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On Jan. 19th Club members at the George M. Ferris Jr

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Presentation on theme: "On Jan. 19th Club members at the George M. Ferris Jr"— Presentation transcript:

1 On Jan. 19th Club members at the George M. Ferris Jr
On Jan. 19th Club members at the George M. Ferris Jr. Clubhouse 6, were surprised by some very special visitors.

2 On MLK Day President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and their daughter Malia visited the George M. Ferris Jr. Clubhouse 6.


4 President Obama and Joseph Amaya, 9


6 The first family visited the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington as part of a service project planned by the Corporation for National Service and the White House’s My Brother’s Keeper initiative.

7 Zuriel Holmes, 11 and President Obama

8 President Obama spent time speaking with AmeriCorps volunteers, Club members , volunteers and staff.


10 They spent time with our kids painting murals, assembling literacy kits. . .

11 . . . and having fun with BGCGW Club members, staff and volunteers!

12 They were joined by Senior White House Advisor Valerie Jarrett
Pandit Wright, President & CEO, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington; Senior White House Advisor Valerie Jarrett and Kevin McCartney, Senior Vice President, Government Relations, Boys & Girls Clubs of America

13 The leadership from the Corporation for National and Community Service and. . .
Malia Obama; First Lady Michelle Obama; Kerron Kalloo, Branch Director, BGCGW; Pandit Wright, President & CEO, BGCGW; Wendy Spencer, CEO, Corporation for National and Community Service; and President Obama

14 President Obama and Rhonda Taylor, Sr
President Obama and Rhonda Taylor, Sr. Advisor for Public Engagement, Corporation for National and Community Service

15 Malia Obama; First Lady Michelle Obama; Rhonda Taylor, Sr
Malia Obama; First Lady Michelle Obama; Rhonda Taylor, Sr. Advisor for Public Engagement, Corporation for National and Community Service; Ted Miller, Chief of External Affairs, Corporation for National and Community Service and President Obama

16 . . . And long time volunteers from the Metropolitan Police Department
Michelle Obama, Officer Raymond Mincey, President Obama, Officer Maria Nicholson & Officer Keith Green

17 It was truly a day to remember!
Seated: Joseph Amaya, 9 ; Nathaniel Twyman, 6; President Obama, Anashai Whorley, 6; Tyonna Lawron-Bey, 8 and Soliel Fanga, 5

18 Miguel Coppedge, 8 visited with President Obama


20 President Obama and Stepfen Glenn, 6


22 President Obama chatted with Latisha Franklin, Director of Operations DC/MD, BGCGW

23 Hampton Murphy, 7 painted with President & Mrs. Obama

24 President Obama, Fynesse Lee, 11 and Briana Hampton, 11

25 President Obama and Victor Sarceño-Mendoza, 7

26 President Obama, Donald Whorley, 10 and Destini Kholes, 9

27 AmeriCorps volunteer; President Obama; Tyonna Lawson-Bey, 8; Ebony Amuzie, 17; R’Mani Fitchett, 14 and Marcel Gillespie, 10

28 Donald Whorley, 10; First Lady Michelle Obama and Destini Kholes, 9


30 Back Row: Malia Obama; AmeriCorps Volunteer; Carlos Holley, 14; R’Mani Fitchett, 14; First Lady Michelle Obama; AmeriCorps Volunteer; Ebony Amuzie, 17; AmeriCorps Volunteer; Zakia Dory, 11; Chrystal Mitchell, Membership Coordinator BGCGW; Kerron Kalloo, Branch Director BGCGW; AmeriCorps Volunteer; Officer Maria Nicholson, Metropolitan Police Department; Officer Raymond Mincey, Metropolitan Police Department; Officer Keith Green, Metropolitan Police Department Middle Row: Simone Hampton, 9; Donald Whorley, 10; Marcel Gillespie, 10; Isaac Chase, 12; Daynah Anderson, 12; AmeriCorps Volunteer,; Miguel Coppedge, 9; Degaulle Njie, 8 Front Row: Wendy Spencer, CEO, Corporation for National and Community Service; Franqu’e Lee, 7; Joseph Amaya, 9; Nathaniel Twyman, 6; President Obama; Anashai Whorley, 7; Tyonna Lawson-Bey, 9; Soliel Fanga, 5; Destini Coles, 9; Kasey Robinson, 7

31 Back Row: Bryant Brown, Education Director; AmeriCorps Volunteer; Jesus Robinson; AmeriCorps Volunteer; First Lady Michelle Obama; AmeriCorps Volunteer; President Obama; Isaiah King, 13; Kevin McCartney, Senior Vice President, Government Relations at Boys & Girls Clubs of America; AmeriCorps Volunteer; AmeriCorps Volunteer Middle Row: Kerron Kalloo, Branch Director BGCGW; Latisha Franklin, Director of Operations DC/MD, BGCGW; Michael Bundu, 9; Briana Hampton, 11; Valencia Walker, 9; Zuriel Holmes, 12; Fynesse Lee, 11; Pandit Wright, President & CEO, BGCGW; AmeriCorp Volunteer Front Row: Sam Elira Jr., 8; Hampton Murphy, 7; Gavin Neubauer, 10; Andrew Ratcliff, 10; Harmony Dory, 9; Cah-leel Holley, 11; Claude Bundu, 7; Victor Sarceno-Mendoza, 7; Sam Njie, 7; Stepfen Glenn, 6; Hope Lehman-Payne, 9; Malia Obama

32 Great Futures Start Here

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