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Fig. 3. (A–L) Descriptive representation of Timm staining in the caudal part of dorsal hippocampus and rostral pole of dorsal CA3 subfields. (A–F) Dentate.

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Presentation on theme: "Fig. 3. (A–L) Descriptive representation of Timm staining in the caudal part of dorsal hippocampus and rostral pole of dorsal CA3 subfields. (A–F) Dentate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fig. 3. (A–L) Descriptive representation of Timm staining in the caudal part of dorsal hippocampus and rostral pole of dorsal CA3 subfields. (A–F) Dentate gyrus (DG). (G–L) CA3 subfield. Control (A, G), epilepsy (B, H), 5 mg/kg for 60 days (C, I), 5 mg/kg for 14 days (D, J), 20 mg/kg for 60 days (E, K), and 20 mg/kg for 14 days (F, L). Scale bars=800 µm. (M) The density of sprouted axons in the both rostro-caudal pole of dorsal dentate gyrus in addition to CA3 subfields. The epilepsy group was compared to control one. The melatonin treated group was compared to the vehicle one. Mel, melatonin. *P≤0.05. Fig. 3. (A–L) Descriptive representation of Timm staining in the caudal part of dorsal hippocampus and rostral pole of dorsal CA3 subfields. (A–F) Dentate gyrus (DG). (G–L) CA3 subfield. Control (A, G), epilepsy (B, H), 5 mg/kg for 60 days (C, I), 5 mg/kg for 14 days (D, J), 20 mg/kg for 60 days (E, K), and 20 mg/kg for 14 days (F, L). Scale bars=800 µm. (M) The density of sprouted. . . Anat Cell Biol Mar;49(1):

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