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Food provenance for the provinces

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Presentation on theme: "Food provenance for the provinces"— Presentation transcript:

1 Food provenance for the provinces
A new business model for promoting NZ artisan foods and experiences Presentation to NZTRI June 2010.

2 Food as a cultural indicator
Food is hot….. Food as a cultural indicator food provenance Protecting regional uniqueness Gastro tourism NZ food experiences Experiences Providers of food experiences Need order out of chaos Kai is the missing link Artisan issues The Process Future developments and opportunities

3 Food is hot…..

4 26% 48% 11% Living is largest category of blogs*
Food blogs are the most common in Living* 26% 48% 11% Food blogs largest* single category with * As indexed by Technorati

5 14% "someone who has an ardent or refined interest in food.”
pay a premium for what they view as new and vibrant sensory experiences They use food to define who they are in greater society. food offers much more than nourishment……explore the world and even examine which behaviours are ethical. . Opinion leaders for food 14%

6 Food as a cultural indicator
Cuisine is born of the environment (terroir) Local food markets

7 Local food provenance Sustainable Organic
………the geographical origin of what we eat, and the methods used to produce it – is increasingly important Being able to trace what's on your plate back to its very place of origin is set to be a staple requirement for all produce and is currently a burning issue in the food industry Local Sustainable Organic

8 Protecting regional uniqueness

9 Gastro tourism A fast growing segment globally
Who is the gastro tourist?? Hedonist Connoisseur Genuine Pedigree Authenticity Provenance Soul Intellect Crafted Gourmet Life simplifying Small things count An authentic silk tablecloth A loaf of bread you slice yourself Natural/organic is a marker of excellence Adventure and “ordeal” or discovery holidays are big Want a combination of convenience and indulgence

10 NZ food experiences 'Interactive travellers' aren't content to sit and watch. They want to do, learn, interact and experience. They seek out authentic, high-quality holiday experiences. Overall, food experiences not quite as good as others Food & beverage Food & Wine events 8.0 Accommodation Sports Transport Theatre Activities Environment

11 Experiences Cultural Adventure Epicurean People are looking for satisfaction through experiences rather than material acquisition Multi Sensory

12 Artisan (n) Artisan foods are high quality, made from local ingredients. Ideally the products reflect the character of that local ingredient, and the personality of the artisan. They are authentic products. Made on small scale. Usually without preservatives or additives – as natural as possible.

13 Providers of food experiences
Hotels Artisans Restaurants Cafes Bars Wineries Farmers Markets

14 Need order out of chaos Very little coordination across food sector
Need to pull together

15 Some progress Farmers Markets

16 New Zealand tourism strategy
Kai is the missing link New Zealand tourism strategy Food artisans on the ground in the regions

17 Kai is a virtual business linking artisans with consumers and tourists
Food Service Artisans Consumers Spec Retailers

18 Artisan issues Disparate industry “on their own” No industry body Limited resources Mixed skills Artisans and business not a common combination Not all differentiated But still need to collaborate – synergy from clusters

19 Discover Connect Empower Promote Evolve

20 Discover Find them all! Over 1000 artisans Across 15 categories
29 regions

21 Create a community so they can help each other
Initially within each region “Kai Mate” on the ground in each region Connect

22 Market research Design Food tech Packaging
Building a community Artisans Wine partners Media partners Spec Retailers Food experts Farmers Markets Cook Schools Trade Services Market research Design Food tech Packaging

23 Empower Offer new distribution opportunities Regular Newsletters
Latest food trend information Access to relevant business services Food tech Product development Market research Packaging Brand consultation and design Empower

24 Promote Artisan directory on Kai
Kai web site will be fully optimized for search – globally Opportunity for products to go into kai store Curated collections Food maps for each region Editorial in leading magazine for prime foodie prospects Advertising in other suitable media Social media presence Online Search Engine Marketing to drive traffic Collaborative participation at Trade Shows Promote

25 Category leading web site
What’s On Deals Welcome “haere mai” About Kai In Season About New Zealand Discover food Buy food Experience food Recipe database Food heritage Artisans Food experts Kai Toa Store Recipes Usage ideas Artisan Directory Expert profiles NZ Wine Retailers Regions Resources Glossary Conversions Links Farmers markets Other shopping Directories Region profiles Food for Thought Columns Blog Q&A Artisan Trade Section

26 Indicative page designs, still in development Home page
Regional Tourism profile Artisan Directory page Food Expert profile

27 Home page

28 Artisan Directory page

29 Food Expert profile

30 Regional Tourism profile

31 Future developments and opportunities
Evolve Kai Tours Help artisans develop food experiences Develop Food Trails and Tours in alliance with experienced, bespoke, tourism operators Position and promote Kai as the “masthead” brand for artisan foods in NZ Then viable to represent at larger international shows and Expos Local Food Heroes promotion Virtual to real- GPS based apps for tourists

32 Concept ticks the boxes
Plays to NZ strengths Supports small businesses –artisans Sustainable Food is more important

33 No one said it would be easy……..
Young food culture Artisan resistance Not all interested in growth or adding experiential component Enough regional differentiation? The Food Miles myth may restrict food export potential and tourism visitors

34 But it is worth doing It starts now Ka Pai

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