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Russia and Japan: Industrialization Outside the West

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1 Russia and Japan: Industrialization Outside the West
27 Russia and Japan: Industrialization Outside the West

2 Russia and Japan Russia's Reforms and Industrial Advance
Protest and Revolution in Russia Japan: Transformation without Revolution

3 Russia and Japan

4 Russia before Reform Anti-Westernization backlash
Following Napoleon's invasion, 1812 Holy Alliance – defense of religion and established order. Conservatism at its height. Poland divided up- Russia, Austria/Hungary, Prussia Decembrist revolt, 1825 Suppressed by Nicholas I Western educated oriented soldiers Russia avoids revolutions of 1830, 1848 Due to repression of political opponents by gov’t. Censors newspapers, liberal views Political criticism from abroad. Polish rebel – led by Catholics. Brutally put down

5 Economic and Social Problems
Economy backwards. Fall behind west technologically and in trade Increased exports but not techniques More limits and demands on serfs Imports some machinery and luxury goods Crimean War ( ) Suggests Russian role of Holy Land protector Provokes war w/ Ottoman Empire Aided by France and Britain Defeat by industrial powers Alexander II turns to industrialization

6 Russian Expansion,

7 The Reform Era and Early Industrialization
1861- emancipation of serfs Forced to buy lands Redemption payments to nobility Tied to village till land paid for Peasant uprisings Productivity stagnant Alexander II Reforms of 1860s, 1870s Zemstvoes Military reform Some educational reform

8 The Reform Era and Early Industrialization
Railways Pacific reached, 1880s Siberia opened to development Factories, 1880s Count Witte, High tariffs Banking system improved Western investment sought By 1900’s half of Russia industry in hands of foreigners.

9 Protest and Revolution in Russia
The Road to Revolution Ethnic minorities Demands Peasants Famine, taxes Anarchists Fail to win peasant support Suppressed

10 Protest and Revolution in Russia
The Road to Revolution 1881, Alexander II assassinated New ideas Marxist socialism Lenin (Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov)

11 Protest and Revolution in Russia
The Revolution of 1905 Expansion continues Ottomans pushed back, 1870s New Slavic nations created Into Manchuria Defeated in Russo-Japanese war, Revolution, 1905

12 Protest and Revolution in Russia
The Revolution of 1905 Duma created Brute force didn’t work Minister Stolypin Agrarian reforms Peasants freed from redemption payments and village control Could by and sell more freely Kulaks buy land, increase production Duma stripped of power Peasants lose some rights Police repression continues

13 Russia and Eastern Europe
Other nations follow Russia Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece Parliaments End to serfdom Some industrialization Cultural revival Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Liszt Mendel, Pavlov

14 Japan: Transformation without Revolution
The Final Decades of the Shogunate Shogonate Alliance with daimyos, samurai Culture under the Tokugawa Thriving 1720 ban on western books ends Neo-Confucianism means more secular Variety of schools Terakoya- commoner schools Schools of Dutch Studies – interest on scientific advances. Dump Chinese culture By 1850s Economy slowing – related to lack of technology Rural riots aimed at landowners

15 The Challenge to Isolation
Commander Matthew Perry 1853, Japanese ports forced to open Followed by Russia, Britain, Holland Exterritorial Rights Shogunate bureaucrats Open doors reluctantly Foreigners resented, threatened retaliation Others want to end isolation Conservative daimyos for isolation

16 The Challenge to Isolation
Unrest Civil War1868 Samurai vs. Conservatives 1868, shogunate defeated Meiji restoration Emperor Mutsuhito (Meiji)

17 Industrial and Political Change in the Meiji State
Feudalism ended 1871 Appointed prefects (district administrators from other districts) State control over economy and society expanded Samurai officials to United States Study, promote change Goal- domestic development with diplomatic effort to pacify west , samurai class abolished Some find new roles Iwasaki Yataro: Mitsubishi – railroad and steamship lines Expanded into empire Tax on agriculture payable in money Army – national conscription – formal officer training and upgraded armaments

18 Industrial and Political Change in the Meiji State
Political reorganization Constitution, 1889 Bureaucracy insulated – civil service rather than patronage House of Peers patterned after GB Former nobles and Meiji leaders Diet 1889 Includes House of Peers lower house limited powers Very Conservative Emperor Commanded military directly Voting rights determined by property Only 5% elect lower house

19 Japan's Industrial Revolution
Westernization in other areas Banks and Education – United States Railways, steamships (state generated) Tariffs, guilds abolished Land reform for farmers Motivation for expansion Use of fertilizers and new techniques Ministry of Industry,1870 Oversaw all economic activity Model factories, shipyards, arsenals, Expansion of training, education, est. banks, post offices Tokyo Imperial Universtiy – agriculture department Zaibatsu, 1890s Industrial combines Depends on west for equipment, coal, other raw materials Silk production increases for export to west

20 Social and Diplomatic Effects of Industrialization
Population increase Better nutrition and medicine Culture Universal education Primary schools Stressed science, technology, Moral education Loyalty to “…the Imperial House, love of country, filial piety towards parents, respect for superiors…” Western dress adopted Hygiene, calendar, metric system Conversion to Christianity limited - Shintoism attracts new followers

21 Women in Japan Inferiority maintained Western Women bossy
Used in industry Silk sweatshops work done by hand Low wages Education University level for upper class

22 Social and Diplomatic Effects of Industrialization
Need for raw materials==New Imperialism War with China over Korea, Sino-Japanese War Forced to return territory to China Alliance with Britain, 1902 Sign of equality with western nations Russo Japanese War1904 over Manchuria and Korea Planned Japanese victory…superior navy Korea annexed, 1910

23 The Russo-Japanese War

24 The Strain of Modernization
Inter-generational debate Overcrowded cities Emperor’s ministers vs Diet Often dismissed, new election assassinations Nationalism strong Police repression for dissenters. Emperor worship

25 Japanese Colonial Expansion to 1914

26 Global Connections: Russia and Japan in the World
Russia increasingly involved in western European affairs Also in eastern Asia Japan Strongly industrialized Comes into conflict with China and Russia Raises fears in the west of Japanese aggression Yellow Peril

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