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Putting the Gold in Your Golden Years

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Presentation on theme: "Putting the Gold in Your Golden Years"— Presentation transcript:

1 Putting the Gold in Your Golden Years
Research provides valuable insights about what really makes a difference

2 Presentation developed by
Dr. Cynthia Crawford Family Financial Education Specialist University of Missouri Extension

3 1. Keep Going People age 60 and beyond who had a long-term plan to accomplish were more likely to report that they enjoyed their lives.

4 2. Try something new Those over 50 that showed a high resistance to change were less likely to feel optimistic about their future.

5 3. Never retire from life Continue working at something. Continue with an active lifestyle.

6 4. You are not old People over age 50 who do not think of themselves as old were more likely to be happy.

7 5. Money can’t buy happiness
Name the happiest day of your life. Your appetite for products increases right along with income.

8 6. Embrace choices There are many right answers for retirement.
You decide what yours is.

9 7. Be decisive Make the best decision you can and then don’t second guess it. Second guessing is questioning your capabilities. Reduces happiness in the golden years.

10 8. Believe you can Belief in your capabilities, optimism and happiness go hand in hand.

11 9. Respond to stress People over age 50 are less likely to be proactive in their response to periods of high stress.

12 Life gets easier Research of people over 60 finds a tendency for
Increased optimism Less stress Increased appreciation of others

13 11. Volunteer for yourself
Volunteering Increases life satisfaction More positive feelings about self

14 12. Don’t gamble your future
Research shows adults over 60 that regularly gamble are less satisfied with their lives and are more likely to feel their lives are not within their control.

15 13. Find a physician you like
More likely to seek medical attention More likely to follow medical instructions

16 14. Who you are is not just what you do
Those who base their identities strongly on their work are less likely to maintain life satisfaction through their fifties and into retirement

17 15. Discuss your worries then don’t dwell on them
Thos who feel comfortable discussing their worries were less likely to feel overwhelmed by their concerns.

18 16. Adapt People who are willing to be flexible about their lifestyle increased life satisfaction substantially

19 17. Vote People who vote are less likely to report feeling distrustful and dissatisfied with government. Voters are more likely to report feeling satisfied with their lives

20 18. Forgive People with the tendency to forgive experience less stress and are more likely to feel strong social connections

21 19. We’re happier older than younger
Studies comparing people over age 65 with those under age 35 found that those in the older group were more likely to feel happy about their lives.

22 20. Laugh your way to answers
People who report they laugh a lot were less likely to think there were obstacles in their lives that they could never overcome.

23 21. Feed and cultivate friendships
Close friendships are associated with greater life satisfaction and a greater sense of optimism.

24 22. Listen to your favorite music
In studies of people 60+, all showed improved mood and greater life satisfaction when listening to their favorite music.

25 23. Always strengthen relationships
Time spent maintaining relationships pays off with more socially satisfying lives

26 24. Use a computer Personal use of computers is associated with higher degrees of life satisfaction

27 25. The youngest and oldest like work the least
Enjoyment of work is greatest among people in their mid-forties and least among those in their twenties and sixties.

28 26. All the time is too much Spending the most time possible together will reduce martial satisfaction for those married 30 years or more.

29 27. Regrets hold us back We all make mistakes
Focus on today not the past Frequently thinking about mistakes reduces happiness

30 28. Never stop learning People over age 50 that continue to learn about topics of interest to them are more likely to feel satisfied with their lives and to feel vital.

31 29. Make your mark on the next generation
Age, income and health are four times less likely to predict whether a person is happy than whether the person feels he or she is having a positive effect on a younger person.

32 30. Why not be optimistic? Optimists feel less burdened by their age and more likely to feel a sense of well-being.

33 31. Why do people say they retired?
Women say: To do other things 69% Financial incentives 40% Have enough income 38% Spouse retired 33% Poor health 24% Didn’t like work 24% Family health 21% Men say: To do other things 70% Financial incentives 62% Have enough income 45% Didn’t like work 33% Poor health 21% Family health 15% Spouse retired 9%

34 A final finding While virtually all those surveyed had done some planning for their retirement, more than half felt they had not planned enough.

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