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Congress Supercharges Funding for Fusion Energy Technology (16. 1

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Presentation on theme: "Congress Supercharges Funding for Fusion Energy Technology (16. 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Congress Supercharges Funding for Fusion Energy Technology (16. 1
Congress Supercharges Funding for Fusion Energy Technology ( ) We’re One Step Closer to Nuclear Fusion Energy ( ) US scientists achieve „turning point“ in fusion energy quest ( ) Giant Laser Complex Makes Fusion Advance, Finally ( )

2 Nuclear fusion breakthrough
Nuclear fusion breakthrough. US scientists make crucial step to limitless power ( ) Back to the future: are we about to crack energy fusion? ( ) Plasma physics: The fusion upstarts ( ) US plans for future of fusion research ( )

3 Cheap fusion beats fossil fuels (13. 10. 2014) http://www
Cheap fusion beats fossil fuels ( ) How Lockheed Martin‘s Power Play Could Boost Fervor Over Fusion ( ) Experts Skeptical Of Lockheed Martin’s ‘Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough’ ( ) Lockheed Developing Truck-Sized Nuclear Fusion Reactor ( )

4 Skunk Works Reveals Compact Fusion Reactor Details (25. 10
Skunk Works Reveals Compact Fusion Reactor Details ( ) Why It‘s Taking The U.S. So Long To Make Fusion Energy Work ( ) A small, modular, efficient fusion plant ( ) MIT-Forscher konzipieren neuen Fusionsreaktor ( )

5 Secretive fusion company claims reactor breakthrough (24. 8
Kernfusion. Physiker feiern Zähmung der heißen Gaswolke ( ) Finally, Fusion Takes Small Steps Toward Reality ( ) Start-Ups Take on Challange of Nuclear Fusion ( )

6 3 Nuclear Fusion Energy Companies for Investors to Watch (4. 12
New finding may explain heat loss in fusion reactors ( ) Nuclear fusion gets boost from private-sector startups ( ) MIT takes a page from Tony Stark, edges closer to an ARC fusion reactor ( )

7 Chinese team makes unexpected fusion breakthrough (9. 2
Fusion Reactor „Breakthrough“ Could Finally Hold The Key To Giving Us Clean, Abundant Power ( ) Fusion energy goal still elusive, despite progress ( ) Inside the nuclear fusion machine that could give us unlimited energy ( )

8 The Real Problem With Fusion Energy (27. 5. 2016) http://gizmodo
Compact tokamaks: the approach to bring fusion energy within reach ( ) “When ITER was being designed in the 1990s, it was believed that the only feasible way to increase fusion power was to increase machine size. But the size and complexity of ITER has led to very slow progress in the fusion program, with first fusion set for the mid 2020s. Tired of waiting so long and recognising the inherent difficulties of such a big project, some have been questioning the possibility of a smaller way to fusion…Tokamak Energy is leading this movement.”

9 Dr. Michel Laberge founded General Fusion with a singular focus to develop economically viable fusion energy. His key insight was realizing that Magnetized Target Fusion, with the aid of modern electronics, materials, and advances in plasma physics, could provide a faster, lower cost, and more practical path to fusion power. Magnetized target fusion (MTF) is a hybrid between magnetic fusion and inertial confinement fusion.  In MTF, a compact toroid, or donut-shaped magnetized plasma, is compressed mechanically by an imploding conductive shell, heating the plasma to fusion conditions. Magneto-Inertial Fusion: By combining the stability of steady magnetic fusion and the heating of pulsed inertial fusion, a commercially practical system has been realized that is smaller and lower cost than existing programs. Modular, Distributed Power: A container sized, 50 MW module for base load power generation. Self-Supplied Helium 3 Fusion: Pulsed, D-He3 fusion simplifies the engineering of a fusion power plant, lowers costs, and is even cleaner than traditional fusion. Magnetic Compression: Fuel is compressed and heated purely by magnetic fields operated with modern solid state electronics. This eliminates inefficient, expensive laser, piston, or beam techniques used by other fusion approaches. Direct Energy Conversion: Enabled by pulsed operation, efficient direct conversion decreases plant costs and fusion’s engineering challenges. Safe: With no possibility of melt-down, or hazardous nuclear waste, fusion does not suffer the drawbacks that make fission an unattractive alternative

10 Tri Alpha Energy's purpose is to deliver world-changing clean fusion energy technology as fast as possible. Starting with the end in mind – a fusion solution that delivers practical science, engineering integration and competitive economics – TAE developed a unique combination of advanced particle accelerator and plasma physics. The resulting technology is compact, aneutronic, carbon-free and sustainable with a safe environmental profile. TAE utilizes proprietary advanced beam-driven Field Reversed Configuration (FRC) technology to create a superheated plasma environment. Today, this environment is used for technology development. In a future power plant, hydrogen and boron would fuse (p-B11) generating helium and energy. TAE has taken significant steps toward the engineering integration of the FRC technology and operates a national lab-scale machine (C-2U, pictured at left), which in many aspects resembles a future power plant. TAE's technology applies a fundamentally different approach to addressing the historic challenges that have hampered fusion-based electricity generation – the inability to maintain fuel particles (plasma) long enough and at temperatures hot enough to validate the path to fusion power.

11 Making clean, safe and economical fusion energy available to our society is a grand challenge of 21st century science and engineering. The Plasma Science and Fusion Center, along with research partners around the world, seeks to answer this challenge by exploring innovative ways to accelerate the pace of fusion’s development. The PSFC is an interdisciplinary research center because fusion requires an approach that folds in the majority of the engineering and science disciplines found at MIT: physics, nuclear science and engineering, mechanical engineering, chemistry, and material science, to name a few. Our mission is to identify and understand how cutting-edge advances in science and technology can provide fusion energy “smaller and sooner”. The PSFC hosts a wide variety of “small but capable” experimental facilities at the Albany Street corridor on the campus of MIT including plasma devices, powerful superconductor magnets and high-energy accelerators. In parallel, novel measurements are developed for the very challenging fusion environment, which are then are compared to leading-edge theory and simulation. This research mission is completely integrated with the training and mentoring a new generation of multidisciplinary fusion scientists and engineers. All in all this makes the PSFC a vital and important contributor to the fusion energy mission.

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