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Reaching the other half of Children affected and living with HIV and AIDS by 2015 Conference 14th April 2010, Bern Stefan Germann, World.

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Presentation on theme: "Reaching the other half of Children affected and living with HIV and AIDS by 2015 Conference 14th April 2010, Bern Stefan Germann, World."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reaching the other half of Children affected and living with HIV and AIDS by Conference 14th April 2010, Bern Stefan Germann, World Vision International, Geneva

2 Universal Access by 2010 ? The ‘silent’ shift to 2015
What is the new global mobilization call? “Reaching the other half” A new push for 2015 is needed

3 Stock taking Progress has been made: PMTCT expansion
Pediatric treatment care/protection Areas where little progress was made: Early infant HIV diagnosis Cotrimoxazole preventative therapy Youth prevention

4 Stock taking conclusion
We have to acknowledge, where significant progress has been achieved it has generally been made with those people and locations that have been relatively easy to reach, the so-called “low hanging fruit.” The larger challenge remains: to reach those most marginalised and hardest to reach. An effective strategy and action plan is needed to reach those children still barely touched by the HIV response.

5 MDG tracking can be missleading?
The success of Global AIDS response may make MDG 6 a “victim of success”

6 key findings Family1-centered PMTCT & other HIV/AIDS interventions
Joint Learning Initiative on Children and AIDS: Family1-centered PMTCT & other HIV/AIDS interventions Keep families intact through treatment Support children in families – eg extended family fostering 1) Intimate, stable, caring groups, formed biologically, or by adoption, fostering, or nomination

7 RTOH & JLICA findings Shift from individual lense of analysis and programming to a familiy centred lense of analysis and programming Backstop families thourgh expasion of social protection and community groups in support of families

8 RTOH study Macro level analysis March to May 2010
Delphi stakeholder review May to June Launch of preliminary results July IAC 2010 Full RTOH by 2015 report launch by December 2010 If interested to participate in stakholder review please contact

9 % allocation of aid to health

10 Implications for Swiss NGOs?
Lobby to increase aid to health to at least 20% Utilize for all development approaches “social determinantes to health” – focus on health outcomes as key development indicators, espcially Maternal, Newborn & child indicators Push for Swiss Government to increase its funding to Global Fund Increase advocacy budgets and enhance joint efforts Move from vertical to diagonal programming, better integration, family centred, community systems strengthening

11 Dankeschön!

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