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PROMONICON Software for Process Monitoring, Operation and Control

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1 PROMONICON Software for Process Monitoring, Operation and Control
Su Whan Sung TBB ( ( , ,

2 Features of PROMONICON Software
Automation Software for Process (Remote) Control, Operation and Monitoring Easy (remote) process control, operation and monitoring Easy and flexible programming for complex control/operation logics and calculations Incorporating most math functions, advanced signal filters, transfer functions, pulse-width-modulation (PWM), logical operations, if statements, for-loop statements Easy and simple implementation of simulated processes Advanced PID autotuning methods APC(Advanced Process Control) controller, Batch controller, Run-to-Run controller On-line Process Optimization with solving constrained nonlinear/linear optimization problem CPM(Control Performance Monitoring) Automatic exporting process data to Excel for report generation Compatible with various communication protocols

3 Prices of PROMONICON Software
PROMONICON basic version - 3,000,000won/copy (3,000 US dollar/copy) Connection to automation devices (PLC, DCS, SCADA etc.) through serial, OPC, UDP/IP, TCP/IP communication Data storage, real-time graph, process diagram Automatic report generation in the form of Excel Script programming for compex user's logic Remote monitoring Simulation process

4 Prices of PROMONICON Software
PROMONICON advanced version - 7,000,000won/copy (7,000 US dollar/copy) PROMONICON basic version PID controllers, PID autotuning Gain scheduling, split control, programmable setpoint change, cascade control Automatic stage-to-stage transition for multi-stage processes PROMONICON professional version - 15,000,000won/copy (15,000 US dollar/copy) PROMONICON advanced version Control performance monitoring Batch control, Run-to-run control APC (MPC) control

5 Application of PROMONICON to Extruder System

6 Overall Structure of PROMONICON Software
PROMONICON – Automation 1 PROMONICON – Bridge 1 Process Variables Variable Setting Controllers Identification Monitoring Data Storage Script Programming Diagnosis PID Autotuner Communication Setting Variable Monitoring Simulation Input/Output Analog Input/Output Digital OneShot Update Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 Device 4 Serial OPC TCP/IP UDP/IP UDP/IP UDP/IP PROMONICON – Automation 2 UDP/IP Process Variables Controllers Identification Monitoring Data Storage Script Programming Diagnosis PID Autotuner PROMONICON – Bridge 2 Variable Setting Analog Input/Output Digital OneShot Update Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 Device 4 Serial OPC TCP/IP UDP/IP Communication Setting Variable Monitoring Simulation Input/Output UDP/IP

7 PROMONICON Software Components
PROMONICON-Bridge Software for data acquisition from/to various automation devices such as PLC, DCS, SCADA, Inverter etc. and transferring data/commend between PROMONCON-Automation and automation devices

8 PROMONICON Software Components
PROMONICON-Automation Software for process (remote) control, operation and monitoring though process controllers, scripts, PID autotuning, control performance monitoring, real-time graph, process diagram, report generation, data storage etc.

9 PROMONICON Software Components

10 PROMONICON Software Components
PROMONICON-Automation::Main GUI

Communication with Devices Support serial (RS232C, RS422, RS485), OPC, UDP/IP, TCP/IP communication OPC Server Connection Setting Browse OPC Server and Tags Browse COMPorts

Analog Input/Output, Digital Input/Output From Devices Communication protocol setting for periodic reading/writing Input/output process data from/to automation devices. Compatible with various protocols and communication error check methods OPC Tags

Simulation Input-Output Easy implementation of simulated processes by simply defining transfer functions Useful to validate control/operation logics or for engineer training Transfer Function = 0,0,0.008:0.6,0.12,0.008:0.5:0.10,0.5

14 PROMONICON –Automation GUI
Process Variables – Easy and straightforward definition of process variables – Various types for raw data acquisition, user-defined variables, graph manipulation, data storage on/off, controller on/off, random number and cycling number Source-to-target linear mapping Setting for communication error check, alarm and PWM

15 PROMONICON –Automation GUI
PID Controllers Advanced anti-windup, noise-suppressing PID control algorithm Easy implementation of enhanced control logics such as gain scheduling, cascade control, split control, override control etc by combining them with script programming

16 PROMONICON –Automation GUI
PID Autotuner To tune the parameters of PID controllers automatically using advanced PID autotuning algorithm (process excitation-modeling-tuning-simulation-application) Supports process excitation methods such as relay, P control, RBS, UDRN, step test to obtain process data for autotuning

17 PROMONICON –Automation GUI
MPC(Model Predictive Control, APC) Controllers To improve control performances of multi-input-multi-output processes with considering interactions between variables and process constraints by solving constrained nonlinear optimization problem and predicting future process outputs on the basis of process model

18 PROMONICON –Automation GUI
Batch Controllers To improve the control performances of batch processes by systematically considering repetitive dynamic behavior between batches.

19 PROMONICON –Automation GUI
Control Performance Monitoring (CPM) To assess the control performances of process controllers and valve performances in an online manner

20 PROMONICON –Automation GUI
Process Optimization To optimize process operation by solving linear/nonlinear optimization problem using successive linear programming technique Easy/flexible optimization problem formulation and solving connected to real-time process variables

21 PROMONICON –Automation GUI
Script Programming Useful to implement complex control/operation logics and calculations Incorporates most math functions, if statement, for-loop, logical operations, interpolation, PWM, advanced signal filters, transfer functions and differential equation solvers

22 PROMONICON –Automation GUI
Initial AutoRun To show only specified windows initially and automatically execute specified functions initially for operators’ convenience

23 PROMONICON –Automation GUI
Reloading Setting Files To automatically configure/run control loops, graph, process diagram, communication, data storage, optimization by reloading pre-defined setting files in a sequential way Useful to simplify control/operation of multi-stage process composed of many stages

24 PROMONICON –Automation GUI
Data Storage Process data storage in the form of csv file

25 PROMONICON –Automation GUI
Exporting Data to Excel Exporting process data to excel for on-line automatic generation of report

26 PROMONICON –Automation GUI
Process Diagram Process diagram for real-time process data monitoring and process operation Easy to set/display variables and design/run sequence controls (scripts)

27 PROMONICON –Automation GUI
Graph Graph for real-time process monitoring

28 PROMONICON –Automation GUI
IP Camera/Web Browser IP camera/web browser for remote process monitoring

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