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The Equity Business Case Why Workforce Equity is Good for Business

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1 The Equity Business Case Why Workforce Equity is Good for Business
John Welch, Superintendent Denise Altheimer, Executive Director, Human Resources Melia LaCour, Executive Director, Equity in Education

2 Agency END and Commitment
Success for Each Child & Eliminate the Opportunity Gap Become an Antiracist Multicultural Organization State our business case is to close the opportunity gap. We believe in order to so, we need to work to become an ARMCO. This prepares our staff to expand their capacity to lead for racial equity by learning and adopt new skills and values to be able to change systems that result in equitable outcomes for students and families of color. Policy

3 Business Case Demographic shifts command and demand employer accountability of a diverse workforce. A diverse workforce improves decision making, problem solving and organizational creativity. A moral imperative to actively examine & remove systemic barriers to inclusive and equitable engagement of people of color. A social responsibility to a workforce that reflects the constituents and communities served. Students of color greatly benefit from seeing teachers, administrators, superintendents and other staff who look like them. Communities prosper when all members are respected, are able to access the economy and can authentically engage in civic life. It starts with our children.

4 Values Agency Principles & Practices Transforming Institutional Values
Values that govern employee engagement and accountability in support of the agency’s END and commitment. Transforming Institutional Values Values that cultivate terrain for anti-racist accountability to germinate within an organization.



7 Frameworks Antiracist Multicultural Organization Continuum
A mental model for assessing institutional conditions that maintain inequity. It describes three levels and six stages in the anti-racism multicultural development process. The stages are sequential - the learning and limitations of each stage contributes to the ability of the organization to move to the next stage. Road Map to Success/BUILD Foundational strategies to support student success in school readiness, high levels of achievement through K-12; and success in post-secondary education or career. Racial Equity Policy A Board adopted policy established to ensure the agency strives to become an Antiracist Multicultural Organization by changing policies, practices and procedures to eliminate opportunity gaps and achieve and sustain racial equity in education for each of its partner districts and Early Learning sites. PSESD's Theory of Change or foundational strategies are referred to as BUILD. B –Best Practices: Learn from each other by sharing best practices and replicating success U – Uphold Whole Child Tenets: Implement whold child strategies for healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged youth I – Instructional Core: Build capacity around the instructional core of effective teaching, relevant content and student engagement L – Lead with Racial Equity:Eliminate systemic racial inequities that impact student achievement and implement strategies that result in racially equitable outcomes. D – Data Informed: Understand our local educational issues and target needs In addition to the foundational strategies, PSESD staff engage in READY, ACHIEVE and SUCCEED targeted strategy work to support the 2020 Goal of Success for Each Child and Eliminate the Opportunity Gap.

8 Strategies Racial Equity Policy Implementation Plan Racial Equity Tool
A comprehensive set of strategies aligned to support the implementation of the agency’s Racial Equity Policy. Racial Equity Tool A vital tool for facilitating race-conscious analysis of proposed policies, practices or programs. The tool allows for a careful examination of the likely impacts of a policy proposal in order to eliminate disparities and foster racial equity and inclusion. Janice and Monte

9 Moving the Work into the ‘Bones’ of the Organization
Racial Equity Policy Executive Director of Equity in Education Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee Diversity Coaching Professional Learning Racial Equity Tool Caucusing Workforce Equity

10 Racial Equity Policy Work
Gathered input from staff Collaborated with external consultant Drafted administrative and Board policy Adopted Fall, 2014 Modeling the way for districts

11 Racial Equity Implementation Plan Strategic Directions
Assure the Cultural Proficiency of each Staff Member and Eliminate Barriers in Hiring, Retention of a Racially Diverse and Responsive Workforce High Impact and Equitable Services to Educational Partners Provide Equity Leadership for Educational Partners Collaborate with Stakeholders on an Equity Agenda Deeply Embed Equity Strategies into PSESD’s Organizational Culture and Hold Agency Leaders Accountable towards Goals

12 Workforce Equity Strategy
Data Evaluation Recruitment & Selection Framework Staff Development The Horizon

13 Data Evaluation Baseline Applicant Data
Baseline Workforce Demographics Measures of Progress New Hires, Internal Transfers, and Promotions Levels of Employment Turnover

14 Applicants with No Race Identified
Applied: Screened: Interviewed: 37 Hired: 8 (8%)

15 Recruitment & Selection Framework
Establishes policies, systems, and processes that reflect the organization’s values. Institutes processes to ensure fair and equitable hiring practices and decisions. Creates conditions for shared responsibility and mutual accountability. Provides professional development to hiring managers & staff to expand awareness of implicit bias & develop strategies to examine and interrupt. Evaluates candidates awareness and/or openness to understanding systemic issues related to race, poverty, etc. via Equity Interview Question.

16 Applicants with No Race Identified
Applied: Screened: 69 Interviewed: 26 Hired: 5 (6%)

17 Three-Year Comparison

18 Staff Development Develop and deliver a set of professional development aligned with agency END and commitment. Ongoing staff development via multiple avenues The Leadership Academy The Emerging Leaders Program Caucus Diversity Coaching Professional development and career goals incorporated into performance goal setting & evaluation process. New Employee Orientation includes induction to what it means to become an Antiracist Multicultural Organization.

19 On the Horizon Leadership Development & Professional Growth and Evaluation System Competency-based job descriptions Competency-based interview & selection process Competency-based goal setting & evaluation Hiring benchmarks Build from within and attract externally Retention strategies that reflect employee feedback - Stay Questionnaire Maintain a culture that ‘lives’ its values and commitments

20 Recruit, Hire, and Retain a Racially Diverse Workforce
Questions Recruit, Hire, and Retain a Racially Diverse Workforce

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