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Stations of the cross We adore you O Christ and we praise you,

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Presentation on theme: "Stations of the cross We adore you O Christ and we praise you,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stations of the cross We adore you O Christ and we praise you,
because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world (click on the mouse to view the next slide)

2 The First Station Jesus is condemned to death
Obedience cost our Lord His life, but for us it only costs an act of the will and no more - and yet how hard it is for us to bend our wills. Lord, helps us to see that You may be present in the people you want us to obey daily. Pause for a moment and ask yourself, “How can I be more obedient to God’s ways.”

3 The Second Station Jesus takes up His Cross
The crosses we bear often come from our faults, and sometimes they are beyond us e.g. loss of job, illness. Take heart, the Lord will not let our burdens become too heavy for our strength. Lord, help us to see our crosses in the light of the Cross You carried out of love for us. Pause for a moment And ask yourself, “How can I see God in my daily crosses?”

4 The Third Station Jesus falls the first time
The God who made the universe is too weak as a man to bear the weight of the Cross. Jesus feels the fullness of our human reality – we are weak and frail. Lord, we gladly accept these human limitations. But, give us the strength to struggle on if this will bring Glory to Your Father e.g. fidelity to our spouse and vows. Pause for a moment and ask yourself, “Lord help me to be realistic about myself, but also to live as You want me to live.”

5 The Fourth Station Jesus meets His mother
The meeting of Our Lord and His mother must have been an excruciating pain that tore their hearts apart. Lord, to watch the pain of those we love is harder than to bear our own pain. Lord, help us to have a deeper love for those who are suffering in today’s world. . . the poor, sick, depressed . . . Pause for a moment and ask yourself, “How sensitive am I to the pain of others, including the ones I love? How should I respond?

6 The Fifth Station Simon helps Jesus to carry the Cross
We like Simon of Cyrene, are sometimes put in a situation where we are asked to help reduce the burden of someone in need. To help would mean giving up some of our time and money, and putting in some effort. Lord, help me to be more willing to help others whom we know are in need and not solely live our lives for our own needs. Pause for a few moments and ask yourself, “How helpful am I when I see someone in need? Do others have to ‘force’ me to help?

7 The Sixth Station Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
Whenever eyes are filled with tears whether they are at home, at work, in slums, jails, hospitals we are also seeing Jesus’ face. He is waiting for us to wipe away His tears. Lord, what you ask calls for courage and self sacrifice. I am not sure I have them. Help me to be You to them. Pause for a few moments and ask yourself, “How have I shown compassion to others in my daily life?” Do I see the Suffering Christ in the people around me?

8 The Seventh Station Jesus falls a second time
When you feel that all your efforts to do good seem to fail and you can’t go on, remember the second fall of our Lord. This is a test of how much you can persevere. Trust Him and carry on. Lord, help me not to be discouraged by my failures, but to learn lessons from them. “Real failure” is when I say, “I give-up!” Pause for a few moments and ask yourself, “When I fall and fail, do I turn to God for strength? Should I not believe that He will never abandon me?

9 The Eighth Station Jesus consoles the women of Jerusalem
In spite of His suffering Jesus remains compassionate. On the contrary, we want attention and we even sometimes drag ourselves into self-pity. Lord, it is very difficult to reach out to understand others when we ourselves are hurting inside. Help us never to neglect opportunities of helping others, no matter how difficult ours are. Pause for a few moments and ask yourself, “Do my hurts and pain make me more self-centered or more compassionate, like Christ?

10 The Ninth Station Jesus falls the third time
Our Lord fell the third time; He was drained of all His strength, to move on. Have we found ourselves in such a situation where we just want to give up? Lord, show us our sins, but also the joy of healing. Give us the desire to want to be reconciled with You and with those who have sinned against us . . . Pause for a few moments and ask yourself, “How have I responded in my most trying moments?” What is Jesus saying to me?

11 The Tenth Station Jesus is stripped of His garments
Before a multitude, Jesus was mocked and stripped shamefully like a criminal. Possessing nothing, He finds strengths only in His Father’s Love. Lord, detach us from the craving of prestige, position and wealth. Root out all traces of envy and pride. May we remain poor in spirit so that we may be rich in Your Spirit. Pause for a few moments and ask yourself, “How can I be more detached to my comforts and be more attached to God daily?”

12 The Eleventh Station Jesus is nailed to the Cross
Jesus’ hands which cured, and His feet which walked all over to proclaim the Good News are now crushed against the wood of the Cross with nails. Lord, the pain is unbearable, yet You did not complain. Lord, help me to be more patient with those who reject Your truth and Your love.  Pause for a few moments and ask yourself, “How can I do more good and expect less reward? How can I purify my intentions?”

13 The Twelfth Station Jesus dies on the Cross
“Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” Jesus has now accomplished His Father’s mission, but at a great price of giving up His own life. Lord, how often have I been distracted and tempted by the worldly ways. Help me to be faithful to my vocation married, priesthood, religious till the end. Pause for a few moments and ask yourself, “How can I be more selfless for the sake of Your Will and mission for me? How can I put You before my own needs?

14 The Thirteenth Station Jesus is taken down from the Cross
Jesus’ body ripped apart from the torture is now placed in the consoling arms of His beloved Mother. A lifeless body showing us the infinite Love of God. Lord, help us to appreciate how much You truly love us. Help us to return Your love by our daily deeds of love, especially to those whom we dislike or cannot forgive. Pause for a few moments and ask yourself, “How can I love others, even though the pain is unbearable. How can I see Christ in them?”

15 The Fourteenth Station Jesus is laid in the tomb
Jesus’ mortal life comes to an end. But now, we are His hands, feet and lips on earth. We are called to be the Lord’s apostle-victim-saint. Lord, help us to be more serious and determined to make You and Your teachings known. You are the Way, the Truth and the gate to Eternal Life. Pause for a few moments and ask yourself, “How am I witnessing to God’s truth and love daily in my family, work and Church? Can I be more active and do my part responsibly?

Let us accompany you through this final week of this Lenten Season. Meanwhile, do tell your friends about us too. We have a daily Gospel theme (from the daily Mass) for you to reflect on; also, insights, inspiration and challenges to help you find God in your daily life written by Fr Philip Heng,S.J. To RECEIVE THIS: us at : From this daily you can then further access our Jesuit website at: (find out more spiritual matters, and personal information about Jesuits etc.)

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