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Legislation for County Administrators

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1 Legislation for County Administrators
2017 Regular Session Legislation for County Administrators

2 HB 33 by Representative Juandalynn Givan
This legislation would require the payment of probate court costs at the time that a petition, motion, and other pleading is filed. The bill would allow the court to order the payment of a security deposit to cover expected costs. STATUS: The bill has passed in House and Senate and has been sent to the Governor to be signed into law. ACTION: More details, along with a copy of this bill, will be provided in the final Goat Hill Report.

3 HB 77 by Representative Chris Blackshear SB 68 by Senator Jabo Waggoner
This legislation would make technical changes that amend the current membership structure of the ALGTI Board to ensure county groups participating in its programs have adequate representation. STATUS: Both bills have passed in the house of origin and are on the regular calendar. These bills are awaiting floor action for final passage. ACTION: The Association staff is working to have the bills placed on the Special Order Calendar as early as this week.

4 HB 135 by Representative Jim Carns
This legislation would exempt the Southern Research Institute from any state, county, and municipal sales and use taxes. STATUS: The bill has received House committee approval and is awaiting action on the House floor. ACTION: Although this bill is restricted to one business in Jefferson County (and the County Commission does not oppose the exemption), the Association must remain consistent to defeat the many exemptions that are pending in the House and Senate.

5 HB 211 by Representative Chris England
This legislation would temporarily reinstate an eligible county inmate’s Medicaid benefits in the event that he or she need inpatient care for 24 hours or more. STATUS: The bill has passed the House and the Senate and has been sent to the Governor to be signed into law. ACTION: Details on the implementation of this new law will be included in the final Goat Hill Report and will be on the Association convention agenda.

6 HB 328 by Representative Alan Baker
This legislation would change the process by which counties grant local approval for solid waste management companies seeking a permit. STATUS: This bill has passed in the House and been approved in the Senate committee. The bill is awaiting floor action in the Senate for final passage. The Association has removed its objections to the House-passed version of this bill. ACTION: Administrators should contact their SENATORS and ask that they oppose any changes to this bill.

7 HB 340 by Representative Matt Fridy
This legislation would adjust the benefits for families of law enforcement officers and firemen killed in the line of duty. This bill would produce an immediate increase of 1.3 percent in workers’ compensation premiums in the Association fund. STATUS: The bill has received approval from the House committee and is awaiting action on the House floor. ACTION: Administrators should contact their REPRESENTATIVES and ask that this bill be CARRIED OVER should it reach the House floor.

8 HB 450 by Representative Chris Pringle
This bill would make substantial changes in the statute related to the Department of Examiners of Public Accounts. The revisions are the result of a study of similar auditing departments in other states. STATUS: This bill was debated on the House floor on May 4 and was carried over. ACTION: The bill is not likely to pass this session. In preparation for the 2018 session, the Association will engage county administrators in a complete review and analysis of the legislation.

9 HB 471 by Representative David Standridge
This legislation would allow for the purchase and installation of heating and air conditioning units by counties through the National Association of Counties (NACo) purchasing cooperative program. STATUS: The bill has received approval from the House committee and is now awaiting action on the floor. ACTION: Administrators should contact their REPRESENTATIVES and ask that they SUPPORT this bill on the House floor.

10 HB 487 by Representative Bill Poole
This legislation would utilize a bond issue to provide funding to each Alabama county for repair of local roads and bridges. STATUS: This bill is not going to reach the House for a vote this session. ACTION: With the prospect of a special session, it is important that counties continue to make the public aware of the massive need for improvement of county roads and bridges. This issue must be addressed at some point in the future.

11 HB 502 by Representative Mark Tuggle
This legislation proposes a constitutional amendment that would require the Forever Wild Land Trust to annually reimburse counties for the amount of any ad valorem tax revenue lost as a result of the property being acquired by the Trust. STATUS: The bill has received approval from the House committee and is awaiting action on the floor. ACTION: Administrators should contact their REPRESENTATIVES and ask that this bill be placed on the SPECIAL ORDER CALENDAR.

12 SB 20 by Senator Greg Albritton
This legislation would abolish the requirement that a marriage license be issued by the judge of probate. STATUS: The bill has passed the Senate and has gained committee approval in the House. The bill is awaiting House floor action for final passage. ACTION: The Association is extremely concerned about the unintended consequences in abolishing the century-long process of issuing marriage licenses. Please contact your HOUSE members to express the Association’s belief that the current process should not be repealed.

13 SB 24 by Senator Gerald Allen
This legislation would reduce many of the safety precautions in Alabama’s gun laws. STATUS: The bill has passed the Senate and is awaiting approval from House committee. ACTION: Administrators should contact the committee members and ask them to OPPOSE this bill. The negative implications of this bill on county government are extremely dangerous.

14 SB 60 by Senator Gerald Allen
This legislation would require counties to seek court approval before moving or relocating monuments or renaming county roads. STATUS: The bill has passed in the House and Senate and is now pending action in a Conference Committee. ACTION: Although some improvements have been made in this legislation, it still presents an overreach of power by a Legislature that wishes to control local government. Both House and Senate members should be contacted to take whatever steps are available to delay this bill unless substantial revisions are made.

15 SB 86 by Senator Trip Pittman
This legislation makes minor improvements to the 2015 law creating the program, including monthly distributions of SSUT proceeds to local governments. STATUS: The bill has passed the Senate and the House and has been signed into law by the Governor. ACTION: Details on the implementation of this new law will be included in the final Goat Hill Report and will be on the Association convention agenda.

16 SB 95 by Senator Trip Pittman
This legislation would address overbid funds resulting from tax sales was amended in 2013 and then in STATUS: The bill has passed the Senate and the House and has been signed into law by the Governor. ACTION: Details on the implementation of this new law will be included in the final Goat Hill Report and will be on the Association convention agenda.

17 SB 136 by Senator Tim Melson
This legislation would change the annual school items sales tax holiday to the third weekend in July to be conducive with school year start dates. STATUS: The bill has passed the Senate and the House and has been signed into law by the Governor. ACTION: Details on the implementation of this new law will be included in the final Goat Hill Report and will be on the Association convention agenda.

18 SB 137 by Senator Jimmy Holley
This legislation would propose amendments to the current Board of Registrars system that provide more accountability and set minimum qualifications for appointment. STATUS: This bill has passed the Senate and received approval from the House committee. The bill is awaiting action on the House floor. ACTION: Administrators should contact their REPRESENTATIVES and ask that they place the bill on the SPECIAL ORDER calendar.

19 SB 217 by Senator Del Marsh This legislation would expand local government representation on the ERS Board, and would also provide qualification requirements for an ERS member to run for an elected seat on the Board. STATUS: The bill has gained approval from Senate committee and is awaiting action on the floor. ACTION: The Association staff has been unable to resolve several issues with this legislation, so it is not going to reach the floor this session. We will continue to involve Administrators in this important issue for the future.

20 SB 266 By Senator Linda Coleman
This legislation would provide that any municipality in Alabama may use available procedures to Class 4 municipalities to annex unincorporated property enclosed within the corporate limits of the municipality. STATUS: The bill has passed the Senate and was carried over in the House committee. ACTION: The bill was carried over by the House County and Municipal Government Committee last week and is not expected to resurface this session.

21 SB 302 by Senator Cam Ward This legislation allows for the authority to issue bonds to acquire property and construct four state prisons. STATUS: The bill has passed the Senate and is awaiting approval in House committee. ACTION: The Association staff is working directly on this issue to protect, as much as possible, the interests of those counties that have prison facilities that are essential to their economy. Counties with concerns should contact the Association staff.

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