400 One way NAFTA has affected Mexico is that____
A. It created many low paying jobs in Mexico. B. The jobs were relocated to the United States. C. It decreased imports to Canada. D. It eliminated trade barriers with the U.S. and Canada.

30 A: 400 One way NAFTA has affected Mexico is that____
A. It created many low paying jobs in Mexico. B. The jobs were relocated to the United States. C. It decreased imports to Canada. D. It eliminated trade barriers with the U.S. and Canada.

31 Q: 500 The literacy rate for the region of Latin America is 90%. In the country of Haiti, the literacy rate is 51%. Which statement best reflects the factors of economic growth in Haiti? A. Haiti’s low investment in human capital lowers the GDP per capita. B. Haiti has greater opportunity for other capital investments than education. C. Haiti’s GDP per capita would decrease if there was more investment in human capital. D. Haiti’s high investment in human capital lowers the GDP per capita.

32 A: 500 The literacy rate for the region of Latin America is 90%. In the country of Haiti, the literacy rate is 51%. Which statement best reflects these factors of economic growth in Haiti? A. Haiti’s low investment in human capital lowers the GDP per capita. B. Haiti has greater opportunity for other capital investments than education. C. Haiti’s GDP per capita would decrease if there was more investment in human capital. D. Haiti’s high investment in human capital lowers the GDP per capita.

33 Q:100 In a democratic country the BEST WAY for citizens to influence their government would be by______ A. investing in capital resources B. working C. obeying laws D. voting

34 A:100 In a democratic country the BEST WAY for citizens to influence their government would be by______ A. investing in capital resources B. working C. obeying laws D. voting

35 Q: 200 Read the following passage and identify the type of government.
You are part of a small group of wealthy landowning families that holds all of the political power in your nation. This small group makes all political decisions for your country. When making decisions, you generally do what is best for your family rather than what is best for all the people in your country.


37 Q: 300 Mexico and Brazil have a form of democracy in which the head of government is constitutionally independent of the legislature. What form of democracy do the two countries have?

38 Presidential Democracy

39 Q: 400 Power is formally divided between various divisions of the country. Each region retains some management of its internal affairs. The central government exerts influence directly upon both individuals as well as upon the regional units. What government system or type do the statements in the box describe?

40 A: 400 The Federal System

41 Q: 500 Identify the government system/type of the countries shaded in blue.


43 Q:100 Which of the following event occurred as a result of European exploration of the Americas in the 1400s and the 1500s? A. increased trade with Asia. B. the invention of the astrolabe, which improved navigation. C. the destruction of the Aztec and Incan civilizations D. the discovery that there was no short cut to Asia.

44 A: 100 Which of the following events occurred as a result of European exploration of the Americas in the 1400s and the 1500s? A. increased trade with Asia. B. the invention of the astrolabe, which improved navigation. C. the destruction of the Aztec and Incan civilizations D. the discovery that there was no short cut to Asia.

45 Q: 200 After a ten−year struggle, Haiti was the first nation in Latin America to gain independence in Name the leader of the revolutionary movement in Haiti who led the fight for Haiti’s independence from France.

46 A: 200 Toussaint L'Ouverture

47 Q: 300 Complete the following statements with the correct event.
Withdrawal from WWI, poverty, starvation, overthrow of the czar, civil war and communism are associated with the____________ United States wanting to rebuild European states with democratic governments and free-market economies as opposed to the Soviet Union wanting communist governments with centralized economic and political systems led to the__________________.


49 Q: 400 Many citizens and elected leaders of Québec believe their province should take which action?

50 A: 400 Become an independent nation.

51 Q: 500 What question would the above statements answer?
To expand their knowledge of the world. To build and control larger empires. To expand the Christian religion. To find a sea route to the spices of Asia. What question would the above statements answer?

52 A: 500 What were the reasons for European Exploration and colonization?

53 Q: 100 The following image exemplifies the influence of two countries on the languages of Canada. Name the two countries.

54 A: 100 France Great Britain

55 Q: 200 Which war made the government of Great Britain look to Australia as a colony for convicts? A. War of 1812 B. Seven Years’ War C. American Revolution D. French and Indian War.

56 A: 200 Which war made the government of Great Britain look to Australia as a colony for convicts? A. War of 1812 B. Seven Years’ War C. American Revolution D. French and Indian War.

57 Q: 300 What would be the BEST TITLE for this cartoon?

58 A: 300 Causes of WWI

59 Q: 400 The Queen's Speech is read by the Queen from the throne in the House of Lords at the opening of parliament. It is drawn up by the government, and contains an outline of the government's policies and proposed legislative program for the new parliamentary session. The picture and statement above BEST illustrates what aspect of UK’s government? Be specific.

60 Constitutional Monarchy

61 Q: 500 Calypso a style of Afro-Caribbean music which originated in the Caribbean islands of Trinidad and Tobago as a result of the blending of African and European roots, was a long term effect of which historical event?

62 A: 500 The Triangular Slave Trade/Introduction of Slavery to the Americas/The Atlantic Slave Trade.

63 Credit Georgia Department of Education. Teacher Notes. Retrieved from

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