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Lean Launch Pad prep for Week 3 : Customer Segments

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1 Lean Launch Pad prep for Week 3 : Customer Segments
Tues 2/17 & Wed 2/18/15

2 Customer Segments Answers are all hypotheses.
Who are your customers (users, influencers, recommenders, decision makers, payers, others)? Is your market multi-sided? What’s your market type? Answers are all hypotheses. What experiments will you design/carry out to verify these hypotheses? Product-market fit is found when: customers’ gains, pains, jobs to be done match VP’s gain creators, pain relievers, products & services Example of List slide.

3 http://www. businessmodelgeneration

4 Customer Discovery Leave campus: go talk to at least 10 potential customers (target 15) to gain insights and generate findings. Focus on interviewing members of your hypothesized customer segment(s), including users, influencers, payers, etc. Develop a customer archetype(s): get beyond the usual variables to understand members of the customer segment in depth.

5 Preparing for Week 3: Customer Segments
Watch Course video lesson 3: Customer Segments BMG pp : Ideation; pp : Prototyping; and pp : Business Model Environment SOM pp : Customer Segments; pp : Problem Understanding; pp : Gain Customer Understanding; pp : Market Knowledge; pp : Product-Market Fit; and p. 476: Customer Segments Checklist Watch Course video lesson 4 (Channels) and video lesson 5 (Customer relationships) Example of slide with lots of text

6 Week 3: Customer Segments
15 minute Q and A on readings/concepts Teams present their updated business model to the class: (8-10 mins) Slide 1: Title Slide. Tally # Interviews so far. Slide 2: Business Model Canvas, with changes highlighted in red. Slide 3: Value Proposition/Customer Segment Canvas What are the Gains, Pains, Customer Jobs? What’s the MVP you’ll test? Slide 4: How do they solve this problem(s) today? Does your Value Proposition solve it? How? Slide 5-n: What did you learn about your customers? Hypothesis: Here’s what we thought. Experiments: Here’s what we did. Results: Here’s what we found. Action: Here’s what we’re going to do next. Example of slide with lots of text

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