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Dental and Pharmacy Skills

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1 Dental and Pharmacy Skills
Unit J Dental and Pharmacy Skills

2 Identify the Teeth 1.Incisors - Located in the front and center
- Broad, sharp edge -used to cut food 2. Cuspids - Also called canines, or eyeteeth -Located at angles of lips -used to tear food -longest teeth in the mouth 3.Bicuspids - Also called premolars -located before molars, from front to back -used to pulverize or grind food

3 Identify the Teeth 4. Molars-Teeth in the back of the mouth
-largest and strongest teeth -used to grind food 5. Primary/Deciduous- First set of teeth -”Baby Teeth” -Maintains correct spacing for permanent teeth. 6. Maxillary-Located in the sockets, or alveoli or upper jaw bone.

4 Identify the Teeth 7. Mandibular- Located in the alveoli or the mandible, or lower jaw bone. 8. Secondary/Permanent- Second set of teeth, There are 32.

5 Bite wing: x-ray Of teeth biting

6 Panograph: x-ray of all the teeth

7 Identifying Dental Instruments
Explorer- Used to examine teeth, detect carious lesions and note other oral conditions. Root Elevator- Used in extractions. Excavator- Used to remove caries and refine the internal parts of the cavity. Mouth Mirror- Used in every basic tray set-up

8 Dental Instruments

9 Roman Numeral Equivalents
Arabic Roman 1 I 2 II 3 III 4 IV 5 V 6 VI 7 VII 8 VIII 9 IX

10 Roman Numeral Equivalents
Arabic Roman 10 X 20 XX 30 XXX 40 XL 50 L 100 C 500 D 1,000 M

11 Using Roman Numerals Used for some drugs and solutions
Used for ordering some supplies KEY NUMERALS: I, V, X, C, D, M Usually, no more that 3 of any one Roman Numeral is used to represent a number.

12 Using Roman Numerals If the numeral for a smaller number is used after the numeral for a larger number, all of the numbers are added together. If the numeral for a smaller number is used in front of the numeral for a larger number, the smaller number is subtracted from the larger number.

13 Conversions 1 Liter = 1000 ml/cc 1oz. = 30 ml/cc 1pt. = 1000 ml/cc
Celsius to Fahrenheit (C x 1.8)+32=F Fahrenheit to Celsius (F-32)/1.8=C 15gtt.s (drops) = 1ml 1liter =10 deciliters 30cc = 1oz. 1 Cup = 8oz. 1 inch = 2.54 cm 1m = 3.28 ft 1 Tsp = 5 ml/cc 1ft. = 12 inches 1gallon = 4 qt. formula to change lb. to kg = ld/2.2 Formula to change kg. to lb. = kg. *2.2

14 Routine Oral Hygiene Involves tooth brushing and flossing.
Should be done at least 3 times a day. Provide necessary equipment such as toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, mouthwash, emesis, basin, cup, and water. Assist the patient as needed.

15 Oral Hygiene Benefits of Oral Hygiene include: Provides Comfort
Stimulates the appetite Prevents disease and dental caries. Helps prevent bad breath (halitosis) Stimulates saliva production which contains digestive enzymes and promotes digestion.

16 Denture Care Provide privacy for the patient.
Have patient remove dentures if able. Place dentures in a denture cup to carry to sink. Use warm water to clean dentures. Hold dentures securely. Let patient rinse mouth and brush gums. Store dentures in a denture cup labeled with patient’s name.

17 Universal Method The Universal Method uses upper case letters to identify the deciduous teeth. There are 20 teeth in the deciduous set.

18 Name and Location The proper terms for the two front teeth are the Right and Left Central incisors. The Mandibular teeth are located in the lower jaw bone.

19 Medication Use the PDR section product identification to look up pills. If a patient is experiencing nausea and vomiting the physician prescribe Phenergan. The form of the medication that would be most appropriate for the patient would be a suppository. Lozenge- Medication that is in the form of a large flat disc that dissolves in the mouth. A type of medication that would be applied topically would be ointment

20 Brittney Ingersoll Taylor Young
Made By: Brittney Ingersoll Taylor Young

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