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Birds Spelling and Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Birds Spelling and Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Birds Spelling and Vocabulary

2 Spelling

3 -oke -ose -ote joke choke nose hole note vote many any saw see

4 Vocabulary

5 opened Define: past tense of open Example: The bus driver opened the door to let me on. Chinese: 打開(過去式) Ask: How did you feel when you opened your Christmas presents?

6 every Define: all Example: The principal will visit every classroom this week. Chinese: 每一,每個 Ask: How is everyone in our class alike?

7 ? ? ? any Define: one of many Example: Ducks eat any plants or bugs
they can get. Chinese: 任何一個 Ask: If you could have anything to eat for dinner tonight, what would you eat? ? ?

8 saw Define: past tense of see Example: He saw many birds in the sky yesterday. Chinese: 看(過去式) Ask: What would you do if you saw a dragon flying in the sky?

9 soon Define: in a short time, not long to wait Example: We will leave for the library soon. Chinese: 不久,很快地 Ask: What will our class do soon?

10 sparkled Define: shined brightly Example: The queen’s crown sparkled in the sunlight. Chinese: 發光,閃耀 Ask: Have you ever seen something that sparkled?

11 floating Define: on the top of the water Example: I like to go floating in the pool. Chinese: 漂浮 Ask: Do you know how to float in water?

12 pelican Define: a bird with a big mouth that lives near water Example: The pelican scooped up a fish to eat. Chinese:鵜鶘 Ask: Would a pelican make a good pet?

13 dolphin Define: a mammal that lives in the water Example: I saw a dolphin at the aquarium in Kenting. Chinese: 海豚 Ask: Is a dolphin a fish?

14 turtle Define: a reptile that lives in a shell. Example: Some turtles can swim and other live on land. Chinese: 烏龜 Ask: Can you think of any other animals that live in shells?

15 coconut Define: a large, hard fruit that grows in trees Example: The coconuts fell down onto the beach. Chinese: 椰子 Ask: Have you ever eaten a coconut? Have you ever drank coconut water?

16 -oke -ose -ote joke woke nose hose note vote every any splash string

17 joke any floating woke splash pelican nose string dolphin hose opened
turtle note saw coconut vote soon every sparkled

18 Talk About It Pretend you are a bird. What would it be like? What would you do? Do you know the parts of a bird?

19 Long “o” Practice bone cone hope rope poke stroke rose close home hole globe drove

20 Homework saw, any, pelican, turtle, dolphin, Title: At the Zoo Yesterday, I saw many animals at the zoo. A pelican was flying. A turtle was eating. A dolphin was swimming. Did you see any animals yesterday?

21 Homework joke, vote, choke, note, hole, Title: A Funny Joke Yesterday was fun! My friend gave me a note. It was a funny joke. I laughed so hard I started to choke! I dropped it in a hole! Who will get it? Let’s vote!

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