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1 2017

2 Terminology Internal Exams: Those set and assessed by Yarra Hills Secondary College Mid-Year Exams Unit 1 and 3 End of Year Exams: Unit 2 External Exams: Those set and administered by VCAA staff GAT End of Year Unit 3/4 Exams

3 Internal Exams Unit 1 and 3 Mid Year Internal Exams provide student with a valuable opportunity to: Practice VCAA Exams in an authentic environment Rules and Regulations and exam conduct Demonstrate Outcomes you may not have shown in SACs Although you cannot resit SACs, you may be able to show demonstration of required outcomes through mid-year exams Reflect on your current knowledge Revise for content covered much earlier in the year Identify strengths in your knowledge Identify weaknesses in your knowledge/skills moving forward

4 Timetable clashes For internal exams, “Clash” exams (where you have 2 exams scheduled at the same time), students will complete their second exam in the “Catch-Up” sessions at the end of the exam period. Students should see Mr Millott to notify of any clashes.

5 Arrival and Student Identification
Students should aim to arrive 30 minutes prior to the commencement of exams. Internal Exams: Rolls will be marked at the commencement of exams External Exams: Rolls will be marked approximately 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the exam When you present for an external exam, your identity will be checked – bring photographic ID (Compass Card, Drivers License)

6 Conduct of Written Examinations
Supervisors have the right to check materials brought by you into the exam – and will remove any non-compliant materials. For exams where extra materials are required (i.e Math (reference materials, calculators)) ensure these are compliant) These will be checked for external exams During reading time you may study the instructions for the exam, the question book and a dictionary/bound reference if these are permitted. You cannot begin to write or even mark your paper.

7 Conduct of Written Examinations
You must use a blue or black pen, unless otherwise indicated Some exams will have a multiple choice answer sheet. Follow the instructions for this sheet. You must cease writing when instructed. You must remain silent until you have left the examination venue. Disruptive behaviours will be reported to VCAA in external exams, and may be investigated.

8 Bottled Water You may bring bottled water into an examination room subject to the following conditions The water is in a transparent bottle (all labels removed) The water bottle has a secure lid The capacity of the bottle is no more than 1500mL Water bottles must not be placed on the table at any time Water bottles must not be refilled during the examination Water bottles must not be shared between students.

9 Mobile Phones and other Electronic Devices
Mobile phones and other unauthorised electronic communication devices, such as organizers, iPods, MP3 players, electronic dictionaries and computerized pens, stopwatches and watches that are capable of storing, receiving or transmitting information or electronic signals, are not permitted in an examination room under normal written examination conditions. Confiscated mobile phones and other devices may be held for up to three months by VCAA in external exams

10 Watches You will not be permitted to wear watches of any type during a written examination. All watches must be removed and placed at the top of your table, where they can be seen clearly and easily by supervisors. Stopwatches or watches with special functions, such as an alarm or a stopwatch, are not permitted in the examination room. If there is any doubt about the functions of your watch, supervisors are authorised to direct you to remove the watch from the table for the duration of the examination. The commencement of reading and writing times will be based on the clock time displayed in the examination room.

11 Calculators In exams where calculators are permissted, staff members will check the appropriateness of the calculator Calculators cannot be used during reading time Calculators that have graphic, symbolic or programmable capabilities may be used in specified Mathematics exams Ensure you have ample power – no batteries or power will be supplied You may not borrow a calculator from another student The calculator must be silent Refer to the exam navigator for a list of allowed calculators for particular external exams

12 Bound Materials - Math Some math exams allow a bound reference to be brought into the exam Students should discuss the specifics of bound references with their math teachers, including permissable and non-permissable materials.

13 Dictionaries Dictionaries are allowed for English and the English as an Additional Language (EAL) Exams.

14 Basic Stationary You are permitted to bring to the exam:
Pens Pencils Highlighters Erasers Sharpeners Rulers Pencil Cases cano only be brought into the exam if they are transparent White out/Correction Tape is NOT permissable.

15 VCAA Rules for Conduct of External Exams – other rules of note
10. Students must not bring into or possess in the examination room any drinks or food unless under special circumstances If you feel you have medical grounds for requiring foods/ medications, you must see Mr Millott immediately! 11. Students must not communicate (verbally/non-verbally while the assessment is being conducted 12. Student must not cause any annoyance to another student 14. Student cannot remove any response material from the room 16. Student must raise hand if they wish to communicate with a supervisor 17. Student must not leave their place unless directed/permitted to do so

16 Further Questions See the VCAA Exam Navigator, at
Special Examination Arrangements: See Mr Millott Subject Specific Questions See your subject teacher

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