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Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter

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1 Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter
Team Tribune Week 31 Name_________________________#________ Parents Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter Attached to this newsletter you should find the following items: 1. Report Card 2. Previous homework * Students self-correct Together Everyone Achieves More! ________________________________________ Parent Signature Questions/Concerns:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MVP Play of the Week The all-star play of the week was demonstrated by Braxten. Braxten took the time to encourage another student and brainstormed ideas in which the student could meet expectations. Thanks for being such an awesome team player! AHHH the things we love……. Chocolate Our student teacher and her darling family Student Self Assessment Write (Y) yes, (A) Almost (N) for No ____1. I can use area models to represent multiplication of fractions. ____2. I can use a number line to represent multiplication of fractions. ____3. I can create an outline of a Tall Tale to explain how I was given my spirit name. ____4. I can type and print out a copy of the goals I have established for myself using power point. Our class family Begins April 10th-Ends May 23rd Team Work Makes the Dream Work!

2 Leaders in Lessons Passed
Parent Page to Help Prepare for Week 32 Dear Family Member: After Spring Break we will focus on what we can discover when we look at things very closely. We will also discuss how water changes from one state to another. Here are some activities that you can do with your child to help reinforce the skills we’ll be practicing. Words to Know: antonyms In this activity, you and your child will define each word and use it in a sentence. Then you will try to think of a word that has the opposite meaning. You can use a phrase to show the opposite meaning if you can’t find one word. Spelling/Phonics: r-controlled vowels You will make a three column chart with headings for -er, -ar, and -or. Have your child spell each word and then write the word in the correct column based on its ending. Comprehension: sequence Each situation has a beginning and an end. Read each of the short exercises. Then help your child come up with what might have happened in the middle. . Spelling Vocabulary Think Through Math Leaders in Lessons Passed

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