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The Four Regions of Texas

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1 The Four Regions of Texas
Chapter 1 Section 4 The Four Regions of Texas

2 The Coastal Plains Borders Red River Rio Grande River
Balcones fault—a crack in the crust of the Earth Fault produces escarpment—steep cliff Gulf of Mexico


4 The Coastal Plains Land Gradually slopes to Gulf of Mexico
On western edge—1000 feet above sea level Along coast, land is marshy

5 The Coastal Plains Vegetation & Other Features Cattle industry
Fruit & vegetable crops grow well Piney Woods Largest region in TX Covers 13 million acres Home to more Texans than any other region--4.5 million people

6 The Coastal Plains Challenges Urban growth Air quality Weather

7 Houston

8 Galveston

9 San Antonio

10 Austin




14 North Central Plains Borders North Central Plains Red River
Caprock Escarpment Edwards Plateau


16 North Central Plains Land Elevation decreases from west to east
Land is rolling and hilly Buttes—steep sided hills Mesas—landforms with flat tops



19 Dallas

20 Ft. Worth

21 North Central Plains Vegetation and Other Features
Can be broken into 3 distinct parts Farming and ranching are dominant Part of a region that starts in Canada

22 North Central Plains Challenges Drought Industry—dot com industries

23 The Great Plains Borders Caprock Escarpment Oklahoma New Mexico
Edwards Plateau


25 The Great Plains Land Land rises in elevation from east to west
Mostly flat Llano Estacado—Staked Plain

26 The Great Plains Vegetation Dry area Few trees
Grassland—excellent for grazing cattle, sheep, goats




30 Great Plains Challenges Types of industries available Weather

31 Lubbock

32 Mountains and Basins Borders New Mexico Rio Grande Toyah Basin
Stockton Plateau


34 Mountains and Basins Land Scattered mountains Flat desert basins
Guadalupe Mountains Guadalupe Peak—highest point in TX—8751 feet


36 El Paso

37 Mountains and Basins Vegetation Land is among driest in TX
8 inches of rain per year Much of area covered in desert Big Bend National Park




41 Mountains and Basins Challenges Immigration Weather Industry


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