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ECPBIS OVERVIEW Kidstrong conference 2016

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1 ECPBIS OVERVIEW Kidstrong conference 2016
Amy Carlson, Ed.D. CCC-SLP ECPBIS Coordinator WV Autism Training center at Marshall university

2 Session Outline & goals
ECPBIS Introduction and the Pyramid Model Discuss the 3 tiers of the Pyramid Model WV’s statewide initiative and our plan Questions and Answers

3 What is ECPBIS? Early Childhood Positive Behavioral
Interventions and Supports -define -origins -goals

4 THE PYRAMID MODEL (center on the social and emotional foundations for early learning & Technical Assistance center on social emotional interventions for young children) Effective Workforce

5 Effective workforce “The foundation”
The systems and policies needed to adopt and sustain the implementation of the Pyramid Model with a particular focus on supporting the social development and relationships of ALL young children. Systems Policies Focused on all children: including those with or at risk for delays or disabilities

6 Tier 1 Universal or Primary prevention
1.) Nurturing and Responsive Relationships 2.) High Quality Supportive Environments Universal

7 Nurturing and responsive relationships
Building block of the pyramid Essential to healthy social development Includes relationships with children, families, and team members -actively supporting engagement -embedding instruction within children’s routines and play -responding to children’s conversations -promoting communication -providing encouragement to promote learning

8 High Quality environments “Promote social and emotional development”
CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Predictable Supportive Fosters all areas of child development Safe Promote active learning Promote appropriate behavior Provide positive guidance for expectations or rules Maximize engagement and learning

9 High Quality Supportive Environments
HOME ENVIRONMENT Supporting families and other caregivers to promote development within natural routines Providing families and other caregivers with information and support Minimizing the likelihood of challenging behavior

10 TIER 2 Secondary prevention
Targeted Social Emotional Supports Explicit instruction and support Self-regulation, expressing and understanding emotions, developing social relationships Secondary Prevention

11 Tier 3 tertiary intervention
Individualized Intensive Interventions Family-centered, comprehensive interventions Assessment based Individualized Behavior Support Plan Skill building Tertiary

12 ECPBIS the pyramid model Takeaways:
Framework for support and interventions ALL CHILDREN – those at no risk, those at risk of developing social emotional delays, and those with persistent behavioral challenges

13 takeaways… All behavior is a form of communication
There is always a reason for problem behavior There can be many reasons behind one specific behavior Children’s challenging behavior can be reduced with support not punishment ECPBIS builds social and emotional competence to prevent challenging behaviors in young children

14 So what happens now? W.V.’s Initiative
First ECPBIS Academy this fall 3 Day Academy Preschool classrooms Teams and Coaches

15 Amy Carlson, Ed.D. CCC-SLP
Questions??? Amy Carlson, Ed.D. CCC-SLP ECPBIS Coordinator

16 References TACSEI website
Carter, R.C., Van Norman, R.K., & Tredwell, C. (2010). Program-wide positive behavior support in preschool: Lessons for getting started. Journal of Early Childhood Education, 38: Fox, L., Dunlap, G., Hemmeter, M.L., Joseph, G.E., & Strain, P.S. (2003). The teaching pyramid: A model for supporting social competence and preventing challenging behavior in young children. Young Children, July 2003, Walker, H. M., Kavanagh, K., Stiller, B., Golly, A., Severson, H. H., & Feil, E. G. (1998). First Step to Success: An Early Intervention Approach for Preventing School Anti-social Behavior. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 6(2),

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