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Hitler and Nazi Germany The Rise of a Monster

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1 Hitler and Nazi Germany The Rise of a Monster
World History Mr. Meester 13-5

2 13-5 Vocabulary Adolf Hitler Nazi Party Anti-Semitism Kristallnacht
Enabling Act Gestapo Nuremberg Laws

3 Germany after World War I
Germany faced a huge national debt because of war reparations. It couldn’t afford to pay its workers. High unemployment. The government printed more & more money to pay its bills causing hyper-inflation. 1914: 4.2 German Marks = $1 U.S., 1923: 4.2 trillion Marks = $1 U.S. The German depression made people desperate for change

4 The Rise of Hitler joined the little known German Worker’s Party He later took over and re-named it the National Socialist German Workers Party Nazi for short Developed the party into a massive political movement with its own flags, uniforms, newspaper, and police force

5 The Basic Ideas of Hitler
Practiced Anti-Semitism Hostility/hatred towards Jews Believed in extreme German Nationalism. Leads to the idea of the Master Aryan Race Political parties should use propaganda and terror tactics. Believed man is at his best when at war Leads to extreme militarism.

6 How did the Nazi’s gain support?
The Great Depression & WWI had a huge economic and psychological impact Extremist parties became attractive Scare tactics exploited people’s fears Communist Revolution Economic domination by the Jews. Promised a Germany free of class difference Emphasized national pride, honor, & militarism

7 Hitler becomes Chancellor
Hitler had enough support to become Chancellor of Germany and set up a new government. Germany passes the Enabling Act Grants Hitler the power to make his own laws for 4 years in order to deal with the country’s problems Gives Hitler a legal basis for his acts of terror

8 Hitler’s First Steps All Jews were eliminated from public office and places of business. Concentration Camps were set up for opponents of the new government. All unions were eliminated. All political parties except for the Nazi’s were eliminated.

9 Hitler gains Popularity and Power
Hitler deliveries on his promises Creates construction and military jobs Helped to end the German depression Hitler used his Gestapo (secret police) to terrorize his opponents Eliminates/Imprisons political enemies, communists, & Jews

10 His Anti-Semitic ideas become law
The “Nuremberg Laws” separated Jews from the German’s politically, socially, and legally This resulted in Kristallnacht or “The Night of Shattered Glass”. Jewish churches (synagogues), businesses, and homes were burned Many Jews were killed while others were herded up and sent to concentration camps

11 Recap Rise of the Nazi Party Basic Nazi ideology
Extreme nationalism, Extreme militarism, Anti-Semitism, Anti-Communism, Nazi’s gain popularity Impact of WWI & Depression, Propaganda, Terror tactics, New Jobs Hitler in power Enabling Act, Nuremberg Laws, Camps, One political party, No Unions, Kristallnacht

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