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Shoulder Trauma & Disorders

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1 Shoulder Trauma & Disorders
Turhan Özler MD. Assistant Professor Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology

2 Clavicle Fractures

3 Clavicle Fractures Mechanism Fall onto shoulder (87%) Direct blow (7%)
Fall onto outstretched hand (6%)

4 Clavicle Fractures Clinical Evaluation Radiographic Exam
Inspect and palpate for deformity/abnormal motion Thorough distal neurovascular exam Auscultate the chest for the possibility of lung injury or pneumothorax Radiographic Exam AP chest radiographs. Clavicular 45deg A/P oblique X-rays Traction pictures may be used as well

5 Clavicle Fractures Allman Classification of Clavicle Fractures
Type I Middle Third (80%) Type II Distal Third (15%) Type III Medial Third (5%)

6 Clavicle Fracture Closed Treatment Operative intervention
Sling or 8 bandage immobilization for usually 3-4 weeks with early ROM encouraged Operative intervention Fractures with neurovascular injury Fractures with severe associated chest injuries Open fractures Group II, type II fractures Cosmetic reasons, uncontrolled deformity Nonunion

7 Clavicle Fractures Associated Injuries Brachial Plexus Injuries
Contusions most common, penetrating (rare) Vascular Injury Rib Fractures Scapula Fractures Pneumothorax

8 Shoulder Dislocations

9 Shoulder Dislocations
Epidemiology Anterior: Most common Posterior: Uncommon, 10%, Think Electrocutions & Seizures Inferior (Luxatio Erecta): Rare, hyperabduction injury

10 Shoulder Dislocations
Clinical Evaluation Examine axillary nerve (deltoid function, not sensation over lateral shoulder) Examine M/C nerve (biceps function and anterolateral forearm sensation) Radiographic Evaluation True AP shoulder Axillary Lateral Scapular Y Stryker Notch View (Bony Bankart)

11 Shoulder Dislocations
Anterior Dislocation Recurrence Rate Age 20: 80-92% Age 30: 60% > Age 40: 10-15% Look for Concomitant Injuries Bony: Bankart, Hill-Sachs Lesion, Glenoid Fracture, Greater Tuberosity Fracture Soft Tissue: Subscapularis Tear, RCT (older pts with dislocation) Vascular: Axillary artery injury (older pts with atherosclerosis) Nerve: Axillary nerve neuropraxia

12 Shoulder Dislocations
Anterior Dislocation Traumatic Atraumatic (Congenital Laxity) Acquired (Repeated Microtrauma)

13 Shoulder Dislocations
Posterior Dislocation Adduction/Flexion/IR at time of injury Electrocution and Seizures cause overpull of subscapularis and latissimus dorsi Look for “lightbulb sign” and “vacant glenoid” sign Reduce with traction and gentle anterior translation (Avoid ER arm  Fx)

14 Shoulder Dislocations
Inferior Dislocations Luxatio Erecta Hyperabduction injury Arm presents in a flexed “asking a question” posture High rate of nerve and vascular injury Reduce with in-line traction and gentle adduction

15 Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Nonoperative treatment
Closed reduction should be performed after adequate clinical evaluation and appropriate sedation Reduction Techniques: Traction/countertraction- Generally used with a sheet wrapped around the patient and one wrapped around the reducer. Hippocratic technique- Effective for one person. One foot placed across the axillary folds and onto the chest wall then using gentle internal and external rotation with axial traction Stimson technique- Patient placed prone with the affected extremity allowed to hang free. Gentle traction may be used Milch Technique- Arm is abducted and externally rotated with thumb pressure applied to the humeral head Scapular manipulation

16 Shoulder Dislocations
Postreduction Post reduction films are a must to confirm the position of the humeral head Pain control Immobilization for 7-10 days then begin progressive ROM Operative Indications Irreducible shoulder (soft tissue interposition) Displaced greater tuberosity fractures Glenoid rim fractures bigger than 5 mm Elective repair for younger patients

17 Proximal Humerus Fractures

18 Proximal Humerus Fractures
Epidemiology Most common fracture of the humerus Higher incidence in the elderly, thought to be related to osteoporosis Females 2:1 greater incidence than males Mechanism of Injury Most commonly a fall onto an outstretched arm from standing height Younger patient typically present after high energy trauma such as MVA

19 Proximal Humerus Fractures
Clinical Evaluation Patients typically present with arm held close to chest by contralateral hand. Pain and crepitus detected on palpation Careful NV exam is essential, particularly with regards to the axillary nerve. Test sensation over the deltoid. Deltoid atony does not necessarily confirm an axillary nerve injury

20 Proximal Humerus Fractures
Neer Classification Four parts Greater and lesser tuberosities, Humeral shaft Humeral head A part is displaced if >1 cm displacement or >45 degrees of angulation is seen

21 Proximal Humerus Fractures
Treatment Minimally displaced fractures- Sling immobilization, early motion Two-part fractures- Anatomic neck fractures likely require ORIF. High incidence of osteonecrosis Surgical neck fractures that are minimally displaced can be treated conservatively. Displacement usually requires ORIF Three-part fractures Due to disruption of opposing muscle forces, these are unstable so closed treatment is difficult. Displacement requires ORIF. Four-part fractures In general for displacement or unstable injuries ORIF in the young and hemiarthroplasty in the elderly and those with severe comminution. High rate of AVN (13-34%)


23 Shoulder Impingment What is it?
Rotator cuff impingement syndrome is a clinical diagnosis that is caused by mechanical impingement of the rotator cuff by its surrounding structures. Patients with impingement syndromes may present with various signs and symptoms on physical examination depending on the degree of pathology and the structures involved.

24 Shoulder Impingment Subacromial Impingement Subcoracoid Impingement
Secondary Extrinsic Impingment Posterosuperior glenoid impingement Anterosuperior glenoid impingement

25 Subacromial Impingement
Narrowing of the space between the humeral head and the coracoacromial arch (supraspinatus outlet); Causing entrapment of the supraspinatus tendon and subacromial bursa. Repeated trauma to these structures will lead to tendon degeneration/tear and bursitis. Patients complain of pain and tenderness over anterior or anterolateral aspect of the shoulder joint.

26 Subacromial Impingement
Neer proposed that 95% of rotator cuff tears are due to chronic impingement between the humeral head and the coracoacrominal arch.

27 Subacromial Impingement
Stage 1 disease consists of edema and hemorrhage of the tendon due to occupational or athletic overuse, and is reversible under conservative treatment.

28 Subacromial Impingement
Stage 2 disease shows progressive inflammatory changes of the rotator cuff tendons and the subacromial-subdeltoid bursa, and can be treated by removing the bursa and dividing the coracoacromial ligament after failed conservative management.

29 Subacromial Impingement
Stage 3 disease manifests as partial or complete tears of the rotator cuff and secondary bony changes at the anterior acromion, the greater tuberosity or the acromioclavicular joint.

30 Subacromial Impingement
Abnormal acromial shape or position Subacromial enthesophytes Os acromiale Thickened coracoacromial ligament Acromioclavicular joint undersurface osteophytes


32 Outline Anatomy of the Glenoid Labrum Function of the Labrum
Definition of SLAP lesions Classification of SLAP lesions Etiology of SLAP Lesions Diagnosis Management

33 Anatomy of the Glenoid Labrum
Labrum, Capsule, Biceps tendon and Subscapularis muscle are derived from the same embryological cells. Labrum is a fibrocartilaginous tissue with sparse elastin fibers. Acts as a transition between the hyaline cartilage of the glenoid and the fibrous joint capsule. Inferiorly, the labrum blends with the articular cartilage of the glenoid. Funtions as a stabilizing and load-sharing structure and serves as a site for ligamentous attachment.

34 Glenoid Labrum

35 Biceps Anchor Broad origin from the supraglenoid tubercle AND the superior labrum at the 12 o-clock position. Supraglenoid tubercle is 5 mm medial to the superior edge of the glenoid rim. It has a variable origin, with some reports of 100% origin from the labrum alone.

36 Relation of Biceps & Labrum

37 Biceps Anchor Edge of Labrum

38 Function of the Labrum Site for Ligamentous attachment.
Origin of long head of biceps tendon. Increases Glenohumeral contact by 25%, thereby contributing to the stability of the joint.

39 Normal Variations in Superior Labral Morphology
Mileski, Snyder, Davidson Triangular Labrum “Bumper” Labrum Meniscoid Labrum Sub-labral Foramen Buford Complex

40 Biceps Glenoid Cartilage Triangular Labrum

41 Biceps Glenoid Humeral Head “Bumper” Labrum

42 Biceps Labrum Rim of Glenoid Meniscoid Labrum

43 A Normal Variant found in 1.5% of shoulders.
Cord-like Middle Glenohumeral Ligament with apparently deficient labral tissue below it. MGHL Humeral Head Glenoid The Buford Complex

44 Definition of SLAP lesions
Term SLAP coined by Snyder et al. Superior Labrum Anterior and Posterior (to the biceps anchor) Refers to lesions of the superior labrum

45 Classification… Snyder

46 Additions to Snyder’s 4 types
Type 5: SLAP tear that extends to the inferior aspect of the labrum. Type 6: Superior Labral flap. Type 7: SLAP tear that extends into the capsule.

47 Etiology of SLAP Lesions
There is controversy regarding the actual mechanism/s resulting in SLAP lesions. Theories include: Primary shoulder instability leading to internal impingement of the labrum. Traction injury from biceps during the deceleration phase of throwing. Traction/twisting injury from biceps during the late cocking phase of throwing (abduction and external rotation) Compression injury from a FOOSH.

48 Etiology of SLAP Lesions
Likely, each theory has it’s own merit for a given SLAP pattern, as there are biomechanical or clinical studies supporting each one.

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