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Clicker Question Review

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1 Clicker Question Review
Basics of Motion and Newton’s Laws

2 The weight of a 2,000 kg elephant is

3 less than the amount of thrust. equal to the amount of thrust.
When an airplane flies at constant speed in a straight line, the opposing force of air drag on the plane is less than the amount of thrust. equal to the amount of thrust. more than the amount of thrust.

4 60 mi/hr to the N. 55 mi/hr to the N. 1 mi/hr to the N.
You drive 30 miles North on Highway 99W for 30 minutes. What was your average velocity in miles/hour? 60 mi/hr to the N. 55 mi/hr to the N. 1 mi/hr to the N. 90 mi/hr to the N. 15 mi/hr to the N.

5 A car undergoes an acceleration whenever there is
an increase in its velocity. a decrease in its velocity. Change in the direction of its motion. All of the above.

6 After being dropped from the top of a high building, a free-falling object has a speed of 30 m/s at one instant. Ignoring air-resistance, exactly 1 second earlier, its speed was the same. 10 m/s. 20 m/s. 40 m/s.

7 When a ball is tossed straight upward
When a ball is tossed straight upward. After the ball leaves your hand, the direction of its acceleration is upward also. downward, toward Earth’s center. actually horizontal. at some sort of a angle.

8 Direction of g Direction of g Direction of velocity Direction of velocity Note: acceleration due to gravity (g) is constant (same quantity and same direction).

9 less than 1 second. about 1 second. about 2 seconds.
The longest that anyone has been in the air when jumping straight upward and landing at the same place is less than 1 second. about 1 second. about 2 seconds. more than 2 seconds.

10 When you throw a football, does a force keep the ball moving forward once it has left your hand?
Yes No

11 a curved path. a straight-line path. an outward spiral path.
If gravity between the Sun and Earth suddenly vanished, Earth would move in a curved path. a straight-line path. an outward spiral path. an inward spiral path.

12 Will be straight down with coin landing right at your feet.
When standing in the aisle of a bus that is moving at a constant velocity, you drop a coin from above your head. The path that the falling coin will follow Will be straight down with coin landing right at your feet. Will be diagonal with the coin landing in front of your feet. Will be diagonal with the coin landing behind your feet.

13 35 N to the west. 35 N to the east. 5 N to the west. 5 N to the east.
When a 10-kg cart is simultaneously pushed eastward with 20 N and westward with 15 N, the net force on the cart is 35 N to the west. 35 N to the east. 5 N to the west. 5 N to the east.

14 50 m/s2 toward the east. 50 m/s2 toward the west.
When a 10-kg cart is simultaneously pushed eastward with 20 N and westward with 15 N, the acceleration of the cart is 50 m/s2 toward the east. 50 m/s2 toward the west. 0.5 m/s2 toward the east. 0.5 m/s2 toward the west.

15 A 1,000-kg vehicle accelerates at 1 m/s2 when the net force on it is

16 decrease. increase. remain the same. None of the above.
A car pulling a trailer accelerates when the gas pedal is pushed to the floor. If the trailer becomes disconnected, the acceleration of the car will decrease. increase. remain the same. None of the above.

17 A falling object that reaches terminal velocity continues to have
speed. a net force greater than 0. acceleration. All of the above.

18 less than 3,500 N. 3,500 N. greater than 3,500 N. 0 N.
A karate chop delivers a blow of 3,500 N to a board. The force that acts on the hand during impact is less than 3,500 N. 3,500 N. greater than 3,500 N. 0 N.

19 Depends on the orientation of its body.
The amount of air resistance on a 0.8-N flying squirrel when it reaches terminal velocity is less than 0.8 N. 0.8 N. more than 0.8 N. Depends on the orientation of its body.

20 The force that directly propels a car along a highway is that provided by the
engine on the car. combustion of fuel. tires on the road. road on the tires.

21 Which pulls harder, the Moon on Earth or Earth on the Moon?
Moon on the Earth Earth on the Moon Both pull with the same force

22 The force that propels a rocket upward is provided by
gravity. the exhaust gases pushing on the rocket. the atmosphere against which the rocket pushes. inertia.


24 In a tug-of-war match, is it possible for one team to exert a greater force on the rope than the opposing team? Yes No

25 In a tug-of-war match, is it possible for one team to exert a greater force on the rope than the opposing team? The team that pushes on the ground with the greatest force will win the tug-of-war match. Consider 2 equally matched teams where one wears socks and the other wears shoes while standing on a smooth floor.

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