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Support and Implement THE Public Procurement Training Programme in the Frame of ESIF Ex-ante Conditionality Action Plan Paulo Magina Head of the Public.

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Presentation on theme: "Support and Implement THE Public Procurement Training Programme in the Frame of ESIF Ex-ante Conditionality Action Plan Paulo Magina Head of the Public."— Presentation transcript:

1 Support and Implement THE Public Procurement Training Programme in the Frame of ESIF Ex-ante Conditionality Action Plan Paulo Magina Head of the Public Procurement Unit Public Sector Integrity Division Sofia, February 2016

2 Agenda Objectives Description of the Action Output and expected outcomes Management and sharing of responsibilities

3 An OECD/European Commission partnership
« To support the enactment of the Bulgarian National Strategy for Development of Procurement and strengthen the administrative capacity of the PPA and other public entities directly involved in the implementation, management and control of ESIF»

4 Objective Support the development of administrative capacity, training and dissemination of information to ensure the effective application of public procurement rules through appropriate mechanisms.

5 Description of the Action’s components
Evaluate and take stock of training needs Develop a training action plan Component 2 Develop training materials Conduct capacity building (3 workshops) for trainers Conduct 3 "pilot" training sessions with representatives from each target group

6 Target group ESIF officials and managers; officials from the PPA;
officials in contracting authorities at local level (and possibly others – to be defined in consultation with the Advisory Committee). Customisation of the training programme for managers and procurement officials at the national and local levels

7 Outputs and estimated timing:
The Report "Public procurement training needs and priorities" including a Training Action Plan 4 months from start of the Action Training Materials for 3 different target groups 1 month in advance of each planned workshop 3 Capacity Building Workshops (training of trainers) In month 8 of the Action 3 "Pilot" Training Sessions with representatives from each target group Months 8-10 of the Action Survey of participants and final report submitted to the European Commission Months of the Action

8 Management and sharing of responsibilities (1)
There will be an Advisory Committee to provide advice and recommendations on various aspects of the Action. The OECD will be in charge of the overall coordination and implementation of the Action, in coordination with the IPA, the PPA in Bulgaria or any other institution identified by Bulgaria and agreed by the OECD. IPA will be responsible for administrative aspects

9 Management and sharing of responsibilities (2)
There will be a local coordinator to coordinate and support the implementation of the Action. The OECD will mobilise peers and experts from the public procurement community for the workshops and for provision of specialised input for the training material.

10 For more information on OECD work on public procurement
BLAGODARIA! For more information on OECD work on public procurement

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