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A. Ability to walk B. Severity of epilepsy C. Onset of seizures 1 2

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1 A. Ability to walk B. Severity of epilepsy C. Onset of seizures 1 2
1 2 Scale of severity 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Large deletions (n=6) NS mutations in TRD (n=21) NS mutations in the ID (n=10) LT mutations (n=9) MS mutations in the TRD (n=12) MS mutations in the MBD (n=17) B. Severity of epilepsy Large deletions (n=7) NS mutations in TRD (n=23) LT mutations (n=11) C. Onset of seizures NS mutations in TRD (n=22) MS mutations in the MBD (n=15) E-Figure 1: Relationship between RTT phenotype and MECP2 genotype. Type and localisation of MECP2 mutations cause differential severity of three clinical features: gross motor function (ability to walk) (A), severity of epilepsy (B) and seizure onset (C). There is an overall difference for the clinical category “walking” (A, p=0.05), in the clinical category “epilepsy” (B, p=0.003) and in the clinical category “onset of seizures” (C, p=0.01) between the six different mutation groups. NS, Non-sense. MS, Missense. LT, Large truncating. ID, Interdomain. Percent Percent

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