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Lectures 5. Basics of Digital Signal Processing

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1 Lectures 5. Basics of Digital Signal Processing
Micro-Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Lectures 5. Basics of Digital Signal Processing © 2013 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (EPSEVG) José Antonio Soria Pérez - Associate Professor - ETSEIAT (UPC). Office hours: EET - D126 (TR2, 2nd floor): TU 10-14h and 17-19h THU: 10-14h

2 Digital Systems: The starting point
Basics: Analog signals contain “real world” information: (voice, image, environment data, ...) Analyzing such information requires of the implementation of processing systems (either LTI or its equivalent digital version). Amplifiers and Filters (either analog or digital) are considered the most basic form of signal processing The implementation of electronic digital systems requires of two steps: Passing from Analog to a Digital domain (use of AD Converters) Implement the digital operation at hand (use of FPGAs, μC, μP or DSP) Real World Sensor Analog Signal Conditioning Digital Processor ADC Filter Output

3 Signals: Continuos vs Discrete
Analog domain In the analog domain, x is well defined for any time t within the range of interest Digital domain In the digital domain, x is only valid for n integer samples within the time interval t. Undefined value within two valid samples . T is known as the sampling rate x t x n

4 Discrete sequences. Representations
Graphical Function x(n) 5 , per -3 ≤ n ≤ 0 4 3 , per 1 ≤ n ≤ 3 2 , per qualsevol altre cas 1 Tabulated Vector n x(n) = {... -4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 4, 5 } x(n)

5 Discrete Signals. Examples
Exponential: x(n) = an, for all n Impulse: δ(n) δ(n) 0 < a < 1 , for n = 0 , for n ≠ 0 n a >1 Step: u(n) n u(n) , for n ≥ 0 , for n < 0 -1 < a < 0 n Ramp: ur(n) -1 < a ur(n) , for n ≥ 0 n , for n < 0

6 Discrete sinusoids Main properties:
Only periodic if f is a division of two integers f = k/N. This means there must be some k such that f ≤ ½, for N being the total number of samples of x(n) All frequencies separated by integer values of 2π are identical (The different ones are just those within -½ ≤ f ≤ ½ ( or -π ≤ Ω ≤ π). Frequencies out of this range are aliases from these. Highest oscillating profile attainable only for f = ½ (and f = -½ ), or equivalently, Ω = π (Ω = -π).

7 Analog-to-Digital conversion
In practice, the source of signal information is continuous. Information must be transformed to a sequence of numeric values in order to process it by means of digital devices ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter): Develops a three-step procedure: Sampling, Quantification and Coding Sample& Hold x(n) xq (n) x = {x1, x2, ..., xn } xa(t) Sampling Quantification Coding Output vector ADC Step approximation Original Signal Hold Magnitude Sample t 2T 4T 6T 8T

8 Sampling Rate. Considerations
Generally, the ADC develops a uniform periodical sampling. The sampling rate establishes a relation between the continuous and discrete variables by t = nT = n/Fs, which have severe implications in the frequency components of periodical signals x(n) x(n) = xa(nT) Continuous-time Signal Discrete-time Signal Fs = 1/T Sampler n Fs.- Sampling rate T 2T T T t = nT Lost of Signal Information (Lossy signals)

9 How to choose Fs? Sampling theorem
Given an analog signal xa(t) wih Fmax = B being its component of highest frequency, then, recovering xa(t) from its digital version x(nTs) is possible by means of the interpolating function if, and only if, Fs > 2·Fmax ≡ 2·B Nyquist rate: FS ≡FN=2B = 2Fmax This theoreme is only useful from a theoretical pespective (N=∞). In practice, FS ≡ 10FN (rule-of-thumb) and linear interpolation is used in the estimation of xa(t)*.

10 Quantification error Estimation: Example: Fs = 1 Hz
In practice, the precission of values is limited to the number-of-bits of the ADC. Estimation: If Q stands for the process being used in the quantification of x(n), {xq(n)=Q[x(n)]: truncation or round-off), the error is denoted as eq(n)=xq(n)- x(n) Example: Fs = 1 Hz 1 significat digit (one decimal pos.) 11 quantification levels (L =11) xa(t) Quantification level xq(n) , per n ≥ 0 1.0 0.9 , per n < 0 0.8 0.7 Δ 0.6 Quantf. Range. 0.5 0.4 Level Step 0.3 0.2 0.1 n Maximum error is half the level step of quantification level

11 SQNR Signal Quantification Noise Ratio – Noise level generated during quantification in relation to the original signal Sinus example Signal power (error and input): eq(t)= (Δ/2τ)t, τ is the time interval of xa(t) within quantification range, and b corresponds to the number of bits from the ADC Quantified sample xq(nT) Not quantified sample xa(nT) ADC output xq(nT) Original Signal xa(t) Δ Δ/2 Δ t Δ Magnitude 2A -τ τ eq(t) -2Δ Δ/2 -3Δ t -4Δ τ -Δ/2 n T T 3T 4T T 6T T 8T T Time

12 More about discrete-time signals
Concepts Energy and power Periodicity Simetry Basic transformations Time shift Reflection Compression-Decompression Arithmetic operations: scale, addition and pointwise multiplication

13 Energy vs Power Signal energy Considerations:
N .- Number of samples of x(n) Considerations: For finite E (0 < E < ∞) and P = 0, x(n) is an energy signal. This corresponds to all transition signals of zero final value x(∞)=0 P can be either finite or infinite, for E being finite. If P is finite, then x(n) is a power signal Step, exponentials and periodical signals are examples of power signals. The ramp response is not La rampa no és cap de les dues Signal power

14 Energia vs Potència Energia Consideracions: Potència
N .- Nombre de mostres de x(n) Consideracions: Si E és finit (0 < E < ∞), P = 0 i x(n) és un senyal d’energia. Aquest és el cas de tots els senyals que tenen un caràcter transitori Si E és infinit, P pot ser tant finit com infinit. En el cas que P tingui un valor finit x(n) és un senyal de potència Graons i exponencials i senyals periòdiques són exemples de senyals de potència. The ramp is none of these Potència

15 Periodicity A signal x(n) is said to be N-periodical (N > 0) if, and only if: otherwise, it is aperiodical x(n) x(n) Periodical Aperiodical

16 Basic Transformations
x(n) -5 Time shift Refletion x(n-3) x(-n) -2 5 Delay by 3 Basic x(n+2) x(-n+2) -7 6 Advance by 2 Composition

17 Simmetry A signal x(n) is symmetrical (or even) if x(n)= x(-n)
A signal x(n) is antisymètrical (or odd) if x(-n)= -x(n) Any signal can be expressed as a composition of two components (even and odd) x(n) x(n) Even Odd Even Component Odd Component

18 Other transformations
x(n) -5 Downsampling (Compression) Other Scale: y(n)=A·x(n) Addition: y(n)= x1(n)+ x2(n) Pointwise multiplication: y(n)= x1(n)·x2(n) Upsampling (Descompression) y(n)=x(2n) -10

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