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Ethics of the Possession of Online Child Pornography PHI2604

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1 Ethics of the Possession of Online Child Pornography PHI2604

2 Producers and Customers of Child Porn
The ethical issue is the credit card industry's support of the porn industry Chris McDonald asserts. Credit card companies make a lot of money by charging the child pornography customers. Minor children are used as objects in child pornography for the sake of making money for credit card companies and many other organizations. The value of this type of product is harmful to the society as it promotes abusing children and using their immature bodies for the purpose of making money. Child pornography has no entertaining value. The audience of child pornography are people with psychological and mental flaws who enjoy the subordination of minors.

3 The Ethics of child Pornography
Sanchez, Julian “The market for child porn is what supports the production of child porn, which necessarily involves the sexual exploitation of a minor.” The child pornography “exploits” minors for the sole purpose of making money. Child porn has no morality about the harms done to a child in pornographic movies. The bodies and the minds of the minors get severely damaged when they are used as tools. Child pornography is unethical, because it harms the children portrayed in pornographic movies. This type of “entertainment” is only pleasurable to an ill minded audience.

4 Virtual Child Pornography
There are virtual child porn on the Internet in which no actual minor is used for the purpose of making the product. “In the case of the computer generated pornography there was never any actual harm done to the ‘subjects’” Sanchez. It has been argued that child pornography without the use of an actual child should be protected under the pretext of free speech since an actual minor is not used. Levy, Neil “The United States Supreme Court has recently ruled that virtual child pornography is protected free speech, partly on the grounds that virtual pornography does not harm actual children.” As Sanchez states the use of a computer generated actor does not “exploit” a minor, and the Supreme Court protects the market under the pretext of free speech. The United States Supreme Court has also said that “virtual” child porn is defended by the free speech.

5 Should Child Porn Be Legal???
Child porn exploits minors and is careless of the consequences for the children portrayed in child pornography. Child porn subordinates children and promotes immature kids as sexual objects used for the sole purpose of making money and giving obscene “entertainment” to the audience that has mental or biological flaws. Virtual child pornography also sends the message of children as being sexual toys and objects; it promotes cruelty and the subordination of minors. Child pornography has no literary value and does not educate its audience in any way; as it harms the minors and the audience who takes pleasure in watching the subordination of young minor kids. Possession of child pornography should be illegal as it exploits and does evil to minors, and gives the sick pleasure to the audience who enjoy overpowering small kids.

6 Works Cited Levy, Neil “Virtual child pornography: The eroticization of inequality” © Springer. November 02, Web. 15 Apr. 2010 < Chris, McDonald “The Business Ethics Blog: Sin Week, Day 3: Pornography” © Chris MacDonald. January 11, 2007. Web. 15 Apr < pornography.html>. Sanchez, Julian “The Ethics of Child Porn"        Julian Sanchez   Web. 15 Apr      < >.

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