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Presentation on theme: "SHAKESPEARE WEB-QUEST"— Presentation transcript:

By Doc Beebe

2 Introduction During Shakespeare’s time a young person lived a life that seems worlds apart from our own. What was Elizabethan England like during the Bard’s period? We may not be able to answer this now but we can answer this question in a couple of ways. The first is RESEARCH! The second is to put yourself in a time outside of your own. What was 16th century England like? How is it similar or different from the 21st century? We are going to find out!!

Task & Process Your group’s job is to investigate 1 of 4 different aspects of 16th century life. The aspects will be assigned to you. You already know what life in the 21st century is like. Your final product will be a comparison in a variety of formats. Evaluation of your final product will be based on originality and creativity. Areas of Research: FOOD, DRESS, HEALTH & MEDICINE, and EDUCATION & NATIONAL EVENTS

4 Everyday Life in Renaissance England
Group 1 (FOOD) Today we have many varieties of food to choose from. We are so accustomed to the different foods that we take it for granted. During the 16th century, this was not the case. Your goal is to find what kinds of food 16th century men and women ate, how it was prepared, and when and where it was served. You should also notice any similarities in food and its preparation between the 16th century and today. Below are some websites to help you search. Food Periods Renaissance Foods Food Recipes

5 What is the typical dress for men and women?
Group 2 (DRESS) In today’s society styles and trends change drastically. But we are always up to date on the new clothes, shoes, hair, etc. Just look in a magazine and you will find what is needed for you to dress for success. Fashion was also important during Elizabethan times. How was this so? Find this by asking yourself some questions to follow. What is the typical dress for men and women? Was there a difference in dress for each social class? What were the hairstyles? Did Queen Elizabeth influence fashion? Are any 16th century fashions worn today? The following sites will give you clues to help your search. Overview of Elizabethan Dress Renaissance Dress Queen Elizabeth’s Influence on Dress

If you have a cold or a headache in today’s society you can go to the store to get some pills. This was not so in the 16th century. Medicine and health may have been worlds apart. So you need to find out some things about how to take care of yourself in the times of old. But don’t get caught up by the PLAUGE! Your goal is to establish the basic health standards for 16th century England. You will need to find out about common diseases and remedies as well as what medicines were available. Below are some websites for you to look at. You will be gathering information to answer the following questions> What are common medicines? What are common diseases? What are they used for? What is the life-span of an average individual? What are the educational requirements of doctors (or anyone who is treating others for illness)? Here are some links to help you find your doctoral answers: Bubonic Plague Health and Medicine Life Expectancies

7 Here are some links to help you find what education was all about:
Group 4 (EDUCATION) Today everyone is entitled to a free public education. In fact, it is the law of the land that you must be in school until a certain age. Was this how children enrolled in school in the 16th century? Maybe we could find out. You are also working on a computer for your assignment. We all know this was different, but what were the real differences that set us apart form the students of an ancient time? Here are some links to help you find what education was all about: Family Life Life of a Child Schooling

8 Presentation Your grade depends upon how well you present your information and how well you teach the class. Keep in mind that you can never find enough research for your task, so keep looking for information to present. Use all materials and learning tools that you can find, make, show, etc. Your group must stay involved through the whole process and must teach us throughout the class period.


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