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IRON JAWED ANGELS. IRON JAWED ANGELS Progressive Presidents Teddy Roosevelt, Republican William Taft, Woodrow Wilson,

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3 Progressive Presidents
Teddy Roosevelt, Republican William Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Democrat Trustbuster presidents


1896 ELECTION- INTENSE WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN- DEMOCRATS WILLIAM MCKINLEY- REPUBLICAN Populist Party platform (“working man v. rich) Break up trusts Regulate railroads 8 hour work day Right to collective bargaining “bi-metalism” BIG BUSINESS SUPPORTS Out spends Democrats 5-1 on election Press attacks Bryan…

6 McKinley wins….

7 Teddy Roosevelt- background
From wealthy NY family- goes into politics rather than business Assemblyman in Albany Goes after corporate corruption Becomes a “cowboy” in the Dakotas head of Civil Service Commission Attacks the “spoils system” 1894- becomes head of Police Commission of NYC Radical reforms to Police force 1897- McKinley appoints him Ass’t Secretary of the Navy 1898- raises “Rough Riders” and attacks Cuba in Spanish American War Becomes a national celebrity 1898- Governor of NY REFORMER- SCARES BIG BUSINESS 1900- NOMINATED AS MCKINLEY’S VP FOR 2ND TERM Powerless position- Big Business Republicans can “hide” him there…..

8 Leon Czolgosz

9 How is Teddy Roosevelt’s SQUARE DEAL “progressive”?
UNIT 7- KEY QUESTION: Fixing the problems of the Gilded Age…. How did Progressives seek political, economic, and social change in society? How is Teddy Roosevelt’s SQUARE DEAL “progressive”?

10 Roosevelt and the “Square Deal”
Square Deal: Progressive reforms of the Roosevelt administration

11 Northern Securities Company v. the United States
1902- TR sues Northern Securities Co. (Railroad Trust) 1904- Supreme Court dissolves the trust in a 5-4 decision


13 The “Trust Buster” 1900- 4/5 of industries = trusts
Uses Sherman Anti-Trust Act to sue 44 trusts TURNING POINT: gov’t regulating big biz

14 1902 Coal miners strike… TR “mediates” a settlement
Favorable to the union Turning Point- Federal government supports labor, not big business

15 TR- Consumer protection
1906- Meat Inspection Act- strict cleanliness requirements for packers Pure Food and Drug Act No contaminated products “truth in labeling”

16 TR- Conservation movement
Conservation: protect natural resources Antiquities Act- 230 million acres set aside

17 How is Teddy Roosevelt’s SQUARE DEAL “progressive”?
UNIT 7- KEY QUESTION: Fixing the problems of the Gilded Age…. How did Progressives seek political, economic, and social change in society? NAME 2 WAYS ROOSEVELT’S SQUARE DEAL ADDRESSED PROBLEMS FROM THE GILDED AGE:

18 Text answer to 37607 When done, please Have out “fun facts”
For Taft and Wilson

19 Fun Facts on Taft? (president 1909-1913)


21 TR gets mad at Taft While he was hunting in Africa…
Over 1 million acres of forest and mining lands given back to public domain Payne-Aldriff Tariff increases many rates (big business happy) TR forms “Bull Moose Party” when Taft gets 1912 presidential nomination Direct election of Senators All states should adopt initiative, referendum, recall Woman suffrage 8 hour work day Minimum wage for women Federal law vs. child labor Federal trade commission to regulate business

22 Woodrow Wilson

23 Election of 1912 TR- Progressive (Bull Moose) Party
Taft- conservative Republicans Wilson- Democrats “Progressive” Debs Socialist

24 Republicans split; Wilson wins

25 Woodrow Wilson: “New Freedom”
Inaugural Address: Americans voted for change “New Freedom”- break up trusts…. restore free enterprise Lower tariffs graduated income tax

26 Anti-Trust Measures Clayton Anti Trust Act
Much stronger than Sherman Can’t use anti-trust laws against unions Federal Trade Commision (FTC) formed “watchdog” organization to investigate big businesses 400 “cease- and desist” orders given under Wilson

27 New Tax System Underwood Tariff:
Lowers tariff for first time since Civil War (Big Business not happy) Federal Income Tax 16th Amendment: Federal Income tax Graduated tax- higher incomes are taxed at a higher rate

28 Is it fair for wealthier people to pay a higher percentage of their income?

29 The Federal Reserve System is created
Federal Reserve Act 12 districts “A Bank for Banks” Controls the money supply- more stability


31 Janet Yellen- New (1st) Chairwoman of the Fed

32 Women’s Suffrage Wilson finally supports 19th Amendment after WWI
1920- ratified- Women have right to vote

33 “Progressive Amendments” Match the Amendments!
16th Amendment-1913 17th Amendment- 1913 18th Amendment- 1919 19th Amendment- 1920

34 “Progressive Amendments” Match the Amendments!
16th Amendment- Income Tax 1913 17th Amendment- Direct Election of Senators 18th Amendment- Prohibition 1919 19th Amendment- women’s suffrage 1920

35 Please think 3 issues of the Gilded Age that were addressed by Square Deal and/or New Freedom: Social? Economic? Political? 2 specific laws/ court cases that gave the government more power over industry: 1 example of a “progressive” issue today:

36 US H & G Unit 7- Progressivism Assessment- due Thursday, 3/5
US H & G Unit 7- Progressivism Assessment- due Thursday, 3/5 Name:____________________________________ Concept sort: 30 pts Multiple Choice: 25 pts:. Mini thematic- 25 pts Social problems: Presidential Actions ; Congressional legislation State government actions Constitutional Amendments Actions of individuals and groups Economic problems:

37 UNIT 7 ASSESSMENT- 80 PTS DUE Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PT 1- concept sort- 30 pts Place correct italicized words from each headline into appropriate place on graphic organizer May work with partner(s) Some spaces will have several entries; some may have none PT 2- multiple choice- 25 pts To be done on own; put answers on answer sheet in packet PT 3- “mini-thematic” To be graded like a Regents essay (1/2 an essay) I am not concerned with intro or conclusion…

38 student addresses the assigned task
CRITERIA: The extent to which… Score of 5 Score of 4 Score of 3 Score of 2 Score of 1 student addresses the assigned task Thoroughly develops all aspects of the task evenly and in depth Develops all aspects of the task but may do so unevenly Develops all aspects of the task with little depth OR develops most of the aspects of the task in some depth Minimally develops all aspects of the task or develops some aspects of the task in some depth Minimally develops some aspects of the task Student utilizes higher level thinking skills in their response Is more analytical than descriptive (analyzes, evaluates, and/or creates information) Is both descriptive and analytical (applies, analyzes, evaluates, and/or creates information) Is more descriptive than analytical (applies, may analyze and/or evaluate information) Is primarily descriptive; may include faulty, weak, or isolated application or analysis Is descriptive; may lack understanding, application, or analysis Student support their ideas with fact, examples, and details Richly supports the theme with many relevant facts, examples, and details Supports the theme with relevant facts, examples and detail Includes some relevant facts, examples, and details; may include some minor inaccuracies Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details; may include some inaccuracies Student organizes and develops a social studies essay Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and conclusion that are beyond a restatement of the theme Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of organization; includes an introduction and conclusion that may be a restatement of the theme Demonstrates a general plan of organization; may lack focus; may contain digressions; may not clearly identify which aspect of the task is being addressed; may lack an introduction and/or conclusion May demonstrate a weakness in organization; may lack focus; may contain digressions; may not clearly identify which aspect of the task is being addressed; may lack an introduction and/or conclusion

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