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Generic Remote Interface Unit (RIU) Interface Control Document (ICD)

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Presentation on theme: "Generic Remote Interface Unit (RIU) Interface Control Document (ICD)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Generic Remote Interface Unit (RIU) Interface Control Document (ICD)
CCSDS SOIS 2013 spring meeting Glenn Rakow/NASA-GSFC

2 Purpose Evaluate the ICD requirements for an generalized RIU for the purpose of evaluating the SOIS EDS requirements

3 Agenda Purpose Hardware Device ICD Software Interface
Generalized RIU Functions Protocol Profile Command Formats

4 Hardware Device ICD Aspects of an ICD
Software interfaces Data Link protocol Messaging format Timing relationships Conversion factors Connector interfaces* External box connectors Backplane Mechanical interfaces* Form factor Thermal Power Need to represent complete ICD in EDS Connector and mechanical require definition Human readable One-stop shopping * Not focus for SOIS EDS but needs to be supported

5 Some Observations Information to provide in EDS
Some information provided so that other side of interface may interpret data Some information provided as insight Needs to be clear as to normative and informative but always needs to be there Depends upon complexity of device, e.g. ASIM or no ASIM Need to understand data link controller on far end Most Milbus controller (not packet driven) are table driven and controller configuration has transformation to data structure Most SpaceWire controller (packet driven) require the user to assemble packet structure Schedule driven version will do the segmentation for the user

6 Software Interface (1/2)
Data Link protocol Defines the protocol Does not describe the protocol Defines subset of protocol that is applicable Exception: If data link is not a standard protocol then description of protocol would be necessary, e.g., RS-422 interface Messaging format Describes the format of commands & telemetry Addressing within the device Defines quantity of telemetry and index description

7 Software Interface (2/2)
Timing relationships Relationship of messages between producer and consumer Request & indication (master & slave) – synchronized by consumer Asynchronously sent Synchronously sent – Data transmitted by device based upon timing information received Frequency of messages/transactions How often messages are generated How generation is triggered Timing information Physical interface – may be part of data bus or separate discrete signal with pulse or combination Time-Stamping of messages (if done) Time Updates – Protocol for how this is done Defined from the perspective of producer Consumer will have to adapt Accuracy –how manages jitter (does it compute average and adjust –may be necessary for any broadcast type trigger, e.g., SpaceWire Time Codes Conversion factors Formulas Lookup tables

8 Generalized RIU Functions
1553 Protocol – Long stub Interface 1 Hz telemetry TBD thermistors or PRTs TBD external coarse sun sensors TBD external hinge pots TBD external pressure transducers TBD external analog lines (S-Band TT&C) TBD internal thermistors TBD internal voltages TBD external voltages from LVPC TBD potential calibration channel TBD current source calibration channel 5 Hz telemetry Switch power to X heater zones TBD 5 Amp heater zones TBD 2 Amp heater zones In-system programmable EEPROM RS 422 Interface to read/write (test only) Flight version contains PROM

9 Protocol Profile (1/X) Need to clarify options within protocol definition Mil-Std-1553b – long stub bus Two data buses possible for use Any combination as prime and standby supported (decision up to BC) RT Address = 5 Message formats allowed: BC to RT transfers RT to BC transfers Mode Control transfers Message formats disallowed: Broadcast message RT-to-RT transfers Sub-address’ accessible All Although not all used Unused values are equal to zero Mode Code supported None Status Word Flags Message Error bit – active All other status bits – always logic zero

10 Protocol Profile (2/X) Data word & bit order
Most significant bit transferred first Bits follow in descending order Most significant byte transferred first Data Word Order Receive Command Word #1 follows Receive Command Word Word # 2 follows Word # 1 Transmit Command Word #1 follows Status Word Word # 32 last

11 Command Formats (1/x) Heater Switch Control “ON” Receive Commands
Milbus values that are same for all Heater Control Regions “ON” commands: RT Address=5 Receive Word Count= 1 Milbus Sub-Address and Data Value are: Heater Control Region #1 Sub-address= 2 Data Value = 0x0001 Heater Control Region #2 Sub-address= 3 Data Value = 0x0002 Heater Control Region #3 Sub-address= 4 Data Value = 0x0004 Heater Control Region #4 Sub-address= 5 Data Value = 0x0008 Heater Control Region #5 Sub-address= 6 Data Value = 0x0010

12 Command Formats (2/x) Heater Switch Control “OFF” Receive Commands
Milbus values that are same for all Heater Control Regions “OFF” commands: RT Address=5 Receive Word Count= 1 Milbus Sub-Address and Data Value are: Heater Control Region #1 Sub-address= 2 Data Value = 0x0000 Heater Control Region #2 Sub-address= 3 Heater Control Region #3 Sub-address= 4 Heater Control Region #4 Sub-address= 5 Heater Control Region #5 Sub-address= 6 All Heaters Regions are “OFF” after a RIU power-on reset

13 Command Formats (3/x) Data Collection Sync Receive Command
Initiates collection of all analog telemetry channels by RT Delay between successive commands 140 ms 5 Hz was the specification from the C&DH viewpoint Milbus Format RT Address =5 Receive Sub-address = 1 Word Count= 32 (all zeros, i.e., 0b00000) Data Word = don’t care (0xXXXX)

14 Command Formats (4/x) Heater Region/Sync Count Status Read Command
Milbus values that are same for all Heater Control Regions “OFF” commands: RT Address= 5 Transmit Sub-address= 1 Word Count= 32 (all zeros, i.e., 0b00000) Milbus Data Words are: Word # 1- Heater Status Data Format Bits 15-5 – don’t cares (0bXXXX XXXX XXX) Bit 4 – Heater 5 Status; Bit 3 – Heater 4 Status; Bit 2 – Heater 3 Status; Bit 1 – Heater 2 Status; Bit 0 – Heater 1 Status Bit = 0b0 indicates “OFF”; Bit = 0b1 indicates “ON” Word # 2 – Telemetry Counter Bits 15 – 0 – represents number of Sync Commands received Count rolls over - different values on successive reads means telemetry has been updated Words # 3 – 32 are don’t cares

15 Command Formats (5/x) Thermistor Telemetry Status Read Command
Milbus values that are same for all Heater Control Regions “OFF” commands: RT Address= 5 Transmit Sub-address= 4 Word Count= 32 (all zeros, i.e., 0b00000) Milbus Data Words are: Word # 1- Thermistor # 65 Word # 32 – Thermistor # 96 Incrementing values in between Data Format Bits – Not used – set to ‘1’s (0b1111) Bits – ADC count Bit 11 is msb Bit 2 is lsb Bits 1 – 0 – ADC Noise (don’t care – 0bXX)

16 Command Formats (6/x) Thermistor Telemetry Status Read Command
Milbus values that are same for all Heater Control Regions “OFF” commands: RT Address= 5 Transmit Sub-address= 5 Word Count= 32 (all zeros, i.e., 0b00000) Milbus Data Words are: Word # 1- Thermistor # 97 Word # 16 – Thermistor # 112 Word # 17 – Thermistor # 33 Word # 32 – Thermistor # 48 Incrementing values in between Data Format Bits – Not used – set to ‘1’s (0b1111) Bits – ADC count Bit 11 is msb Bit 2 is lsb Bits 1 – 0 – ADC Noise (don’t care – 0bXX)

17 Command Formats (7/x) Thermistor Telemetry Status Read Command
Milbus values that are same for all Heater Control Regions “OFF” commands: RT Address= 5 Transmit Sub-address= 6 Word Count= 32 (all zeros, i.e., 0b00000) Milbus Data Words are: Word # 1- Thermistor # 49 Word # 16 – Thermistor # 64 Word # 17 – Thermistor # 17 Word # 32 – Thermistor # 32 Incrementing values in between Data Format Bits – Not used – set to ‘1’s (0b1111) Bits – ADC count Bit 11 is msb Bit 2 is lsb Bits 1 – 0 – ADC Noise (don’t care – 0bXX)

18 Command Formats (8/x) Thermistor Telemetry Status Read Command
Milbus values that are same for all Heater Control Regions “OFF” commands: RT Address= 5 Transmit Sub-address= 7 Word Count= 32 (all zeros, i.e., 0b00000) Milbus Data Words are: Word # 1- # 16, & # 30 - # 32- Reserved Word # 17 –Conditioned Active Analog Monitor _# 16 Word # 29 – Conditioned Active Analog Monitor_# 28 Incrementing values in between Data Format Bits – Not used – set to ‘1’s (0b1111) Bits – ADC count Bit 11 is msb Bit 2 is lsb Bits 1 – 0 – ADC Noise (don’t care – 0bXX)

19 More Commands Have not included all commands here Refer to ICD

20 Conversions Describes the functions used to convert the raw data values sampled by the ADC into engineering units (ohms, voltage or current) and vice versa. ADC specifics: Each ADC converter is 12 bits, and accepts 0V to 4V full scale. Digital output values are: 0 to 4095 => Voltage per bit = 4V / 4096 = E-6

21 Passive Thermistor Conversions
The raw thermistor samples returned by the RIU can be converted to resistance using the following formula: T = Thermistor (ohms) C = Digital output count from A/D T = ( * C) / ( * C ) C = ((( T * 4000 ) / ( T )) * .001) / E-6

22 Course Sun Sensor Conversions
The raw CSS samples returned by the RIU can be converted to current values using the following formula: CSS = Coarse Sun Sensor output (uA) C = Digital output count from A/D CSS = ( E-6 * C) / 2940 C = ( CSS * 2940 ) / E-6

23 Active Analog Conversions
The raw Active Analog samples returned by the RIU can be converted to voltages using the following formula: AA = Active Analog (V) C = Digital output count from A/D AA = ( E-6 * C) / C = ( * AA) / E-6

24 Pressure Transducer Conversion
The raw pressure transducer samples returned by the RIU can be converted to voltages using the following formula: PT = Pressure Transducer (V) C = Digital output count from A/D PT = ( E-6 * C) / 0.8 C = (0.8 * PT) / E-6

25 3.3V or 2.5V Monitor Conversion
The raw samples returned by the RIU for 3.3 or 2.5V monitors can be converted to voltages using the following formula: M = Monitor Voltage (V) C = Digital output count from A/D M = C * E-6 C = M / E-6

26 5V Monitor Conversion The raw samples returned by the RIU for 5V monitors can be converted to voltage using the following formula: M = Monitor Voltage (V) C = Digital output count from A/D M = ( E-6 * C) / 0.5 C = (0.5 * M) / E-6

27 More to come ….

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