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How do schools, colleges and universities equip ethnic minorities to succeed in the local and global workforce? Femi Bola MBE Trustee BTEG Director of.

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Presentation on theme: "How do schools, colleges and universities equip ethnic minorities to succeed in the local and global workforce? Femi Bola MBE Trustee BTEG Director of."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do schools, colleges and universities equip ethnic minorities to succeed in the local and global workforce? Femi Bola MBE Trustee BTEG Director of Employability, University of East London 7th December 2016

2 This Session Context Higher Education What can we do?

3 Myth – Education is free!

4 BAME Students and Higher Education (HE)
Percentage of BME students studying in higher education, at all levels, is statistically higher than that of White students Students of all ethnicities except some Asian groups are more likely to study non- Science Engineering and Technology (SET) subjects than SET subjects Highest proportions of BAME students seen in Medicine and Dentistry (32.0%) and Law (31.2%) (Equalities Challenge Unit, 2011) BAME students more likely to be in post-1992 HEIs, predominantly in the Greater London area More Black students at the University of East London than the ‘top’ 20 UK HEIs combined (Elevation Networks Trust, 2012)

5 Investment versus the attainment gap
Increase in First or 2:1s have over the last 8 years However considerable gap between the proportion of white British students receiving these degree classifications compared to UK- domiciled students from minority ethnic groups Attainment gap has remained nearly static over the last ten years. In 2012/13, 57.1% of  UK-domiciled  BAME students received a top degree, compared with 73.2% of White British students – a gap of 16.1% The BAME degree attainment gap is narrower for those studying science, engineering and technology (SET) subjects than those studying non-SET subjects

6 Where is the gap? The gap differs significantly when the minority ethnic category is broken down For example, in 2012/13: 64.4% of Indian students were awarded a top degree - attainment gap of 8.8% 63.9% of Chinese students - gap of 9.3% 54.2% of Pakistani students - gap of 19.0% 43.8% of Black Other students - a gap of 29.4%

7 What is the impact? Many graduate-level jobs and post-graduate courses (and related bursaries) have 2:1 degree or above as a minimum entry requirement BAME graduates are less likely to be able to benefit from these opportunities, which impacts on the job market and the academic pipeline

8 Making the right Choice
BAME graduates are much more likely than white students to say they would choose differently 36 per cent of Black African graduates say they would be likely or very likely to do something completely different, whereas only 19 per cent of white graduates would

9 All the same price!

10 London Universities 20 ranked by Times and Sunday Times
11 ranked 50 and below 8 ranked below 90 High BAME populations

11 Careers Registration Questions - 2015
Have you sought advice about your career plans so far? Total responses Yes, from family, friends, colleagues 2032 41% Yes, from my previous school / college careers advisors 1681 34% No 1094 22%

12 What can universities do?
Less research more action Don’t try and fix the student Be realistic Decide what graduateness is? Be aware of the job market Encourage students to make different choices

13 What can schools and colleges do?
Be more ambitious for their students Better prepare students for university Have a better understanding of the university league tables Where possible encourage students to look beyond London Work more with BAME parents e.g. Duke of Edinburgh Award

14 What can parents do? Know the ambitions of the school you choose
Avoid being sold exotic subjects! Don’t just except I’m going to uni Understand the league tables and subject tables Consider apprenticeships allied to the ‘professions’ It is their ambition not yours Not always the ‘head banging’ subjects!

15 Let’s Get Return on Investment
Thank You Any Questions?

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