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Carbohydrates FN 401 Revised 11/22/2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Carbohydrates FN 401 Revised 11/22/2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbohydrates FN 401 Revised 11/22/2011

2 Carbohydrates They are the body’s MAIN source of energy.
3 main types of Carbohydrates Sugars Starches Fiber

3 Simple Carbohydrates Sugars are sometimes called simple carbohydrates.
Simple carbohydrates include six types of sugars. Glucose is form of sugar carried through the bloodstream for energy use throughout the body. (Blood sugar) Fructose is the sweetest of all sugars. (Fruit sugar)

4 Galactose, is found attached to glucose to form the sugar in milk.
Sucrose is ordinary table sugar. Lactose, the milk of mammals contains lactose or proteins for growth and maintenance instead of energy.

5 Sources of Simple Carbohydrates
Foods high in simple carbohydrates include sugars, syrups, soft drinks, jams, jellies, candies and other sweets.

6 Complex Carbohydrates
They provide the MAIN source of fiber for the body. For higher performance consume 3 hours before competition. 2 sources of Complex Carbohydrates Fiber Starch

7 Sources of Complex Carbohydrate Starch
Breads – Whole Wheat Cereals Pasta products Rice Some Vegetables: corn, potatoes, dry beans and peas.

8 Fiber – Complex Carbohydrate
Functions performed by fiber are linked to the prevention of heart disease and some types of cancer. This helps to lower cholesterol. Fiber stimulates the action of the muscles in the digestive tract, helping speed food through the body.

9 Sources of Complex Carbohydrate Fiber
Whole wheat bread Whole grain cereal products Fresh Fruit Fresh Vegetables

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