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Word of the Day Week of November 26th.

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Presentation on theme: "Word of the Day Week of November 26th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word of the Day Week of November 26th

2 Scarce: something that is hard to find part of speech: adjective
Which of these might be scarce? rivers in the desert snow on a mountain in winter sand on a beach gold coins at the bottom of the ocean ants at a picnic What is something that’s scarce that you wish you had?

3 Inhabit: to occupy or live in part of speech: verb
Which of these places can people inhabit? an apartment the moon a trailer a lake an island What are some of the places your family has inhabited since you were born?

4 Identical: exactly alike part of speech: adjective
Which words describe things that are identical? different same matching unusual opposite Do you won anything that’s identical to something that someone else owns? What is it?

5 Participate: to take part in something part of speech: verb
In which of these can you participate this week? a game of Monopoly the Olympic Games a football game a motorcycle race a spelling bee What activities did you participate in this week during recess?

6 Braggart: someone who brags or shows off part of speech: noun
Which of these would a braggart do? repeat the story of his success over and over put his trophy in a closet tell his friends that he’s the best at everything tell the other team, “I hope you win next time.” shout, “I won, I won, I won!” Think about someone who acted like a braggart. How did you feel about his or her behavior?

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