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Chapter 08 Lecture Outline

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1 Chapter 08 Lecture Outline
See separate PowerPoint slides for all figures and tables pre-inserted into PowerPoint without notes. 1

2 A Glimpse of History Barbara McClintock (1902–1992)
Observed that kernel colors in corn not inherited in a predictable manner Concluded segments of DNA moved in and out of genes involved in color Destroyed function of genes Published results in 1950 Met with skepticism DNA believed stable Idea established by 1970s Awarded Nobel Prize in 1983 Termed transposons “Jumping genes”

3 Antibiotic Resistance
Staphylococcus aureus Gram-positive coccus; commonly called Staph Frequent cause of skin and wound infections Since 1970s, treated with penicillin-like antibiotics For example, methicillin In 2004, over 60% of S. aureus strains from hospitalized patients were resistant to methicillin ~2.3 million healthy people in U.S. harbor methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) Healthcare-associated MRSA (HA-MRSA) resistant to other antibiotics, including vancomycin Vancomycin considered drug of last resort

4 8.1. Genetic Change in Bacteria
Organisms adapt to changing environments Natural selection favors those with greater fitness Bacteria adjust to new circumstances Regulation of gene expression (Chapter 7) Genetic change (Chapter 8) Bacteria excellent system for genetic studies Rapid growth, large numbers More known about E. coli genetics than any other Change in organism’s DNA alters genotype Sequence of nucleotides in DNA Bacteria are haploid, so only one copy, no backup May change observable characteristics, or phenotype Also influenced by environmental conditions

5 8.1. Genetic Change in Bacteria
Mutation and horizontal gene transfer

6 8.1. Genetic Change in Bacteria
Mutations can change organism’s phenotype Deletion of gene for tryptophan biosynthesis yields mutant that only grows if tryptophan supplied Growth factor required; mutant termed auxotroph Auxo = “increase”; troph = “nourishment” Prototroph does not require growth factors Proto = “first” Geneticists compare mutants to wild type Typical phenotype of strains isolated from nature For example, wild-type E. coli strain is prototroph Strains designated by three-letter abbreviations for example, Trp– cannot make tryptophan Streptomycin resistance designated StrR

7 8.2. Spontaneous Mutations
Spontaneous mutations caused by normal processes Occur randomly at infrequent characteristic rates Mutation rate: probability of mutation each cell division Typically between 10–4 and 10–12 for a given gene Mutations passed to progeny Occasionally change back to original state: reversion Large populations contain mutants (for example, cells in colony) Environment selects cells that grow under its conditions For example, antibiotics select for resistant bacteria if present Environment does not cause mutations Single mutation rare; two even rarer Physicians may use two antibiotics to reduce resistance Chance is product of mutation rate for each

8 8.2. Spontaneous Mutations
Base substitution most common Incorrect nucleotide incorporated during DNA synthesis Point mutation is change of a single base pair

9 8.2. Spontaneous Mutations
Base substitution leads to three possible outcomes Silent mutation: wild-type amino acid Missense mutation: different amino acid Resulting protein may only partially function Termed leaky Nonsense mutation: Specifies stop codon Yields shorter protein

10 8.2. Spontaneous Mutations
Base substitutions A mutation that inactivates gene is termed a null or knockout mutation “Silent mutation” sometimes used to indicate mutation that does not alter protein function Base substitutions more common in aerobic environments Reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced from O2 Can oxidize nucleobase guanine DNA polymerase often mispairs with adenine

11 8.2. Spontaneous Mutations
Deletion or addition of nucleotides Impact depends on number of nucleotides Three pairs changes one codon One amino acid more or less Impact depends on location within protein One or two pairs yields frameshift mutation Different set of codons translated Often results in premature stop codon Shortened, nonfunctional protein Knockout mutation

12 8.2. Spontaneous Mutations
Transposons (jumping genes) Can move from one location to another Process is transposition Gene insertionally inactivated Function destroyed Most transposons have transcriptional terminators Blocks expression of downstream genes in operon

13 8.2. Spontaneous Mutations
Transposons (jumping genes) (continued…) Classic studies carried out by Barbara McClintock Observed color variation in corn kernels resulting from transposons moving into and out of genes controlling pigment synthesis

14 8.3. Induced Mutations Induced mutations result from outside influence
Agent that induces change is mutagen Geneticists may use mutagens to increase mutation rate Two general types: chemical, radiation

15 8.3. Induced Mutations Chemical mutagens may cause base substitutions or frameshift mutations Some chemicals modify nucleobases Change base-pairing properties Increase chance of incorrect nucleotide incorporation Nitrous acid (HNO2) converts cytosine to uracil Base-pairs with adenine instead of guanine

16 8.3. Induced Mutations Some chemicals modify nucleobases (cont…)
Alkylating agents add alkyl groups onto nucleobases Nitrosoguanidine adds methyl group to guanine Base-pairs with thymine

17 8.3. Induced Mutations Base analogs resemble nucleobases
Have different hydrogen-bonding properties Can be mistakenly incorporated by DNA polymerase 5-bromouracil resembles thymine, often base-pairs with guanine 2-amino purine resembles adenine, often pairs with cytosine

18 8.3. Induced Mutations Intercalating agents cause frameshift mutations
Flat molecules that intercalate (insert) between adjacent base pairs in DNA strand Pushes nucleotides apart, produces space Causes errors during replication If in template strand, a base pair added to synthesized strand If in strand being synthesized, a base pair deleted Often results in premature stop codon Ethidium bromide is common intercalating agent Likely carcinogen Chloroquine, used to treat malaria, is another example

19 8.3. Induced Mutations Transposition
Transposons can be used to generate mutations Transposon inserts into cell’s genome Generally inactivates gene into which it inserts

20 8.3. Induced Mutations Radiation: two types
Ultraviolet irradiation forms thymine dimers Covalent bonds between adjacent thymines Cannot fit into double helix; distorts molecule Replication and transcription stall at distortion Cell will die if damage not repaired Mutations result from cell’s SOS repair mechanism X rays cause single- and double-strand breaks in DNA Double-strand breaks often produce lethal deletions X rays can alter nucleobases

21 8.4. Repair of Damaged DNA Enormous amount of spontaneous and mutagen-induced damage to DNA If not repaired, can lead to cell death; cancer in animals For example, in humans, two genes associated with breast cancer code for DNA repair enzymes; mutations in either result in 80% probability of breast cancer Mutations are rare; alterations in DNA generally repaired before being passed to progeny Several different DNA repair mechanisms

22 8.4. Repair of Damaged DNA

23 8.4. Repair of Errors in Nucleotide Incorporation
During replication, DNA polymerase sometimes incorporates wrong nucleotide Mispairing slightly distorts DNA helix Recognized by enzymes Mutation prevented by repairing before DNA replication Two mechanisms: proofreading, mismatch repair Proofreading by DNA polymerase Verifies accuracy Can back up, excise nucleotide Incorporate correct nucleotide Very efficient but not flawless

24 8.4. Repair of Errors in Nucleotide Incorporation
Mismatch Repair Fixes errors missed by DNA polymerase Enzyme cuts sugar-phosphate backbone Another enzyme degrades short region of DNA strand Methylation of DNA indicates template strand Methylation takes time, so newly synthesized strand is unmethylated DNA polymerase, DNA ligase make repairs

25 8.4. Repair of Modified Nucleobases in DNA
Modified nucleobases lead to base substitutions Glycosylase removes oxidized nucleobase Another enzyme cuts DNA at this site DNA polymerase removes short section; synthesizes replacement DNA ligase seals gap

26 8.4. Repair of Thymine Dimers
Several methods to repair damage from UV light Photoreactivation: light repair Enzyme uses energy from light Breaks covalent bonds of thymine dimer Only found in bacteria Excision repair: dark repair Enzyme removes damage DNA polymerase, DNA ligase repair

27 Repair of Thymine Dimers
Several methods to repair damage from UV light (continued…) SOS repair: last-ditch repair mechanism Induced following extensive DNA damage Photoreactivation, excision repair unable to correct DNA and RNA polymerases stall at unrepaired sites Several dozen genes in SOS system activated Includes a DNA polymerase that synthesizes even in extensively damaged regions Has no proofreading ability, so errors made Result is SOS mutagenesis

28 8.5. Mutant Selection Mutants rare, difficult to isolate
Two main approaches Direct selection: cells inoculated onto medium that supports growth of mutant but not parent for example, antibiotic-resistant mutants exposed to antibiotic Indirect selection: isolates auxotroph from prototrophic parent strain More difficult since parents will grow on any media on which auxotroph can grow Replica plating

29 8.5. Mutant Selection

30 8.5. Mutant Selection Penicillin enrichment of mutants sometimes used
Increases proportion of auxotrophs in broth culture Penicillin kills growing cells Prototrophs Auxotrophs survive Penicillinase then added Cells plated on rich medium

31 8.5. Mutant Selection Screening for Possible Carcinogens
Carcinogens cause many cancers; most are mutagens Animal tests expensive, time-consuming Mutagens increase low frequency of spontaneous reversions Ames test measures effect of chemical on reversion rate of histidine-requiring Salmonella auxotroph Uses direct selection If mutagenic, reversion rate increases relative to control Rat liver extract added since non-carcinogenic chemicals often converted to carcinogens by animal enzymes Additional tests on mutagenic chemicals to determine if carcinogenic

32 8.5. Mutant Selection

33 Horizontal Gene Transfer as a Mechanism of Genetic Change
Microorganisms commonly acquire genes from other cells: horizontal gene transfer Can demonstrate recombinants with auxotrophs Combine two strains for example, His–, Trp– with Leu–, Thr– Spontaneous mutants unlikely Colonies that can grow on glucose-salts medium most likely acquired genes from other strain

34 Horizontal Gene Transfer as a Mechanism of Genetic Change
Genes naturally transferred by three mechanisms Transformation: naked DNA uptake by bacteria Transduction: bacterial DNA transfer by viruses Conjugation: DNA transfer during cell-to-cell contact

35 Horizontal Gene Transfer as a Mechanism of Genetic Change
DNA replicated only if replicon Has origin of replication Plasmids, chromosomes DNA fragments added to chromosome via homologous recombination Only if sequence similar to region of recipient’s genome

36 8.6. DNA-Mediated Transformation
Naked DNA is not within cell or virus Cells release when lysed Addition of DNase prevents transformation Demonstration of transformation in pneumococci Only encapsulated cells pathogenic

37 8.6. DNA-Mediated Transformation
Recipient cell must be competent Most take up regardless of origin Some accept only from closely related bacteria (DNA sequence) Process tightly regulated Bacillus subtilis has two-component regulatory system Recognizes low nitrogen or carbon High concentration of bacteria (quorum sensing) Only a fraction of population becomes competent

38 8.7. Transduction Transduction: transfer of genes by bacteriophages
Specialized transduction: specific genes (Chapter 13) Generalized transduction: any genes of donor cell Rare error during phage assembly Transfer of DNA to new bacterial host

39 8.8. Conjugation Conjugation: DNA transfer between bacterial cells
Requires contact between donor, recipient cells Conjugative plasmids direct their own transfer Replicons F plasmid (fertility) of E. coli most studied Other plasmids encode resistance to some antibiotics Spread resistance easily

40 8.8. Conjugation Conjugation (continued…) F plasmid of E. coli
F+ cells have, F– do not Encodes proteins including F pilus Sex pilus Brings cells into contact Enzyme cuts plasmid Single strand transferred Complementary strands synthesized Both cells are now F+

41 8.8. Conjugation Chromosomal DNA transfer less common
Involves Hfr cells (high frequency of recombination) F plasmid is integrated into chromosome via homologous recombination Process is reversible F′ plasmid results when small piece of chromosome is removed with F plasmid DNA F′ is replicon

42 8.8. Conjugation Chromosomal DNA transfer less common (continued…)
Hfr cell produces F pilus Transfer begins with genes on one side of origin of transfer of plasmid (in chromosome) Part of chromosome transferred to recipient cell Chromosome usually breaks before complete transfer (full transfer would take ~100 minutes) Recipient cell remains F– since incomplete F plasmid transferred

43 8.9. The Mobile Gene Pool Genomics reveals surprising variation in gene pool of even a single species Perhaps 75% of E. coli genes found in all strains Termed core genome of species Remaining make up mobile gene pool Plasmids, transposons, genomic islands, phage DNA

44 8.9. The Mobile Gene Pool Plasmids found in many bacteria and archaea
Some eukarya Usually dsDNA with origin of replication Generally nonessential; cells survive loss Few to many genes Low-copy-number One or a few per cell High-copy-number Many up to 500 Most have narrow host range Single species Some broad host range Includes Gram– and Gram+

45 8.9. The Mobile Gene Pool Resistance plasmids (R plasmids)
Resistance to antimicrobial medications, heavy metals (mercury, arsenic) Compounds found in hospital environments Often two parts R genes RTF (resistance transfer factor) Codes for conjugation Often broad host range Normal microbiota can transfer to pathogens Copyright © 2016 McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Use fig in 8th edition

46 8.9. The Mobile Gene Pool Transposons provide mechanism for moving DNA
Can move into other replicons in same cell Simplest is insertion sequence (IS) Encodes only transposase enzyme, inverted repeats Composite transposons include one or more genes Integrate via non-homologous recombination

47 8.9. The Mobile Gene Pool Transposons yielded vancomycin resistant Staphylococcus aureus strain Patient infected with S. aureus Susceptible to vancomycin Also had vancomycin resistant strain of Enterococcus faecalis Transferred transposon- containing plasmid to S. aureus Transposon jumped to plasmid in S. aureus

48 8.9. The Mobile Gene Pool Bacteria can conjugate with plants
Natural genetic engineering Agrobacterium tumefaciens causes crown gall Different properties, produces opine, plant hormones Piece of tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid called T-DNA (transferred DNA) is transferred to plant Incorporated into plant chromosome via non-homologous recombination

49 8.9. The Mobile Gene Pool Genomic islands: large DNA segments in genome Originated in other species Nucleobase composition very different from genome G-C base pair ratio characteristic for each species May provide different characteristics Utilization of energy sources Acid tolerance Development of symbiosis Ability to cause disease Pathogenicity islands

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