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TYPES of CHILD CARE 2.01-Child Care.

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Presentation on theme: "TYPES of CHILD CARE 2.01-Child Care."— Presentation transcript:

1 TYPES of CHILD CARE 2.01-Child Care

2 TYPES OF CHILD CARE: Home-Based Care: In-home care from a caregiver who come to their home Center-Based Care: Several adults care for one or more groups of children they accept 2.01-Child Care

3 CHILD CARE CENTERS DESCRIPTION: Primary purpose is to provide a safe environment for children 2.01-Child Care

4 CHILD CARE CENTERS ADVANTAGES: Care for basic needs of the child
DISADVANTAGES: May be crowded and commercialized Most only have business hours Monday-Friday 2.01-Child Care

5 Preschool DESCRIPTION: Primary purpose is to provide educational services 3 to 5 years Usually scheduled for 2 ½ hours in morning or afternoon Informal play and/or emphasis on the whole child Organized to provide for age-appropriate growth and development physically, emotionally, and socially 2.01-Child Care

Provide extra stimulation and experiences and social skills prior to formal education DISADVANTAGES: Inconvenient unless parents can work out transportation as well as child care the rest of the day LOCAL PROGRAMS: Sometimes managed by religious organizations or owned by private organizations. 2.01-Child Care

Child care within a family residence that provides care for 4 or more children but no more than 6, except for school age. ADVANTAGES: Homelike, low ratios (1-7 including own children), lower cost DISADVANTAGES: Not structured, they can go about their daily jobs, and not have total thought to your child. Difficult to enforce licensing and credentials of caregiver. 2.01-Child Care

Federal child care program that helps children from low-income families enter kindergarten at a higher level. ADVANTAGES: Meals, shots, health care, professional staff, gov. funded, transportation, counseling provided. Activities focus on building self-esteem and helping children and families work together to solve problems. Programs have a strong educational component. DISADVANTAGES: Children may have emotional problems 2.01-Child Care

Learn by doing and on their own by playing with Montessori toys. Use concrete objects and 5 senses ADVANTAGES: Skill-based, teaches self motivation and basic life skills DISADVANTAGES: Low teacher interaction, high noise 2.01-Child Care

DESCRIPTION: #1 goal is to teach student teachers, not the child ADVANTAGES: Ratios low, curriculum checked by a professional DISADVANTAGES: It is a lab to train students, not teach the child 2.01-Child Care

DESCRIPTION: Parents can work near child and drop in during the day ADVANTAGES: Promotes families, sick child care provided, parent has less sick days DISADVANTAGES: Child has a longer ride 2.01-Child Care

12 A public-private initiative
North Carolina's nationally recognized and award-winning early childhood initiative designed to ensure that young children enter school healthy and ready to succeed. A public-private initiative 2.01-Child Care

13 SMART START ADVANTAGES: improves the quality of child care, make child care more affordable and accessible, provide access to health services and offer family support. DISAVANTAGES: Limited Enrollment 2.01-Child Care

14 NANNY/AU-PAIR DESCRIPTION: ADVANTAGES: Great demand for services
A nanny provides care in a child’s home. An au pair is a person from a foreign country who lives with a family and performs task similar to a nanny. ADVANTAGES: Great demand for services DISADVANTAGES : Cost 2.01-Child Care

15 STAY-AT-HOME PARENT Advantages- Child is in familiar surrounding
Stability of single-care giver over time Disadvantages- Less income with one parent working 2.01-Child Care

16 Factors in choosing child care
adult-child ratio: Number of adults per number of children cleanliness of facility: Cleanliness rating by Health Department or visual inspection costs of child care: Total cost for one or multiple children and additional fees discipline methods used: Age-appropriate strategies used to modify children’s behavior; time-out, rewards, loss of privileges, sets limits, but does not use harsh punishment equipment and supplies: Items needed to use with the children to run a center or keep a child 2.01-Child Care

17 hours of operation: Days of the week facility is open and start and stop times
location of facility: Where a child care building is placed in a certain area personal qualities of caregivers: Characteristics that are valued in someone who cares for children--- caring, patience, gentle demeanor, fairness, consistency and understanding stages of child development 2.01-Child Care

18 program activities: That promote the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of child training and education of staff: Staff development and learning programs for workers in a center transportation provided:Some programs pick up and deliver back home the children who attend their facility 2.01-Child Care

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