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Parliamentary Procedure

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1 Parliamentary Procedure
Fairly and orderly procedure in meetings

2 Different then the Agenda
Order of Business Different then the Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Opening Ceremonies 3. Reading and approval of the minutes 4. Reports of Officers &/or Standing Committees 5. Reports of Special Committees 6. Special Orders - matters which demand special priority 7. Unfinished Business 8. New Business

3 Motions Main Motions Subsidiary Motions Privileged Motions
To introduce items to the membership for consideration. They cannot be made when any other motion is on the floor, and yield to privileged, subsidiary, & incidental motions Subsidiary Motions To change or affect how a main motion is handled, & is voted on before a main motion Privileged Motions To bring up items that are urgent about special or important matters unrelated to pending business Incidental Motions To provide a means of questioning procedure concerning other motions & must be considered before the other motion

4 Making a Motion Obtain the floor Make Your Motion
Always state a motion affirmatively Say, “I move that we…” rather than, “I move that we do not…” Wait for Someone to Second Your Motion Another member will second your motion or the Chair will call for a second If there is no second to your motion it is lost The Chair States Your Motion The Chair will say, “it has been moved and seconded that we” Thus placing your motion before the membership for consideration and action The membership then either debates your motion, or may move directly to a vote

5 Making a Motion Expanding on Your Motion
This is the time for you to speak in favor of your motion, rather than at the time you present it The mover is always allowed to speak first All comments and debate must be directed to the Chair Putting the Question to the Membership The Chair asks, “Are you ready to vote on the question?” or calls for further discussion If there is no more discussion, a vote is taken

6 Some Most Used Motions Main Motion Amendments Postpone Indefinitely
To bring a matter before the assembly for discussion and action Amendments To modify or change a motion Postpone Indefinitely To reject a motion or question pending without taking a direct vote. The effect is to “kill” the main motion. Refer to a Committee To delay action; to give more time for consideration or study of the matter Postpone to a Definite Time To delay action on a proposed question to a specified time Limit or Extend Debate To limit by decreasing or increasing the allotted time Call for the Previous Question To determine whether the assembly will cut off debate and vote at once on the pending question (requires a two-thirds vote)

7 Some Most Used Motions Lay on the Table Call for Orders of the Day
To enable the assembly to put aside a pending question temporarily; can be brought back by a motion to take from the table (not intended as killing motion) Call for Orders of the Day To request that the prescribed rules of order be followed Questions of Privilege (Personal & General) To request special privilege for an individual or the assembly Recess To dissolve an assembly temporarily Adjourn To close a meeting officially Fix Time & Place to Which to Adjourn To provide another meeting (called “adjourned meeting”) to continue business that was not completed in present session Point of Order To request enforcement of the rules of order

8 Some Most Used Motions Appeal From the Decision of the Chair
To question a decision of the Chair; an effort to reverse the decision of the Chair on a point of order Objection to Consideration To suppress & prevent discussion of an undesirable or sensitive question (must be raised before debate begins) Withdraw To remove a matter for consideration without a vote upon it. (May be made by the mover or by permission of assembly) Take from the Table To take up a matter which has been laid on the table Reconsider To consider or bring back a matter previously voted. Motion to reconsider must be made by voter on prevailing side and must be made on the same day or in the same session. Rescind To repeal or annul action previously taken. Requires majority vote with previous noticed, two-thirds without notice Ratify To make legal action taken in an emergency

9 Voting on a Motion The method of voting depends on the situation and the by-laws By Voice Chair asks for all those in favor to say “aye” those opposed to say “no” Any member may move for a exact count by calling out “Division” By Roll Call Each member answers “yes” or “no” as their name is called This method is used to record of each person’s vote By General Consent The Chair says “if there in no objection…” Membership shows agreement by their silence, however if one member says “I object” the item must be put to a vote This method is used when a motion is not likely to be opposed By Division Members raise their hands or stands Does not require a count unless the Chair so desires By Ballot Members write their vote on a slip of paper This method is used when secrecy is desired

10 Amending a Motion Amending a motion is to alter or modify the wording of a motion that has already been made An amendment must relate to the same subject matter; it cannot change the original intent of the motion

11 Types of Amendments Primary Secondary
Applies directly to the main motion Secondary Applies directly to the primary amendment only Only one of each may be made at one time. It is possible to have a motion, an amendment to the motion, and an amendment to the amendment before the assembly

12 Methods of Amending Insert Add (at the end) Strike out
Strike out and insert (words only) Substitute (a paragraph)

13 Voting on Amendments Discussion and vote on secondary amendment
Discussion and vote on primary amendment as amended (if amendment carried) Discussion and vote on main motion as amended (if amendments carried)

14 Officer &/Or Committee Reports
If the Report is given for information, no action is taken If the Report brings a recommendation, the reporting member may bring the recommendation for action at this point or under New Business

15 Nominations & Elections
Nominations from the floor Require no second When the presiding officer is sure that every opportunity has been given for nominations, the presiding officer may declare the nominations closed. A member may move to close nominations; this motion requires a two-thirds vote. Nominations may be reopened by a motion and a majority vote.

16 Nominations & Elections
Usual Methods of voting for elections Voice Vote Nominees are voted on in the order in which they are nominated Tellers may be appointed to assist with counting votes The presiding officer officially announces the result and declares the election Ballot Vote Ballots, ballot boxes, time allotment and space is needed Tellers should be selected carefully and instructed on correct procedure Tellers report the result of the election at the designated time and give copies of the report to the presiding officer and the secretary

17 Accepted Procedures for Small Boards
Small board = About a dozen members Members can raise hand instead of rising to obtain the floor Can be seated while making motions or speaking Motions do not need to be seconded

18 Accepted Procedures for Small Boards
Informal discussion is permitted while no motion is pending. A vote can be taken without a motion, if everyone is perfectly clear. Unless there is a unanimous consent, all actions must be approved by vote. Chair must restate motion before voting Best to take vote by show of hands

19 Accepted Procedures for Small Boards
Chair can speak in informal discussion and in debate Chair can vote on all questions Chair can make a motion

20 Clarifications Roll Call Treasurer’s Report Unfinished Business
Usually only necessary to establish a quorum and is optional Treasurer’s Report A treasurer’s report is filed for audit, it is never adopted Unfinished Business Is business postponed or referred by motion or left unfinished from the previous meeting as recorded in the minutes ( Not referred to as “old business”) New Business May be introduced by the Chair or by any member. This is the time to bring new items of business by motion or resolution Adjournment The Chair may declare the meeting adjourned, however a motion may be made to adjourn the meeting requiring a second to the motion and a majority vote. The meeting is not adjourned until the Chair declares it is adjourned.

21 Clarifications Can the Chair/President vote?
If the president/chair is a member of the assembly, he/she has exactly the same rights and privileges as all other members have, including the right to make motions, speak in debate and to vote on all questions. However, the impartiality required of the presiding officer of an assembly precludes exercising the above rights while presiding, and also requires refraining from voting except when the vote is by ballot or whenever their vote will affect the result.

22 Clarifications “To call for the previous question?
Any member who wishes to force an end to debate must first obtain the floor, and must then move the Previous Question. This motion must be seconded, and then adopted by a two-thirds vote or by unanimous consent. Simply shouting out “Question” or “I call the question” does not mean the debate must immediately cease and the chair must put the pending question to a vote.

23 Clarifications Setting the Agenda/Adding an Agenda Item
For a proposed agenda to become the official agenda for a meeting, it must be adopted by the assembly at the outset of the meeting Any member can move to amend the proposed agenda by adding any item which the member desires to add, or by proposing any other change

24 Clarifications A tie vote is a lost vote, since it is not a majority
Summarizing discussions in the minutes Not only is it not necessary to summarize matters discussed at a meeting in the minutes of that meeting, it is improper to do so Minutes are a record of what was done at a meeting, not a record of what was said

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