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Generational Differences in the Workforce

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1 Generational Differences in the Workforce












13 References Shaw, H. (n.d.). Sticking points: How to get 4 generations working together in the 12 places they come apart. Managing Millennials [Motion picture]. (n.d.). Leading the Next Generation [Motion picture]. (n.d.). Dear Generation X, Baby Boomers, & the Greatest Generation... | generation-x-baby-boomers-the-greatest-generation

14 Task: (Groups of 3-4 by Generation)
In the next 10 years we will be experiencing a lot of employment vacancies. We want to make sure that MMCC is a place that Gen Xers and Millennials will find attractive to work. What are some ideas you could use to create a plan to recruit and retain Xers and Millennials?

15 MMCC Data Discussion Personnel
Who are we?

16 Employee Classifications
2008 2011 2014 Administrator 49 70 73 Full-time Faculty 39 46 44 Adjunct Faculty 149 216 174 Full-time Hourly 74 51 48 Part-time Hourly --- 61 90 Total 311 444 429


18 Employee Classification by Gender
2014 Male Female Administrator 73 44% 56% Full-time Faculty 44 52% 48% Adjunct Faculty 174 51% 49% Full-time Hourly 48 29% 71% Part-time Hourly 90 55% 45% Total 429

19 Employee Classification by Gender

20 Full-time Employees by Race/Ethnicity
Classification White Hispanic/Latino Full-time Instructional Staff 96% 4% Non-Instructional Staff 100% 0%

21 Full-time Employees by Degree Level
Faculty Admin Hourly High School ----- 3% 23% Associate 8% 43% Bachelor 5% 33% 28% Master 79% 45% 6% Doctorate 16% 11%

22 Full-time Employees by Degree Level

23 Part-time and Full-time Faculty by Degree Level
Adjunct Instructors Associate ----- 4% Bachelor 5% 36% Master 79% 52% Doctorate 16% 8%

24 Part-time and Full-time faculty by degree level

25 Administrative Team by Division
Administrative Team x Division Academic Services 26% Student Services 16% IT/DL/Programming 14% Student & Community Relations 12% Grant Funded Finance & Administrative Services 10% Human Resources 7% President’s Office 3%

26 Administrators by Division

27 Length of Service Years of Service Adjunct Instructors
Full-time Faculty Admin Hourly Less then 1 17% 0% 11% 6% 1-2 years 20% 5% 4% 3-5 years 22% 14% 28% 32% 6-10 years 23% 19% 11-15 years 8% 25% 10% 16-20 years 2% > 20 years 16%

28 Employee Group by Length of Service

29 Length of Service Years of Service Adjunct Instructors
Full-time Faculty Admin Hourly 0 - 5 years 59% 19% 45% 44% 6-10 years 23% 20% 22% > 10 years 18% 61% 37% 36%

30 Length of service by 5 year increments

31 $67,311.96 $42.08 (No Overload) Average Salary $60,263.59
by Employee Classification Faculty $67,311.96 $42.08 (No Overload) Admin $60,263.59 $28.97 (Includes SC members) Hourly $34,932.73 $16.79

32 Average Salary compared to State Average
By Employee Classification Faculty 67,312 62,140 Administrator 54,363 58,320 Hourly Staff 34,934 31,432

33 How do our employees perceive MMCC?
PACE SURVEY RESULTS: Indicate a healthy campus climate Overall 3.71 mean score = high consultative system The Student Focus category received the highest mean score (3.94) Our Customized category received the lowest mean score (3.39) Employee by group perceive the climate at MMCC a bit differently: Administrators (3.85) Adjunct Faculty (3.67) Full-time Faculty (3.65) Full-time Hourly Staff (3.64) Part-time Hourly Staff (3.80)

34 TOP SCORING ITEMS Survey Item: The extent to which… Score
I feel my job is relevant to this institution’s mission 4.45 My supervisor expresses confidence in my work 4.12 I am given the opportunity to be creative in my work 4.09 This institution prepares students for further learning 4.08 My supervisor is open to the ideas, opinions, and beliefs of everyone 4.02 Students receive an excellent education at this institution 4.00 This institution prepares students for a career The actions of this institution reflect its mission 3.95 Student needs are central to what we do 3.91 There is a spirit of cooperation within my work team 3.86 Non-teaching personnel meet the needs of students

Survey Item: The extent to which… Score I have the opportunity for advancement within this institution 3.13 Information is shared within this institution 3.19 I am able to appropriately influence the direction of this institution 3.27 This institution is appropriately organized 3.34 Decisions are made at the appropriate level at this institution 3.36 My work is guided by clearly defined administrative processes 3.38 Open and ethical communication is practiced at this institution 3.41 A spirit of cooperation exists at this institution 3.47 Institutional teams use problem-solving techniques 3.50 This institution has been successful in positively motivating my performance 3.51

The PACE Survey is available now until midnight on November 30th. Participation is very important. Open Enrollment for health insurance began today. You should have your forms by the end of the day today. The forms will also be available on the intranet.

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